Steve Hantler: Darrell Issa Is the True Trump Conservative in CA-50
Darrell Issa is the conservative running in California’s 50th congressional district who can be trusted to support the Trump agenda.

Darrell Issa is the conservative running in California’s 50th congressional district who can be trusted to support the Trump agenda.
The surging outsider campaign of Trump-backed, conservative Rep. Ron DeSantis for Governor of Florida continues to draw fire from entrenched, establishment interests. Last week witnessed the launching of a ridiculous new tv ad which aims to smear the man they
It’s one thing to cry “witch hunt.” It’s another when you find the broomsticks.
Armed with endorsements from President Donald Trump, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, Conservative Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has vaulted to the top of the Florida governor’s race — and that has special interests squirming.
Suppose you can be removed from office for uncharged, unproven incidents that occurred before you ever took office.
The old saying is true: you can indict a ham sandwich. Actually, it’s even worse: you can indict for a dream about a ham sandwich.
The prosecutor’s name is Ronald Sullivan, and he comes to Missouri by way of Harvard, where he is a professor of law.
It wasn’t enough that, years ago, George Soros fanned the flames of anti-police protests in Ferguson, Missouri. Now he’s back to his old antics: bankrolling a prosecutor to go after a popular, conservative Republican governor, Eric Greitens.
CNN’s star source in a recent hit piece against Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens is a relentless political harasser with a potential axe to grind.
I am not now and have never been a gun owner. I would support a ban on assault weapons if constitutional and depending on the definition of “assault weapon.” I do not, however, support and vehemently oppose the blatant cover-up of the cause of the tragedy in Orlando.
America needs more elected officials who have “signed the front and back of a paycheck,” and know what government regulations and taxes can do to kill job creation. Regulations and taxes impact more than jobs. Brann knows that they also impact his employees and customers, his future constituents, who are struggling in this difficult economy to pay all of their bills.
The political class is striking back at the new breed of conservative outsiders seeking to pry the self-serving fingers of the political class from the levers of power at the federal and state levels.
Paul Mitchell is a successful business leader and job creator who is running for Michigan’s 10th Congressional District seat.
Serious problems require serious leaders, not career politicians or Washington insiders. We need to identify people with solid experience in national security or job creation, or both, and encourage them to run for local, state and national offices. This is the first in a series of columns about such people. One of the best is Missouri candidate for governor Eric Greitens.