Virgil: The Great Reset Continues — Facebook’s New Imperial Order
Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have been fashioning themselves into some sort of world state. But empires can rise as well as fall, and they can also be regulated.

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have been fashioning themselves into some sort of world state. But empires can rise as well as fall, and they can also be regulated.
An emphasis on distributing power according to ethnic and sexual categories is likely to boomerang at the ballot box for woke Democrats.
Now that Congress has passed its sixth Covid relief bill, we’ll be reopening any day now, right? The answer depends on where you live.
If Joe Biden thinks back to Jimmy Carter’s presidency—which Biden, of course, lived through—he might be more cautious about grandiose measures concerning energy.
The struggle to maintain American sovereignty now has a new flashpoint: the Network for Greening the Financial System.
Global elites are now eagerly embracing the new catchphrase “The Great Reset.” If we want to see the power of an ambitious idea when it’s injected into the global jet stream, we might consider the phrase “New World Order.”
Why would the city of Seattle hire a professed pimp, one Andre Taylor, to provide “alternatives to policing,” for which Taylor–a self-styled “Street Czar”–will be paid $150,000 a year?
Anti-Trump Deep Statists are still veiled behind their anonymity, but they are speaking more loudly and assertively through their pals in the media and in social media.
The fear, of course, is simple: Woke Is Broke. That is, ordinary Americans, especially on the right, won’t pay their hard-earned money to be criticized, even insulted, by the players.
Virgil conducts an imaginative interview with Saul Alinsky, questioning Alinsky on each of his 13 ‘Rules for Radicals.’
It seems as though the Democrats have found a clever way of taking credit for fighting racism while actually, in fact, grabbing power for themselves.
As we seek to chronicle everything, we can pause to observe that at one time or another—oftentimes, in fact, for thousands of years—virtually every society on the planet has been a slave-holding society. Indeed, it’s entirely possible that just about every human being on the planet today is the descendant both of slaves, and of slave-holders.
The American people are going to have to stand up for their public monuments, their history, and quite possibly for their very lives against the excesses of the new Woke religion.
Virgil first wrote about the Deep State in December 2016, and he first wrote about the Michael Flynn case in January 2017—and yet he didn’t know the half of it.
The stars are aligning for a major infrastructure bill. President Donald Trump is in favor of it, top Democrats are supportive—and even significant voices in the media are on the train.
On March 27, the object of presidential ire was Massie, who took it upon himself to delay passage of the CARES Act, the lifeline the economy needs in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.
The Titanic proved not to be seaworthy, and the Bloomberg is proving not to be White House-worthy.
If the ads project an Oz-like image of Bloomberg that can’t be sustained—because soon enough, somebody will pull back the curtain—then the ads are misconceived, perhaps even counterproductive.
It’s an article of faith inside the Bernie Sanders campaign that the Democratic establishment is going to do everything it can to stop the Vermonter from winning the Democratic nomination this year.
President Trump has made quite a few changes to the administration since his February 5 acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial.
Is Jeff Bezos just unfaithful or is he also an international provocateur? The answers to these questions are important, because Bezos is not only the richest man in the world; he’s also one of the world’s most powerful corporate and media chieftains.
The billionaires convened at Davos, Switzerland, are getting all the attention this week, but behind the scenes, the Deep State of the European Union is tireless in its efforts to undermine populist nationalist governments on behalf of George Soros’ “Woke Capital” empire.
In April 1994, veteran D.C. think-tanker Edward Luttwak, writing in the London Review of Books, argued that trade deals such as NAFTA were hollowing out Middle America—and that the elite didn’t either notice or care.
Virgil has used his powers to channel the thinking of Bill Clinton: “My misdirection plan is working well.”
By recalling George Mason’s definition of impeachment, back in the 18th century, but not recalling that Mason’s definition was rejected at the time, the Democrats are doing some misleading language-chopping.
Virgil channels the thinking of former President Richard Nixon as he watches the latest impeachment hearings.
The Ukraine investigation is far from over. Indeed, by the time it is over—or when the essential facts, at least, are clear enough—the skullduggery of the last decade might start to resemble the skullduggery of the 1940s.
As Democrats ride onto a political battlefield—The Battle of Impeachment—perhaps they are now wishing they had started their mission with more situational awareness.
We’ve learned a lot from the National Basketball Association’s kowtow to the People’s Republic of China. Here are five key takeaways.
Today Americans are seeing the distressing spectacle of huge American corporations kowtowing to a new kind of emperor, Xi Jinping, and his Chinese Communist Party.
The bad news is that the swampy reality of the Bidens is there beneath our nose. The good news is that it’s not quite so hidden anymore.
Impeachment pursuits, such as the one we’re seeing today over the White House “whistleblower,” have proven that Democrats must stay on message, or be defeated.
Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis is a thoughtful fellow, even if his interpretation of the “rules-based international order” shows a certain lack of vision.
Although the left likes to say it opposes corporate power, when the big corporation in question is doing the left’s work—in this case, AT&T owning and supporting CNN—much of the left sings a different tune.
In Washington, DC, on May 9, Jeff Bezos introduced his vision for humanity’s future trek to space.
If we are suitably wired in—as just about everyone is nowadays—we might not just be watching the show, we could actually be the show.
President Trump takes Twitter seriously. After all, he can boast of having almost 60 million Twitter followers, and he has tweeted more than 41,000 times. Still, it was interesting to see, on the morning of April 23, that he tweeted out some considerable thoughts on the social-media platform
Every time Joe Biden appears on NBC, or MSNBC, or one of the other media channels owned by Comcast, there ought to be a disclaimer that reads, “The executives of this company have given money to Joe Biden—and some of them have even gone to work for him.”
Those of us who are fascinated by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ war against The National Enquirer—and also against the government of Saudi Arabia and the Trump administration—now have more to be fascinated by, thanks to a scoop in Bezos’ newspaper, The Washington Post.
When it comes time to rebuild Notre-Dame, what will happen when our newly revived reverence for its Christian grandeur collides with the determined irreverence of political correctness?