Islamic State Recruiter Anjem Choudary to Walk Free Next Month
The notorious hate preacher and Islamic State recruiter Anjem Choudary, linked to numerous deadly UK attacks, will walk free next month after being jailed just over two years ago.

The notorious hate preacher and Islamic State recruiter Anjem Choudary, linked to numerous deadly UK attacks, will walk free next month after being jailed just over two years ago.
The London Assembly has voted to push for a vote on “reversing” Brexit and keeping the UK locked in the European Union (EU).
Walking away from the European Union (EU) with a clean, ‘no deal’ Brexit will boost the UK economy by £1.1 trillion over 15 years, an influential group of MPs led by Jacob Rees-Mogg will argue.
The European Parliament’s Brexit coordinator has claimed the “chaos” of UK’s exit from the bloc will stem the rise of populist Euroscepticism on the continent and make Europeans ‘attached’ to the Brussels bureaucracy once more.
Transgender activists and academics have been coordinating attacks aimed at silencing critics of their gender ideology by accusing them of “hate crimes” and endangering students.
A leftist activist who sprayed “anti-Semitic” graffiti on last surviving walls of the Warsaw ghetto and was ejected from Israel has been invited to speak alongside the Labour party conference.
Leading Brexiteer and Tory leadership favourite Boris Johnson has praised the U.S. President’s economic policy, proposing similar tax cuts for the UK to boost the nation.
Just two percent of young British adults identify with the Church of England and seven out of 10 people under the age of 24 say they have no religion, research has revealed.
A £1.7 million police investigation into electoral fraud during the 2014 Tower Hamlets mayoral election has concluded without sufficient evidence to charge anyone, Scotland Yard has said.
Four former Guantanamo Bay prisoners suspected of terror have been given asylum and effectively granted British citizenship, despite having no links to the UK.
Tony Blair has admitted many in the party think the “game’s over” for Labour, which may have permanently fallen into the grips of the hard left, describing current leader Jeremy Corbyn as anti-Western.
So-called “anti-racist” campaigners have stormed a council debate on anti-Semitism, forcing politicians to flee the building, “frightened” and in tears.
Sixty Tory MPs led by Jacob Rees-Mogg are to launch a plan to scrap the Prime Minister’s ‘Soft Brexit’ Chequers proposals and highlight the benefits of a clean exit from the Brussels bloc.
A young woman in East London has been gunned down in broad daylight as the capital’s violent crime epidemic rolls on.
Posters calling Israel a “racist endeavour” have sprung up at bus stops across the capital, with the claim widely perceived as anti-Semitic, infuriating some Londoners.
A senior Labour politician has said he is prepared to provoke social unrest on the streets of Britain in order to block a ‘no-deal’ Brexit, blaming the “alt-right” for pushing a clean exit from the bloc.
A Turkish tourist has been slapped with a 1,000 kroner (£121) fine in Denmark after she entered a police station to renew her visa while wearing a full-face Islamic veil.
Police are to investigate shocking alleged anti-Semitism cases in the Labour Party as “hate crimes” and racism, including calls for Jews to be killed en masse.
The UK could be heading for ‘Brexit in name only’, which would be the worst of all worlds, because of government and civil service “incompetence” and weak handling of divorce talks, the former Bank of England governor has said.
The European Union (EU) is preparing to welcome Theresa May’s Chequers “soft Brexit” plan, which keeps the UK tied to all of the bloc’s trade rules, whilst pushing hard to keep the Irish border open.
A man of North African origin has allegedly stabbed two German tourists on the Spanish island of Majorca before being gunned down and restrained by police.
The shoplifter has allegedly attacked and injured three people have injured in a suspected acid attack in West London after they challenged him for stealing.
The Home Secretary is pushing to significantly expand police ‘stop and search’ after Theresa May rolled back the practice before a dramatic rise in violent crime.
A councillor who appeared to praise Iran’s brutal Islamist dictatorship last year and an activist recently slammed for an angry “anti-Semitic” rant have been elected to Labour’s ruling body.
Courts are ruling against the Home Office in almost three-quarters of final attempts to remove alleged illegal immigrants and asylum seekers from the country, new figures show.
A father of two jihadist terrorists killed in Syria has been jailed for 18 months after threatening to have his estranged wife shot if she gave evidence against him.
The UK is to hand almost £100 million in “aid” to India, one of the world’s largest economies, despite the nation spending almost the same figure on a new moon landing.
Brexit voters would still support leaving the European Union (EU) if the divorce had economic effects such as higher prices and travel costs, a poll has revealed.
Disability rights campaigners have attacked the BBC, claiming able-bodied actors playing disabled characters is the same as racist practices like “blacking up”.
The veteran pro-Brexit Labour MP Frank Field has resigned from the party, citing anti-Semitism linked to the leader and “intolerance, nastiness and intimidation” from the hard left.
The head of London police has been forced to deny parts of the capital are becoming “no-go areas” after two shocking recent incidents where the public was filmed cheering as officers were assaulted on the job.
French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to urge the European Union (EU) to strike a Brexit deal and form a close relationship with the UK, days after rejecting Theresa May’s ‘Chequers’ plan.
Television advertisements paid for by Saudi Arabia promoting the Islamist dictatorship’s “reform” programme should not have been aired in the UK, the regulator has said.
The boss of Aston Martin has said the UK’s car trade would benefit from a clean, so-called “no-deal” Brexit.
Pro-European Union (EU) Tory MPs are concerned about UKIP “entryism” after reporting a sharp rise in new members at local party branches.
British fishermen are calling for Royal Navy protection after their vessels were attacked by French boats as they were out catching scallops in the English Channel.
There has been a 100 percent year-on-year rise in the number of forced marriage cases linked to Somali heritage youngsters, with many tricked into returning to Africa, where they are often detained and abused, officials say.
Police are continuing a massive manhunt for an Afghan national in connection with the brutal murder of his former partner, a Syrian migrant, and her mother.
A Birmingham Labour councillor has been handed an important role planning the Commonwealth Games, despite facing serious corruption allegations and previously being forced to resign as an “equalities” spokesman after allegedly bullying a Christian school.
Theresa May has slapped down claims from the Chancellor that a ‘no deal’ Brexit could cost £80 billion, implying the figure was not reliable and insisting a clean break with the bloc “wouldn’t be the end of the world”.