Peter Morici - Page 5

Articles by Peter Morici

Why I Can't Be Both an Economist and a Liberal

In today’s America, I can’t be both an economist and a liberal. Economists should be bound by facts and reason. And I can’t do that and embrace liberal positions on the minimum wage, climate change, and gender discrimination. Raising prices

Why I Can't Be Both an Economist and a Liberal

U.S. Economy Poised for Stronger Growth

The U.S. economy is set to take off. Scarred by the financial crisis but on their feet again, consumers will lead the economy to growth in the range of 3 percent through the end of 2015. The Commerce Department reported

U.S. Economy Poised for Stronger Growth

Five Things to Know About Inflation Heating Up

Buffeted by slow growth and too few jobs, Americans now have to deal with more inflation. In May, consumer prices rose at more than a 4 percent annual pace, and inflation has been heating up the last several months. Rapid growth

Five Things to Know About Inflation Heating Up

Economics and the Failure of US Foreign Policy

U.S. foreign policy is failing. Russia is pushing into Ukraine and threatening Eastern Europe; China is bullying Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam in the East and South China Seas; and terrorist groups in the Middle East and Africa can be

Economics and the Failure of US Foreign Policy

Parents, Educators, Politicians All Share Blame for College Grads' Woes

Despite five years of economic recovery, college graduates continue to face a tough job market. Certainly, young people should take responsibility for their lives, but parents, educators, and politicians all share some blame for their troubles. College graduates earn much

Parents, Educators, Politicians All Share Blame for College Grads' Woes

Obama Gets an 'F' as America's CEO in VA Scandal

Thanks to the scandals and missteps at the Veterans Administration and elsewhere in the federal bureaucracy, President Obama is losing all credibility as a manager and leader. Many Americans are justifiably enraged or at least awfully frustrated by federal government

Obama Gets an 'F' as America's CEO in VA Scandal

A Strong Foreign Policy Requires a Strong Economy, Credible Military

In a major address at West Point, President Obama once again sought to articulate a foreign policy that places greater emphasis on diplomacy, economic leverage, and recourse to international law. Facing crises, “U.S. military action cannot be the only–or even

A Strong Foreign Policy Requires a Strong Economy, Credible Military

Inflation Heating Up, Fed Should Raise Interest Rates Soon

To head off a tough bout with stagflation–slow growth and high inflation–the Federal Reserve should start raising interest rates soon. Most economists expected 2014 to be a breakout year. A surge in new home construction was anticipated to instigate growth

Inflation Heating Up, Fed Should Raise Interest Rates Soon

The Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change and Obama's Policies

The inconvenient truth President Obama denies about climate change is that China’s refusal to cooperate in international efforts to address the problem makes U.S. efforts to slow its pace futile. Moreover, his policies severely handicap America’s ability to mitigate its consequences.

The Inconvenient Truth About Climate Change and Obama's Policies

The Terrible Truth About Income Inequality

Economic inequality has emerged as the central political challenge of the 21st Century. Left wing academics and politicians are quick with quack remedies–higher taxes on the wealthy that will only send more investment abroad and smother growth. For most Americans,

The Terrible Truth About Income Inequality

Trade Deficit Drags on Growth, Jobs Creation

On Tuesday, the Commerce Department reported the March deficit on international trade in goods and services was $40.4 billion. Overall, the deficit is up from $25 billion since the economic recovery began in mid-2009 and poses a significant barrier to

Trade Deficit Drags on Growth, Jobs Creation

288,000 Jobs Added in April Not Enough

The economy created 288,000 jobs in April, up from 203,000 in March. That’s the second-best showing of the Obama recovery, but still less than what is needed each month to raise employment to pre-recession levels. Those results are consistent with

288,000 Jobs Added in April Not Enough

Slow Growth Policies Pin Down Jobs Outlook

Friday, the Labor Department is expected to report the economy added 215,000 jobs in April. A moderate improvement over February and March when the pace averaged 195,000, indicating growth will improve this spring over its tepid winter performance. Still good

Slow Growth Policies Pin Down Jobs Outlook

GDP up Only 0.1 Percent, Bodes Poorly for Jobs Creation

The Commerce Department reported GDP grew at a disappointing 0.1 percent annual rate in the first quarter, less than 2.6 and 4.1 percent recorded the prior two periods. Overall, it appears 2014 may not be the breakout year President Obama

GDP up Only 0.1 Percent, Bodes Poorly for Jobs Creation

Hardly Time to Call Obamacare a Success

With eight million Americans enrolled in health insurance through federal and state exchanges, President Obama has declared the Affordable Care Act a success. That’s disingenuous, and big changes are needed to make the law work well. Overall, the ACA’s goals

Hardly Time to Call Obamacare a Success

Hardly Time to Call Obama Care a Success

With eight million Americans enrolled in health insurance through federal and state exchanges, President Obama has declared the Affordable Care Act a success. That is disingenuous, and big changes are needed to make the law work well. Overall, the ACA’s

Hardly Time to Call Obama Care a Success

White House Strategy: Fabricating Fear and Injustice

Facing mid-term elections and burdened with persistently high unemployment, President Obama is playing the race, gender, and class cards. Fabricating fear and injustice, such tactics keep the economy in slow gear and make worse the very people the President professes

White House Strategy: Fabricating Fear and Injustice

Five Things to Know About the Fed's Obsession with Inflation

Americans struggle with stagnant wages and rising prices. Yet the Federal Reserve is obsessed with boosting inflation with easy money policies that may actually discourage reforms that would help jobs creation and lessen income inequality. Over the last year, consumer

Five Things to Know About the Fed's Obsession with Inflation

Five Takeaways from the GM Safety Debacle

Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, was called before Senate and House Committees last week to explain why a faulty ignition switch, responsible for at least 13 crash deaths, was not recalled for several years in vehicles manufactured by GM.

