MSNBC: Everytown Now Relegated To Keeping Count Of NRA Victories

(Johnny Hanson / AP
Johnny Hanson / AP

On March 27 MSNBC reported the number of states considering Campus Carry has grown so great that Everytown for Gun Safety has made “March Madness”-like brackets to keep up with what the NRA is accomplishing across the country.

Everytown labeled the brackets “NRA Madness” and is inviting interested persons to sign up and fill out the brackets with an X in the appropriate blanks as Campus Carry either passes or fails from state-to-state.

According to MSNBC, for everyone who signs up for “NRA Madness” Everytown will “send a postcard to the governors or state leaders in the targeted states, urging them to reject the measures.”

Everytown commented: “Campuses are already filled with intense academic pressure and drugs and alcohol are easy to come by in many places. Should we really really be adding guns into the mix?”

Everytown overlooked the fact that guns are already in the mix. The problem is, they are in the hands of petty criminals and those focused on sexually assaulting women–and these categories of persons will always have guns. So the proper response is to remove the gun free policies (that criminals ignore) and allow women with concealed carry licenses to keep their guns with them, thereby leveling the playing field.

Let us never forget, Sandy Hook Elementary was a gun free zone. Yet ultimately, it was only gun free for those who followed the law, not for Adam Lanza. By denying Campus Carry for law-abiding women we are simply repeating the failed scenario of Sandy Hook again and again.

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