Zach Dasher

Articles by Zach Dasher

A Christian Manifesto

A peculiar little man, with long shaggy hair and a white goatee, sat in the front row while Jerry Falwell invited the crowd of 4,000 and a television audience of several million to join in the singing of “Happy Birthday.”

Crucifixes and Collection Boxes

Is It Illegal to Evangelize?

So an evangelical evangelizing is now illegal? Some Southern Baptists may be finding out.


What Happened to Billy Ray Cyrus?

In a GQ article back in 2011, Billy Ray Cyrus lamented over his daughter Miley’s rebellious turn for the worse. At the time, Billy refused to attend his daughter’s 18th birthday because it was in a “bar.” Like any father would be, he was greatly disturbed by her lewd pole dancing and public drug use.