Five Takeaways from the GM Safety Debacle

192,000 Jobs Added in March but Wages Fall

The economy created 192,000 jobs in March, down from 197,000 in February and still well below the pace needed to lower underemployment to respectable levels. Those mediocre results are consistent with a broadly underperforming economy. Manufacturing employment lost 1,000 jobs

192,000 Jobs Added in March but Wages Fall

Friday's Jobs Report: What Do the Numbers Mean for the Economy?

Friday, the Labor Department is expected to report the economy added 206,000 jobs in March. While a significant improvement over January and February when harsh weather depressed hiring, this is still well below the pace needed to lower unemployment to

Friday's Jobs Report: What Do the Numbers Mean for the Economy?

Slow Growth Continues as Higher Taxes Depress Consumer Spending

The economy grew 2.6 percent in the fourth quarter–hardly the 4 to 5 percent needed to provide enough jobs and restore housing prices to pre-recession levels. Throughout 2013, higher taxes on all income classes–President Obama’s levies on the wealthy, higher

Slow Growth Continues as Higher Taxes Depress Consumer Spending

Five Things Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Should Do

Last week, Janet Yellen sent stocks diving by saying the Federal Reserve could begin raising interest rates as early as next spring–most traders and forecasters have predicted a later date. Since the financial crisis began, the Fed has purchased U.S. Treasuries and

Five Things Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Should Do

The Cold War Was Only on Vacation

Crimea is lost. The challenge now is to avoid a wider conflict with Russia, which is bent on absorbing more territory and further extending its influence into Eastern Europe. To avoid an eventual choice between feeding Russia’s appetite for lost

The Cold War Was Only on Vacation

175,000 Jobs Added in February, Economy Continues to Underperform

The economy created 175,000 jobs in February, up from 129,000 in January. Colder than normal weather was a factor, but that simply continued to underemployment of the nation’s human resources. Those mediocre results are consistent with a broadly underperforming economy. The

175,000 Jobs Added in February, Economy Continues to Underperform

Scraping the Rust Off the Iron Curtain

The crisis in the Ukraine will likely end with Russia permanently controlling the Crimea, with the remainder of the country more tightly in its orbit than anticipated a few weeks ago. This is easy to attribute to Vladimir Putin’s appetite

Scraping the Rust Off the Iron Curtain

Bush-Obama 'Regulatory Reign of Terror' Wreaks Havoc on Jobs

On Friday, the Labor Department is expected to report the economy added 150,000 jobs in February. This is less than half the pace needed to lower unemployment to an acceptable level, and President Obama’s budget promises little relief. Unemployment could

Bush-Obama 'Regulatory Reign of Terror' Wreaks Havoc on Jobs

Bitcoin Debacle Shatters the Myth of Virtual Money

Bitcoin believers were shaken to their digital souls when Mt. Gox, the world’s largest exchange, defaulted on $470 million worth of deposits and closed. The virtual currency was supposed to provide a safer, more private, and less costly alternative to

Bitcoin Debacle Shatters the Myth of Virtual Money

Bitcoin Debacle Shatters the Myth of Virtual Money

Bitcoin believers were shaken to their digital souls when Mt. Gox, the world’s largest exchange, defaulted on $470 million worth of deposits and closed. The virtual currency was supposed to provide a safer, more private, and less costly alternative to

Bitcoin Debacle Shatters the Myth of Virtual Money

Tax Reform: Eliminate the Income Tax and IRS Altogether

Americans desperately want a fairer tax system and relief from arbitrary treatment by the IRS. True reform requires simply junking the personal and corporate income taxes in favor of a consumption tax. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp

Tax Reform: Eliminate the Income Tax and IRS Altogether

More than Winter Chill Gripping Housing, Broader Economy

President Obama and many of the nation’s top economists entered 2014 predicting a breakout year for the economic recovery. However, troubles in the housing sector indicate more difficulties and several more years of mediocre growth lie ahead. Residential construction only

More than Winter Chill Gripping Housing, Broader Economy

Obama's Proposed Budget Sacrifices Progress for Political Gains

President Obama is putting the finishing touches on his budget message to Congress. According to press reports, it would be criminal if it wasn’t so comical! The president will drop from previous proposals any effort to curb the rapidly escalating

Obama's Proposed Budget Sacrifices Progress for Political Gains

CBO Report Confirms Raising Minimum Wage to $8.25 Is Best Option

The recent Congressional Budget Office Report confirms raising the minimum wage in line with inflation to $8.25 is the best course. It would likely not create much additional unemployment, still put billions of dollars in the pockets of the working

CBO Report Confirms Raising Minimum Wage to $8.25 Is Best Option

Big Freeze, Storms Impose Losses Up to $40 Billion

The January freeze and crippling storms gripping the eastern United States and upper Midwest are having significant impacts on normal life and commerce. Gauging its ultimate impact on the national economy–still affected by a nagging hangover from the Great Recession–is

Big Freeze, Storms Impose Losses Up to $40 Billion

Obama's Two Americas: The Economy and How Democrats Win Elections

President Obama is dividing America into two nations–one rich, the other increasingly poor, and both more likely to elect Democrats. Americans growing richer support his policies, and those growing poorer are increasingly dependent on Democratic politicians for government handouts. In

Obama's Two Americas: The Economy and How Democrats Win Elections

Only 113K Jobs–How Decadence Breeds Decay

The economy created only 113,000 jobs in January, up from 75,000 in December. Colder than normal weather was a factor, but that does not explain two consecutive months of poor performance. These sad results are consistent with a broadly underperforming economy.

Only 113K Jobs–How Decadence Breeds Decay