Reason TV - Page 4

Articles by Reason TV

Atlas Shrugged Part I's Makers Speak! Q&A with Producers & Actor

Released April 15, 2011, Atlas Shrugged Part I has been predictably panned by reviewers and wildly embraced by audiences. At the movie-review site Rotten Tomatoes, just 8 percent of critics give a thumbs up, compared to 85 percent of moviegoers.

Atlas Shrugged Part I's Makers Speak! Q&A with Producers & Actor

Released April 15, 2011, Atlas Shrugged Part I has been predictably panned by reviewers and wildly embraced by audiences. At the movie-review site Rotten Tomatoes, just 8 percent of critics give a thumbs up, compared to 85 percent of moviegoers.

Ask a Mexican Already! Q&A with Gustavo Arellano

Since 2004, Gustavo Arellano has written the wildly popular – and wildly politically incorrect – Ask a Mexican! column in the OC Weekly. In each installment, the California-born Arellano answers reader queries about Mexican-American mores that rarely come up in

47 Ways to Say 'IRS'…What Do Those Initials Really Stand For?

The “Internal Revenue Service” is such a bland name for an agency that stirs so much passion. With Tax Day just around the corner, the time is right to figure out what the initials “IRS” really stand for. WARNING: Immature

Video: Behind the Scenes of 'Atlas Shrugged'

Ed. Note: Here’s how you can find “Atlas Shrugged” at a theatre near you. Here’s how you can request it be shown in your town. “Who is John Galt?” On the week Atlas Shrugged Part 1 hits the theaters, Bernie Sanders' War on Chinese Bobbleheads!

In the midst of a massive fiscal crisis, a take-no-prisoners budget battle, a historically long recession, and two (make that three) wars, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) knows what really matters. He’s pushing the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. to only

Why Aren't the Rich Paying 50 Percent in Taxes?

Tax Day (April 18) is fast approaching, which means anxiety and night sweats for about 99 percent of us. And bitching and moaning by those at the top of the income pyramid about how they aren’t forced to pay even The Tea Party vs. John Boehner

The Tea Party held a rally outside the Capitol Building last week to demand that congressional Republicans demand significant cuts in federal spending. The outlook is bad. House Republicans are fighting to hold on to the $61 billion in spending

The Green Regulation Machine: Saving the Planet or Killing Jobs?

When Dwayne Whitney started his trucking business decades ago he had only one truck. Today he has eighteen and 20 employees. But that’s about to change. “The State of California says my trucks are killing people,” says Whitney. “What do LA Food Police Ban Burger Joints – Is Your City Next?

First Lady Michelle Obama hopes to curb childhood obesity by teaching children about nutrition and exercise. “There’s no expert on this planet who says that the government telling people what to do actually does any good with this issue,” she Walter Williams – Up From the Projects

In 1981, Secretary of Health Education and Welfare Patricia Harris wrote in the Washington Post that libertarian economists Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell are “middle class” so they “don’t know what it is to be poor.” In fact, Williams grew

Social Security, Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dogg, & Sen. Alan Simpson

It’s easy to laugh at former Sen. Alan Simpson’s bizarre malapropisms on Your World With Neil Cavuto. The Wyoming Republican appeard on the Fox News show earlier this week in his capacity as co-chairman of Barack Obama’s National Commission on

Nanny of the Month (Feb 2011): Would-Be Brothel Banner Sen. Harry Reid!

Last month’s Nanny tackled the “scourge” of distracted walking, and this month’s runners-up have their sights set on banning big-leaguers from dipping and toddlers from talking. But top dishonors go to the nanny from Nevada who’s picking a fight with

To Surly, With Love: Are Teachers Overpaid?

Public school teachers are at the forefront of protests against state budget cuts and restrictions on collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin, New Jersey, Ohio, and elsewhere. Teachers have a lot to lose. According to Department of Education statistics, in 2007-2008

Raising the Debt Limit: It Just Makes Sense. Not.

Some say the world will end in fire and some say in ice. But in Washington, a lot of people say it will end if we don’t continually raise the debt ceiling. The statutory debt limit, or debt ceiling, represents

Why It's So Hard to Make a Movie: Q and A with Filmmaker Joe Gressis

Tonight’s Academy Awards ceremony will be held in Hollywood as usual, but it’s increasingly common for Hollywood films to be produced outside California or even outside the United States. Filmmaker Joe Gressis isn’t surprised when Hollywood productions leave the Golden

Budget-Battle Showdowns: Coming Soon to a Statehouse Near You!

Wisconsin. Ohio. Michigan. New Jersey. New York. Budget-battle showdowns are coming soon to a statehouse near you. Thousands of angry school teachers, union members, and their sympathizers have descended on capitals to fight against reducing pay and benefits for public

Academy Awards Alert! Why You Might Be a Fashion Criminal

Say you don’t have the dough to add the fashions you see at Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony to your closet. If you buy knockoffs instead, are you shopping smart or stealing? Today it’s perfectly legal to copy whatever you see Behind the Scenes of the Atlas Shrugged Movie presents exclusive, behind-the-scenes footage of the movie adaption of part I of Ayn Rand’s epic and hugely influential novel, Atlas Shrugged, which tells the story of a United States crumbling under the weight of government intervention and the “men Wars: What We Saw at CPAC

The single-largest annual meeting of conservatives and small-government fellow travelers, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), kicked off in Washington, D.C. today on Thursday, February 10, 2011. The big story leading up to the conference was a high-profile boycott by Buzz Bowl I: Four Loko vs Joose presents the Bud Bowl of a new generation! Two drinks, one field, and numerous mixtures of alcohol and caffeine that “cause” young people to engage in risky behavior. It’s The Battle of the Binge: Buzz Bowl I Who will

Tweeting Around Egypt's Web Blackout: Meet John Scott-Railton

The Egyptian government may have blocked Egyptians’ access to the Internet, but it couldn’t block the Internet itself. Thanks to the likes of John Scott-Railton, voices of countless Egyptian protesters continue to wend through the web. Once the government imposed The Future of School Choice

What’s the best way to free American kids from failing neighborhood schools? How can we dislodge the public sector unions and bureaucrats that suck resources from kids? Is it possible to bring dynamism and innovation to our education sector?

Obama's State of the Union: Still Unfocused on Jobs

During Tuesday’s State of the Union address President Obama mentioned the word “jobs” 31 times, topping last year’s tally by two. Back then he promised to make jobs his “number-one focus in 2010” and then promptly focused on passing ObamaCare,

iPhone and oBama: Two Expensive New Models ( SOTU response!)

President Obama spent last year’s State of the Union address celebrating spending programs past (hooray, stimulus!) and proposing new budget-busters. The shellacking Democrats took during the 2010 midterm elections was supposed to change all that, but at Tuesday night’s SOTU Jay Greene on Making Schools Better

Jay Greene is the author of numerous studies demonstrating that more choice in education leads to better outcomes. A professor of education reform at the University of Arkansas and a fellow at the George W. Bush institute , Greene is