Raheem Kassam

Raheem Kassam - Page 2

Raheem Kassam is the editor in chief of Breitbart London and author of the new book 'No Go Zones: How Shariah Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You'. Pick up your copy, here: bit.ly/NoGoZones

Articles by Raheem Kassam

Managed Decline: Guardian Says Britain’s Economy Can’t Handle Brexit

I’ve written about the consensus within the political establishment about Britain’s managed decline before. Today, it rears its ugly head in the Guardian/Observer, with Economics Editor Philip Inman declaring that Britain’s economy can’t handle Brexit. Inman — a graduate of Liverpool John


Oxford Prof Attacked as ‘Bigot’ For Rejecting Post Colonial Guilt

Oxford Professor Nigel Biggar is the latest target of an attack from the identity politics-driven left, being set upon by campaign groups for failing to adhere to the notion of post-colonial guilt. Prof. Biggar penned an article in the Times on November
