Rabbi Shmuley: The ‘Two-State Solution’ is the ‘Final Solution’
For Israel, a two-state solution is a final solution. There is no possibility of Israel’s continuity with a Palestinian state alongside it.

For Israel, a two-state solution is a final solution. There is no possibility of Israel’s continuity with a Palestinian state alongside it.
TEL AVIV, Israel – We arrive early Thursday morning for our son Yosef’s wedding in Israel. He is a soldier in an elite combat unit, but he has been given a leave of absence for his wedding. He is not on the Gaza border, thank God. His older brother, who had been called up immediately while the October 7th massacre was ongoing, is not as lucky and is stationed right by Israel’s worst enemies.
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) fled Israel when the rockets started falling — rockets paid for by Iran, thanks to the nuclear deal he supported.
By unmasking their waning support for Jews and Israel, Kennedy threatens Democrats Wassermann Schultz and Gottheimer as much as he does Joe Biden.
We must take to the airwaves to demand accountability from elected officials to protect the Jewish community and to never excuse any form of antisemitism.
Never in my life did I witness American soldiers die the way 13 U.S. servicemembers did last Thursday.
The strength of the Orthodox Jewish family, admired throughout the world should tell you this: Husbands and wives are deeply connected through strong erotic attachments and profound sexual ecstasy.
What Cuomo failed to recognize is that faith is a vaccine for hopelessness and worship an antibody against despair. People need to believe that they’re going to live.
Those who said Trump would be the next Hitler should acknowledge that they were wrong, even if they want to vote for the alternative.
The decision of the Nobel committee should be based on which person did the most to ensure that there is less war and greater peace. That is Trump.
For us Jews, the anniversary of the end of World War II is pregnant with meaning, as it marks the end of the Holocaust, the greatest crime in world history.
It is particularly sad that in a time when we need to pull together and support and protect humanity from a deadly virus sweeping the world, the Guardian and Bramesco trade in such extreme hate.
This is the time for young people to prove they can be the next “greatest generation.” They can lead the fight against coronavirus — instead of partying through it.
When China was a place free from coronavirus but riddled with dictatorship, human rights abuses, and political oppression, no one had any problem visiting and doing business with it.
But Cory’s stunning unfaithfulness in abandoning the world’s only Jewish state is now being rewarded by AIPAC which, in an act of mystifying absurdity, has honored him with the opportunity to address 18,000 pro-Israel activists in Washington, DC.
When it comes to the world’s one and only Jewish state, Israel is really “feeling the Bern.” And not in a good way.
If AIPAC can apologize to the Democratic party for a mistake they made on Facebook, they can apologize to President Donald Trump for a mistake they made before 20,000 of their members.
While many Iranian officials have threatened genocide, Qasem Suleimani was actually tasked with it. Trump brought him to justice.
President Trump, unlike his predecessor, put Iran’s regime on the defensive. Now is no time to let them off the hook.
President Donald Trump once again proved his unequaled friendship with Israel earlier this month when his administration declared that the Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”) was not illegal.
Israel would be making a catastrophic error were Ron Dermer to be replaced after September — especially because of a technicality in Israeli election law.
Many have long suspected that there is a cultural siege on Holocaust memory. The events of the last month, however, have all but proven it.
It’s time for Cory to condemn the disgusting antisemitism of Louis Farrakhan and make clear he will never legitimize a man who believes in the greatness of Hitler by breaking bread with him.
The dance of the modern antisemite revolves mostly around implying a bias against Jews without exactly stating it.
For the millions of American Jews beginning to register the expanse of antisemitism in their own home, the New York Times didn’t just ‘blow it.’ They’re actively helping to “grow it.”
The truth is it isn’t hard to understand why the Trump administration might depart from the traditional notion of peace-by-two-states; it’s simply a non-solution.
Ultimately, Kofi Annan made indifference to evil a hallmark of his executive tenure at the UN. His example must not be repeated.
Cory Booker must explain his waning support for the Jewish State and Israel’s security, which has American Jewry saddened, perplexed, and alarmed.
It is not for me to say why Roseanne sent the tweet or what was in her heart. It is for me to say that Roseanne seeks to repent and make amends.
President Donald J. Trump has rid America of the shame of the Iran nuclear deal, which completely overlooked all of Iran’s sins.
Natalie Portman’s cowardly decision to abandon Israel as it is fighting a war with terrorists trying to overrun its border is shocking and hypocritical.
Poland’s restrictive Holocaust law must be abolished so that misunderstandings can be addressed honestly and Polish-Jewish relations can improve.
A future Saudi king who is speaking of Israel’s right to exist, who is beginning to allow flights to Israel to fly over his territory, who is condemning the funding of terror groups like Hamas and the Muslim brotherhood, and who is speaking openly of Jews living in his land, deserves to be taken seriously and deserves to be engaged.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to Washington to meet President Donald Trump last week, and was lauded for many of the reforms he is undertaking in Saudi Arabia. Many of these, such as improving the rights of women, are commendable, but the country still has a long way to go in the area of human rights.
On March 8, the World Values Network will honor Caitlyn Jenner as a champion of Israel at our Sixth Annual Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala, honoring men and women who stand up for human rights, fight genocide, and promote human dignity.
We are at a historic moment when the Iranian regime can be destroyed. Obama let the moment pass in 2009. President Trump and other world leaders cannot.
It’s so sad to see a pop star like Lorde going over to the dark side of bigotry and antisemitism at such a young age.
Donald Trump is not perfect and I have offered my share of criticism. But to overlook the incredible friendship he continues to show Israel and Jewish people is to violate the core Jewish principle of gratitude.
During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump pledged that he would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv. He has now made a courageous announcement making good on his campaign promise.
The new Saudi Crown Prince is startling the world with his seeming willingness to reform his country, moderate Islam, cease funding of terror, and send subtle yet public signals to the Jewish community.