Steven Crowder - Page 3

Articles by Steven Crowder

'Flag Yourself!' Campaign (With Ann Coulter)

I know the video isn’t as “funny” (i.e.: immature) as many of my previous installments, but when you get incredible dames like Ann Coulter to take part, it pays to not tarnish their good names with my shennanigans. [youtube 469mLTVcWlQ

Throwing Down With the Governator

Before all of you Californians get upset, be sure to ask yourself… Is there anything being said in this video that’s untrue? Besides, Arnold is the one telling it like it is, so you’re beef is with the big Austrian…

Where's My Stimulus Money?!

It seems that a lot of people have completely forgotten about the billions of tax-payer dollars that have already been spent. Don’t you worry folks, I’ve got you covered. Steve the P.A. from Iowa and I hightailed it across the

Must-See Undercover Exposé of Socialized Healthcare!

If you’re like most asinine leftists, you’ve probably been a long time advocate of “Universal Healthcare” without ever having had the opportunity to experience the crappy, decrepit system first-hand… Well here’s your chance… And you better hold on tight, Buttercup,

Lonewolf Diaries: Shut Up and Do Your Job, Dipstick!

Entitlement. It’s a silly notion. Almost as silly as the idea of “homophobes” or the “whitey,” yet it is still an idea that permeates the minds of much of America’s lower and middle classes today. Truth be told, I’m getting

Obama and North Korea: Featuring Lil' KimJong

I’m sure many leftists will assume me a racist because of this one. I shan’t lie… I find Kim Jong Il’s accent incredibly funny, and won’t apologize for it. Also, before you start worrying about the legal ramifications, Lil KimJong

Lonewolf Diaries: Marriage Is for Suckers and Ugly Folk

If you’ve been taking notes from such brilliant minds as Bill Maher, Cameron Diaz or ever taken a moment to observe Hollywood in the past few decades, you’d know that marriage is a dead institution. I mean, who gets married

News That Matters: Iran, North Korea, Perez Hilton?

I consider myself to be a man with my priorities in order. That’s why I’m so satisfied with the mainstream media’s ability to cover all of the right affairs. Let’s face it, Iran will always be a quagmire. Let’s put

Troopathon 2009: A Truth About Our Troops

I’m a pansy when compared to the men and women of the United States military. I know it, you know it and most likely they know it. Yet, surprisingly, the majority of encouraging letters I receive on a daily basis

Lonewolf Diaries: Why 'Gayness' Can Be Funny

I’m sure that I’ll get some heat for this, but I feel it is timely to say… Folks, it’s okay to find flamboyant homosexuality funny. Somewhere along the “common sense line,” people have started to equate the ability to find

Embryonic Stem Cell FUN! (Crazy Pete Returns)

I know that embryonic stem cell research can be a touchy subject, so I opted to handle this one with both sensitivity and tact. Those are just the ABC’s of me. However, the truth of the matter is that our

Lonewolf Diaries: Republicans Need to Grow a Sense of Humor

Yes, you’ve read correctly. To all of you GOP types playing the “offended” card on a daily basis… Prepare to have your feelings hurt, because according to my carefully calculated research… Republicans need to shut up and laugh a little.

Everyday Normal Republicans (With Special Guest: Zo!)

Andrew Breitbart hit the nail on the head when he said that, “Conservatives have allowed Liberals to portray us in the media for far too long,” (Or something to that effect. I can’t remember because I was on a pop-tart

Lonewolf Diaries: Europe Sucks. There, I Said It.

Yes, you heard me. “Screw Europe,” I say to you. With all of this “repairing of international relations” going on, the press (along with every “Green Day Liberal” in the Western hemisphere) seem to be getting quite giddy. Finally we’ll

When Keith Olbermann Attacks

It takes a big man to admit when he’s been bested. I have to say however, that after this one I had to walk away with my head hanging in shame. You win this round, Mr Olbermann… You win this

Lonewolf Diaries: Obama is North Korea's Little Punk

We all know that Kim Jong-il is “buy-yourself-a-handgun” crazy. It’s pretty much a given. That begs the question however: why is anybody (particularly our president) even considering trying to tiptoe around this shady, marionette-looking character? Am I the only one

Lonewolf Diaries: All Christians are Serial Killers

I’m tired of ignoring the elephant in the room, so I’ll just come out and say it. Christians are corny, out of touch, lonely creepers who generally end up becoming murderers or rapists…. At least that’s what Hollywood’s taught me.

