‘Black Lives Matter’ Mob Shuts Down Democratic Candidates’ Speeches

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin
AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

A shouting, rude mob of “Black Lives Matter” activists shut down the speeches of two Democrat candidates for president at the NetRoots Nation convention of progressives on Saturday afternoon in Phoenix, Arizona.

Democrat attendees hoping to hear from Hillary Clinton’s presidential nomination challengers Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley where treated instead to a taste of the leftist activist technique of shouting down other people’s opinions.

The moment was iconic: the Democratic establishment getting a taste of their own medicine, as the Frankenstein monster of the Black Lives Matter movement that they helped create and promote turned on Democrat candidates, including self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders.

Angry, emotional Black Lives Matter activists took the stage to screech that black people are “in a state of emergency” over police violence, a position that has been shown to be statistically inaccurate but that led to violent clashes and riots in cities like Ferguson and Baltimore, where O’Malley served as mayor. As people shouted from the audience at him, O’Malley tried to respond but was continually shouted down.

Here’s how leftist publication National Journal described the fracas:

Several dozen activists burst into the Phoenix Convention Center meeting hall as former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley was 20 minutes into a planned 40-minute moderated discussion. They sang – “What side are you on, people, what side are you on?” — chanted, and eventually were given a microphone by conference organizers to ask O’Malley a question about police-involved violence.

“We hear you,” Netroots board member Cheryl Contee said from the stage. “Give the governor a chance to respond.”

O’Malley has been dogged by his record as Baltimore mayor since rioting there this year following the death of an unarmed black man in police custody. When his answer started describing some of his actions as mayor, the protesters began shouting him down again.

And when he said, “Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter,” the protesters roared in disapproval. O’Malley left the stage not long after.

According to National Journal, socialist Sanders fared no better:

When he was asked what his plan was to deal with police violence, he brought it back to a favorite topic of his, high unemployment in the black community, which he would solve with a trillion dollar program rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure.

That answer failed to satisfy the protesters, who continued shouting and chanting until moderator Jose Antonio Vargas told Sanders that they had to wrap it up. Sanders replied: “Okay, good.”

Both discussions were moderated by revered “Undocuqueer” leader and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas.

On his Facebook page, moderator Jose Antonio Vargas gave his thoughts on the event:

As a gay, undocumented person of color, I was not going to silence #‎BlackLivesMatter protestors joined by immigrant rights and LGBTQ rights activists. They had something urgent and necessary to say.

Then he immediately followed up by writing something that shows a lack of understanding between cause and effect:

I wish I had more time with both O’Malley and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. I particularly wanted to ask Sanders about his positions on gun control, climate change and LGBTQ and Native American rights.

Vargas apparently fails to get that the reason he didn’t have more time with O’Malley and Sanders is because he didn’t silence the #BlackLivesMatter activists who were there to shout them down.

The takeover performed a public service: it gave America a glimpse at the current state of Democrat leadership, as two presidential candidates and a respected Democrat voice on immigration showed themselves to be submissive and helpless in the face of loud, selfish activism intent on hijacking an event and ruining it for others.

Voters who are part of the “silent majority” will doubtlessly be asking themselves: if Democrats can’t tell a gang of Black Lives Matter activist anti-free speech thugs to sit down and shut up, how will they face real enemies like Iran, North Korea, and ISIS?

Watch the videos of the O’Malley and Sanders event takeovers:


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