Trump: Armed Citizens Remind Bad Guys That ‘Bullets Go Both Ways’


During the January 10 airing of Meet the Press, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump said armed citizens remind bad guys that “bullets go both ways.”

Trump’s statement came after host Chuck Todd asked Trump about moving from a favorable view of “some gun control” in the 1990s to one that is strongly anti-gun control now.

Trump admitted he used to hold different views in the 1990s, and said, “I’ve changed.” He then pointed to Ronald Reagan, who was “somewhat of liberal Democrat” before he saw the error of that position and moved toward conservatism. Trump talked about how Reagan was affected by observing things and said that he has been changed by observing things as well.

Trump then gave two examples that everyone can observe to recognize the foolishness of gun control. He said:

If in Paris or if in California recently, where the fourteen people were killed and probably others to follow–in terms of that group because you have some people who are very, very badly wounded–if in Paris they had guns or if in California [they had guns,] on the other side, where the bullets go both ways, not just in one direction. You wouldn’t have had the kind of carnage that you had.

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