Seth Mitchell

Articles by Seth Mitchell

REVIEW: 'The Cartel' is a Damning Expose of Public Education

Despite the fact that the United States spends more per student on education than any other nation in the world, students of the American educational system have scored well below average on worldwide rankings of mathematical and literacy proficiency. Why

'Soraya M.': Shaping Hollywood with Our Wallets

Last week, I finally saw “The Stoning of Soraya M.” at a special screening. The film tells the haunting and disturbing tale of an innocent Iranian woman murdered in cold blood in a tyrannical society. It has been reviewed numerous

REVIEW: 'Tea Party: A Documentary Film' Leave You Wanting More

As readers of Big Hollywood well know, 2009 was the year of the Tea Party. The masses of racist, xenophobic, rich, white, astro-turfers screamed and yelled at our helpless political leaders while clinging to their over-sized guns…oh, sorry I was

'33 Minutes' and the Importance of Missile Defense

A missile is fired from the a distant nation, heading for your city; in only 33 minutes or less, that missile will find its target. Such is the premise of the Heritage Foundation’s aptly named documentary, “33 Minutes.” The film

Nobel Peace Prize: At What Cost?

On Friday, America woke to the shocking news that Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize. While there was universal agreement on both sides of the aisle that our President did not earn this award for any actual accomplishments;

Wolves in Conservative Clothing

Why is it that when liberals want to advocate their ideas before the American public, they suddenly take on conservative language and become completely disingenuous about their intentions? Democrats always claim to have the better ideas when it comes to

Karl Rove: Shining a Light in the Wilderness

Last Tuesday evening I was privileged to attend a dinner at which Karl Rove was the keynote speaker. The event was put on by the Heritage Foundation, the premiere conservative think tank of Washington, DC, of which I am proud

Leftist Nihilism Strikes the Hollywood Comedy

We all know that for decades Hollywood has been creating preachy, leftist films all with the sole intention of annoying conservatives. Conservatives have responded with numerous complaints, and then with complacency. We now tend to ignore the liberal themes and