'The Dark Pelosi' (With Waterboarding!)

Sure this one’s been a long time coming, and with everything that’s been going on, how could I NOT make a video about the twitchy old bird. It isn’t enough that she’d been undermining our administration for years, now she’s

Lonewolf Diaries: Barack Obama is "Not My President"

I know, I know. It’s cliche and trust me, I hated the punks/celebrities who wore those slogan t-shirts throughout the Bush administration as much as the rest of you. The day Obama was elected, like many of you I told

Happy Prayer Day! (Featuring the ACLU)

I still can’t decide which is silliest; a person believing in a God who “isn’t there,” or a person offended by a God whom he doesn’t believe exists. It’s a tough question, but I’m sure Janeane Garofalo has the answer…

Lonewolf Diaries: Silly Dames of 'The View'

Honestly, I don’t get it. If there is a more under-qualified, un-interesting group of female hacks available for hire… Well I certainly haven’t found them. Ever since my grade school days as I mastered the art of “faking sick” and

Steven's Epic Journey (The "Good" Liberal List)

Very rarely does an artist open himself up to the point of being vulnerable. However, during these uncertain times, it is necessary to take risks for the sake of art. Picasso had his brush, Beethoven had his piano and I

Lonewolf Diaries: Time to Body Check Obama

I was back in junior high when my dad used this unforgettable analogy: “The role of the government is similar to that of a hockey referee. His job is to keep the players safe and keep the pace of the

R.I.P. Perez Hilton! (Featuring Perez Hilton)

Oh Perez Hiton… What will you do next? If my recent column took aim at “Perez Hilton the PR stunt,” this video addresses “Perez Hilton the man.” In a nutshell; Perez Hilton is the epitome of everything that is wrong

Lonewolf Diaries: Appreciate My Indifference to Your Sexuality

There, I said it. I can appreciate one’s creativity, I can appreciate one’s work ethic, I can appreciate one’s mental fortitude, but I cannot (and shouldn’t be required to) appreciate someone’s sexuality. Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t believe that

Obama the Pee Wee!

What do you get when you combine a spineless president and a cabinet of cronies with some 80’s pop culture references? … Well it pretty much turns out like this. — [youtube mwzEx0t-cmA nolink] With that being said, Paul Reubens’

Lonewolf Diaries: "Violence Doesn't Solve Problems…"

… Bull Crap. Listen, violence freed the slaves, took down the axis of evil and still manages to fix every remote control that I’ve ever owned. More recently, the use of force quickly brought an end to the escapades of

Silly Canadians! (Featuring Jean-Pierre Lafitte)

Watching this video, I know that many of you will have a few questions; “Canadians dislike Americans?”, “Why do they speak so weirdly?” and of course “… There’s a country to the North of us?” As merely a half-Canuck, I’m

Lonewolf Diaries: My Formal American Apology

I’ll be the first to say it; Barack Obama’s G20 speech inspired me over the past week… I tell you no lies. In the spirit of his apologetic, butt-kissing extravaganza, I felt compelled to make some additional apologies on behalf

Joe FREAKING Biden! (Featuring Rain Man)

On November 4th, 2008, when I realized that Joe Biden was going to be the next Vice President of the United States, I swear that I could hear “Taps” playing faintly in the distance. There’s no used crying over spilled

Lonewolf Diaries: Who'd Win in a Fight (Celebrity Match-ups)?

Many of you may not know this, but before my Hollywood escapades I was once the world’s most sought after fight analyst. By “sought after,” I mean that I was swiftly escorted off of The Fertitta Brothers property with a

The Obama Song! (Official Version)

I’m the first to admit it; Music is not my “forte.” However, due to the staggering number of misinformed Americans, I decided to employ some Child Education/Propaganda tactics in the latest video. Plus, everyone likes Billy Joel! Well except for

Lonewolf Diaries: Why Atheism is a "Mental Handicap"

Notice how I avoided using the word “Retarded?” I’ve seen that many conservatives have developed a sudden hyper-sensitivity for the disabled this week, so I’ve opted to tread lightly. The truth is that atheism is literally a “retarded” philosophy in

Torture and Gitmo! (Featuring Steven's Beheading)

I hate to say it, but we’re officially becoming a nation of sissies with radical leftists leading the cause. Tipping our hand to the enemy and openly “banning torture” defies all logic and denies the history of war. Now, before