Virginia Hale - Page 18

Articles by Virginia Hale

BBC: Should Pro-Life Campaigners Even Be Allowed Right of Protest?

“Should anti-abortion campaigners be banned from standing outside abortion centres and urging women to change their mind?” asks BBC News in a five-minute report. Visiting an abortion clinic in London, outside which pro-life activists have “campaigned for years”, Leila Nathoo asks

Abortion BBC

French Communists Plot to Tear Down Nation’s ‘Racist’ Heritage

“Is it right that Parisian streets bear the names of slavers and generals who made racist remarks?” asks a book to be published next month, whose veteran Communist authors hope will launch an all-out war on the riot-plagued French capital’s heritage.


Family Reunification ‘Promotes Parallel Societies’, Turkish Sociologist Warns

Turkish migration researcher and sociologist Necla Kelek has slammed left-wing parties’ insistence that migrants be allowed to import their families to Germany — an issue proving to be a major sticking point in coalition talks — warning that the phenomena leads to problems with “political Islam”.


UK: Police Letting Suspects Go And ‘Hoping For The Best’

Police are “letting [suspects] off with a warning and hoping for the best” because they can’t cope with the scale of the crime problem, a senior officer has warned. Since 2010, the number of custody cells has dropped by as
