Peter Schweizer - Page 5

Articles by Peter Schweizer

Government Shutdown: Soldiers Will Stop Getting Paid…

With the government shutdown looming, President Obama risks becoming the first Commander in Chief to put soldiers in combat and….not pay them. From Foreign Policy: One consequence of a government shutdown — which will occur on April 8 unless Congress

Smarter Than A 5th Grader? Obama's Middle East Policy….Isn't

How bad is America’s standing among our “friends” in the Middle East? Defense Secretary Robert Gates is in Saudi Arabia and the Obama Administration is just happy to just get a meeting with Saudi King Abdullah. Things have apparently improved

Jimmy Carter: Disgraceful In Cuba

Former President Jimmy Carter recently paid a visit to Cuba where he was treated more as a friend than as a former head of state. The Cuban government has now released a translation of his appearance on Cuban television. His

Obama's Imperial Presidency

The Left often accused President George W. Bush of running an “imperial presidency.” But the label fits Barack Obama much better. When George W. Bush took US forces into Iraq, he received congressional approval. But Barack Obama? He’s engaged in

Obama's Foggy Speech: The Script Is Running Out

This was not a new speech. It was an old Obama speech with some of the words changed. It had elements of his Egypt speech in 2009, as well as his “race speech” after Jeremiah Wright was introduced to the

Obama's Meglomania: What He Should Say Tonight About Libya

President Barack Obama is likely to speak tonight about how the humanitarian crisis in Libya compelled him to commit American resources to stop Gaddafi. (Never mind that there are humanitarian crises all over the Middle East right now.) He’s also

Is France on the Brink Of A Violent Civil War?

The French Presidential elections are about one year away, but there is plenty of news that has the European political establishment quaking. President Sarkozy is running for reelection and he faces opposition from Socialist Party leader Martine Aubry. But leading

Who Stands To Profit From the Crises in Libya And Japan?

Two distinct crises in different parts of the world. A natural disaster in Japan that has claimed more than 10,000 and rocked an entire country. And a brewing civil war in Libya that is calling into question the reliability and

Libya: Mission Creep, Or Creepy Mission?

The lack of clear objectives in Libya also means that there is no clear exit strategy. Great Britain’s Armed Forces Minister, Nick Harvey, conveyed that reality when he was asked how long Britain would be involved in Libya. “How long

Should US Forces in Libya Be Under Foreign Command? Heck No

As we continue to stumble, mumble, and bumble into war with Libya, there are huge questions about what our objectives are and should be. And those questions have divided the alliance of countries who are engaging in actions against Gaddafi.

Russian Ground Forces Commander: Our Weapons Suck

General Alexander Postnikov, who is commander of the Russian ground forces, announced in Pravda that Russia weapons are inferior to both US weapons and those made by China. “The combat vehicle arsenal, artillery systems and small arms produced by the

So What Exactly Is the Goal In Libya?

Admiral Mike Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff just went on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and declared that the international coalition could achieve it’s goals in Libya and Gaddafi could stay in power in the end. “That’s

Obama Shifts Course? Gaddafi Is Now Apparently Free To Stay

As my friend Marc Thiessen points out in the Washington Post, Gaddafi actually won a big victory in recent days. Two weeks ago Obama announced that Gaddafi had to go. But in his speech on Friday authorizing military action, Obama

Is Airpower Going To Be Enough In Libya? I Doubt It

The Europeans are flying air sorties and the US is firing missiles at Libyan forces. There has been a long drawn out debate about the merits of airpower. Airpower advocates believe that used properly and by itself, airpower alone can

Don't Take Gaddafi's Bait: Ignore the Ceasefire

UPDATE: News reports indicate that Libyan forces continue to shell the rebels. Now that the international community has decided to get tough with Gaddafi, suddenly the Crazy Colonel has announced a cease-fire. Military operations are said to have stopped. “[Libya]

Will Japan's Catastrophe Cause A US Financial Earthquake?

Japan is still trying to figure out the extent of the massive human toll of the tragedy that has befallen that country. The toll will reach biblical proportions. But in a few weeks they will need to begin charting plans

Japan's Tragedy: Contrasting the Response of America and China

UPDATE: 11 hours after this story was posted, The People’s Daily has posted a story about plane that is bringing relief supplies from China to Japan. Let’s hope there will be plenty more. The catastrophe that has befallen Japan is

They Do Us Proud: Soldiers and Marines Helping in Japan

The USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier is running helo relief operations into earthquake devastated Japan. And our Marines? Marine forces in Japan are delivering food, water and other supplies to assist in disaster-relief efforts following the massive earthquake and tsunami

What History Teaches About Fighting In Libya

Seventy years ago at the end of March 1941, the German Afrika Korps attacked British forces around El Agheila, which is now occupied by the Libyan rebels. The Germans would fight the British and Americans fiercely in the desert before

Why Is Obama Arming the World?

Jeff Abramson, deputy director of the Arms Control Association, recently told Fortune Magazine: “There’s an Obama arms bazaar going on.” And it’s no exaggeration. Obama has personally pushed for large weapons sales such as the $4 billion aircraft deal with

Congressman: Let Troops Under 21 Drink

Congressmen Jack Kingston, R-GA, makes a good point. As he recently told Defense Secretary Robert Gates at a hearing, when you are 18: “You can buy a house. You can go to jail. You can get married. You can go

China to Increase Defense Spending By 12.7%

As the Chinese government has become more assertive in economic affairs, it is continuing to expand it’s military base. The Chinese government has announced that they are increasing defense spending by 12.7% this year. These “official statistics” are assumed by

Crystal Meth Use 'Rampant' in North Korea; Kim Jung Il May Be User

The spiritual and psychological black hole that is life in North Korea has led to widespread drug use, particularly crystal meth. According to North Korean defectors, the regime started making the stuff a few years ago to earn foreign currency.

$200 Barrel of Oil?

This is not 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down and democracy sprouted in Central Europe. North Africa and the Middle East are facing convulsions and it is more likely that perpetual conflict and civil war will be the future