Reuters - Page 4

Articles by Reuters

Israeli Jews, Muslims Puzzled by French ‘Burkini’ Brouhaha

In Israel, where it is fair to say Muslims and Jews do not always agree, there is shared confusion and surprise at events across the Mediterranean: the push by French mayors to ban full-body swimsuits, or “burkinis”, on beaches.

Burkini Muslims beach france

3,000 Year Old Treasures Dated to the Time of King David Unveiled

The Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem offered a unique preview on Monday of an exhibition showcasing 3,000 year-old artifacts recovered from Khirbet Qeiyafa which archaeologists believe could be the biblical city of Sha’arayim, meaning ‘Two Gates’, that is mentioned in the story of the battle of David and the Philistine giant, Goliath.

The Associated Press

German Govt Piles Pressure on Facebook To Censor MORE Content

BERLIN (Reuters) – The German government wants Facebook <FB.O> to be more proactive in monitoring and, if necessary, removing forbidden as well as offensive content from its social network platform. Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere visited Facebook’s offices in Berlin

mark zuckerberg angela merkel

Turkey Ratchets Up Syria Offensive, Says Warplanes Hit Kurdish Militia

KARKAMIS, Turkey – Rebels supported by Turkey fought Kurdish-backed forces in north Syria on Saturday, as Ankara ratcheted up its cross-border offensive by saying it had launched air strikes against both Kurdish forces and ISIS. Turkey’s government, which is fighting

The aerobatic demonstration team of the Turkish Air Force and the national aerobatics team

Russia to Work With US on Response to Syria Gas Attacks Report

Russia said on Thursday it is prepared to work with the United States at the United Nations on how to respond to a report that blamed Syrian government forces for two chlorine gas attacks and ISIS militants for using sulfur mustard gas.

Militant website via AP

Iranian Vessels ‘Harass’ U.S. Destroyer in High Speed Intercept

(Reuters) Four vessels from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) “harassed” a U.S. destroyer on Tuesday by carrying out a “high speed intercept” in the vicinity of the Strait of Hormuz, a U.S. defense official said on Wednesday.

One of the five military vessels from Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps that approached a U

Palestinians Take Tentative Step Toward Local Elections

Palestinian political parties began registering candidates for municipal elections on Wednesday, the first step in years toward a democratic vote but one that threatens to re-inflame tensions between the rival Fatah and Hamas movements.

Palestinian poll officials tally the votes at a polling station in the West Bank city of R

Former Aston Villa Player Killed by Police Taser

LONDON (Reuters) – Tributes poured in for former English premier league striker Dalian Atkinson on Monday after he died when police fired a high-voltage Taser stun-gun at him during an incident in his home town. West Mercia police said officers

Dalian 2

Turkish PM: No Compromise With U.S. Over Gulen Extradition

ISTANBUL – Turkey’s prime minister said on Saturday that Ankara could not compromise with the United States over its request for the extradition of Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen which it blames for orchestrating last month’s attempted coup.

Fethullah Gulen

Jonathan Pollard Loses Challenge to U.S. Parole Conditions

Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. Navy intelligence officer convicted of spying for Israel, on Thursday lost a bid to overturn restrictive probation conditions imposed when he was released in November after serving 30 years in prison.

Jonathan Pollard

Bomb Attacks, Cross-Border Fire Kill 13 in Southeast Turkey

Bomb blasts in two cities in southeast Turkey killed nine civilians and wounded dozens on Wednesday, security sources said, blaming the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) for the coordinated attacks targeting police.

AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis

Clinton’s Lead Over Trump Narrows To Less Than Three Points

(Reuters) – Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s lead over Republican rival Donald Trump narrowed to less than 3 percentage points, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Friday, down from nearly eight points on Monday. About 42 percent of

Clinton's Lead

Top London Cop Warns Terror Attack Is ‘When, Not If’ Scenario

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain cannot be fully protected against terrorism and an attack similar to those seen recently in mainland Europe is a question of “when, not if,” London’s police chief said on Sunday. The warning by Metropolitan Police Commissioner


Netanyahu Celebrates Warming Ties With Sisi’s Egypt

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday praised warming relations with Egypt and its president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who ousted an Islamist government seen as hostile to ties between the neighbors.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

Turkish Authorities Dismiss Military Personnel, Shut Media Outlets

Turkey has dismissed nearly 1,700 military personnel and closed more than 130 media outlets, official sources said on Wednesday, amid a deepening crackdown that has stirred alarm among Ankara’s NATO allies following this month’s failed coup.

Riot police, left, force their way through a gate to enter the headquarters of opposition

UK Economy Picks Up Speed, Defying Predictions of Brexit Wobble

LONDON – Britain’s economy picked up during a second quarter that concluded with the vote to leave the European Union, helped by the biggest upturn in industrial production since 1999, according to official data on Wednesday. Second-quarter gross domestic product grew

David Cameron Visits A Manufacturing Business To Discuss The EU Referendum

German Military Trains Over 100 Syrian Migrants

BERLIN (Reuters) – The German military is training more than 100 Syrian migrants for civilian roles suited to helping the eventual reconstruction of their country, Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen said in remarks released ahead of publication on Sunday.


Munich: Strict Gun Control Germany Sets Sights On More Restrictions

BERLIN (Reuters) – Senior German officials on Sunday called for a review of Germany’s already strict gun laws after Friday’s deadly shooting in Munich that claimed the lives of nine people and the gunman, a deranged 18-year-old who was obsessed


61 Dead, 200 Wounded in Kabul Attack Claimed By Islamic State

Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide attack in the Afghan capital Kabul on Saturday that killed at least 61 people and wounded more than 200 when it tore through a demonstration by members of the mainly Shia Hazara minority.

The Associated Press

Europe Eyes Israeli Technologies for Spotting Terrorists Online

European powers are trying to develop better means for pre-emptively spotting “lone-wolf” militants from their online activities and are looking to Israeli-developed technologies, a senior EU security official said on Tuesday.

security camera

Europe’s Eyes On Merkel To Rebuild EU After Brexit Vote

When the chips are down in Europe, everyone turns to Angela Merkel for a solution. But the German chancellor often sits on her hands until the last minute, then does the minimum necessary to keep the show on the road.

British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a dono

UK Opens ‘Very Fruitful’ Trade Talks With Canada, Says Minister

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain opened “very fruitful” trade talks with Canada on Friday, International Trade Secretary Liam Fox told the Sunday Times newspaper as he prepares to renegotiate Britain’s commercial ties following its vote last month to leave the European Union.

Canadian-style democracy