Kerry Picket

Kerry Picket - Page 10

Articles by Kerry Picket

Hoyer: 'Glitches' on Obamacare Website 'Not Surprising'

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) sat down with Capitol Hill reporters at his weekly Pen and Pad on Tuesday to discuss the government shutdown as well as where House Democrats’ presently are on the debt limit and continuing resolution

Hoyer: 'Glitches' on Obamacare Website 'Not Surprising'

Senate Debt Deal Weakens Congress on Debt Ceiling

Capitol Hill talk regarding the Senate deal apparently includes a provision that would take away the Congress’ power to increase the debt ceiling. According to Politico, it looks like the buzz appears to be true.: The plan includes a proposal offered

Senate Debt Deal Weakens Congress on Debt Ceiling

Huelskamp: GOP Leadership Forgetting Tea Party Gave Them House Majority

Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) told Breitbart News that his party’s leaders should be very careful about targeting conservative members associated with the Tea Party, as the reason Republicans hold a majority in the lower chamber is because Tea Party activists

Huelskamp: GOP Leadership Forgetting Tea Party Gave Them House Majority

Ron Paul Endorses Ken Cuccinelli for Virginia Governor

In a sting to third party Libertarian nominee Robert Sarvis, former Republican Texas Congressman and 2012 GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul endorsed Virginia GOP gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli on Friday night. According to Politico: The former Texas congressman, who retains

House Oversight Committee Pursues Firsthand Benghazi Witnesses

Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), a member of the House Oversight Committee, told Breitbart News the Committee is quietly “making progress every day” with its investigation of the administration’s handling of the terrorist attack against the U.S. consulate and CIA annex

House Oversight Committee Pursues Firsthand Benghazi Witnesses

Obama's Negative Polling Worse Than Clinton's in 1995 Shutdown

Gallup released a poll last week showing President Barack Obama’s negative polling among Americans during the current government shutdown is substantially worse in comparison to the numbers the last Democratic president, Bill Clinton, had during his administration’s shutdown in 1995. 

Obama's Negative Polling Worse Than Clinton's in 1995 Shutdown

Obama Admin Goes Quiet as Public Affairs Offices Close over Shutdown

The shutdown of the U.S. federal government has provided new excuses to not provide information to the public for an administration that is already known to be hostile and evasive towards the media.  As a result of the shutdown, numerous press shops

Obama Admin Goes Quiet as Public Affairs Offices Close over Shutdown

LBJ Memorial Park Grove Not Barricaded

The Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Park Grove is officially closed to the public, according to the National Park Service, due to the government shutdown. However, unlike the World War II Memorial off of Constitution Avenue, the open area park and

LBJ Memorial Park Grove Not Barricaded

No Answers from Reid Why Private Parks Ordered Closed During Shutdown

The Senate’s Democratic leaders held a press conference on Friday to discuss the effects of the government shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) claimed Democrats “negotiated their hearts out” with House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and made a number

No Answers from Reid Why Private Parks Ordered Closed During Shutdown

Cruz, Durbin Clash on Senate Floor Over Obamacare

Debate over the government shutdown and Obamcare became testy on Friday afternoon between Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX). Durbin accused Cruz of causing “damage” with the government shutdown, which Durbin said Cruz “inspired’ by his 21-hour speech

Cruz, Durbin Clash on Senate Floor Over Obamacare

Senate Democrats Pass 'National Chess Week' Resolution

Senate Democratic leadership refused to consider a resolution (H.R. 3220), supported by Senator Ted Cruz (R – TX) on Friday , to make continuing appropriations during the government shutdown and provide pay and allowances to members of the reserve components of the

AP: U.S. Park Police Chief Furloughed

The U.S. Park Police Chief  Teresa Chambers was furloughed tweeted AP reporter Eric Tucker on Wednesday night : The chief of the US Park Police is among the ranks of the furloughed. Says email to her will go unread for as

Dems Reject Funding Measures They, Clinton Approved During Last Shutdown

Three funding measures failed to pass because of Democrat opposition in the House on Tuesday night that would have maintained veterans’ benefits, kept national monuments and other historic sites opened, and continued local funding for the District of Columbia.  As

Dems Reject Funding Measures They, Clinton Approved During Last Shutdown

Texans Slam John Cornyn On Senator's Face Book Page

Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn (R -TX) was verbally beaten up by his own constituents on his FaceBook page for voting  for cloture and allowing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D – NV) to throw out an amendment that would strip

Report: McAuliffe Campaign Accepted $120,000 from Firm Linked to Arms Deals

The McAuliffe campaign was given $120,000 in campaign contributions from a company connected to shady arms deals in West Africa, Talking Points Memo is reporting. According to TPM, The Liberian International Ship And Corporate Registry (LISCR) donated to McAuliffe twice in the

Report: McAuliffe Campaign Accepted $120,000 from Firm Linked to Arms Deals

House Democrats Kill Funding to Run WWII Memorial

The House of Representatives failed to pass a bill Tuesday night which would have reopened Washington, DC’s World War II memorial thanks to Democratic opposition. 175 Democrats voted against a continuing appropriations resolution that would have funded the National Park

House Democrats Kill Funding to Run WWII Memorial

McAuliffe Tweeted Claim Cuccinelli Condoned Missile Launchers in Airports

On September 3, Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe tweeted a doctored photo saying his opponent, Republican gubernatorial nominee and Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, supports “missile launchers” in airports.  Politifact noted: The tweet contains a picture of an airport sign with

McAuliffe Tweeted Claim Cuccinelli Condoned Missile Launchers in Airports

Congressman Shows Obamacare Exchanges Crash Minutes After Launch

Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) tweeted out a photo at 12:09 AM EST showing the Obamcare exchanges website was down, nine minutes after various federal government offices shut down and the Affordable Care Act exchanges went into effect. It’s 12:09 a.m.

Congressman Shows Obamacare Exchanges Crash Minutes After Launch

Obama Fundraised For Democrats Off Of Government Shut Down Deadline

Six hours before President Barack Obama ordered government agencies to begin shutting down, the Democratic Party sent out a fundraising e-mail sign by the president: When I make decisions, I think about people like you, and the millions of Americans

Fast & Furious Lawsuit Survives DOJ Move for Dismissal

A U.S. District Court Judge denied the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the House of Representatives’ lawsuit demanding administration documents related to the Operation Fast and Furious gun walking scandal. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)

Fast & Furious Lawsuit Survives DOJ Move for Dismissal

Rep. Peter King Calls Ted Cruz a 'Con Man'

Congressman Peter King (R-NY) had some choice words for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Monday night following a vote on the House floor. When asked by Breitbart News why he had such harsh feeling toward the junior senator from Texas,

Rep. Peter King Calls Ted Cruz a 'Con Man'

GOP Whip McCarthy Confident Government Won't Shut Down

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) says he is not concerned there will be a government shutdown, as the House has done its part and the responsibility to pass a spending bill now rests on the Senate.  “No. We’re not

GOP Whip McCarthy Confident Government Won't Shut Down

McAuliffe Begrudgingly Runs on Gun Control in VA

Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe did not want his second run for governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia to be framed by the issue of gun control.  His website and campaign literature made no mention of it for a period

McAuliffe Begrudgingly Runs on Gun Control in VA

McAuliffe's Gun Control Push Endangers Women

Terry McAuliffe officially renewed his call for an “assault weapons” ban in the Commonwealth during a Virginia gubernatorial debate Wednesday night. The Democratic nominee confirmed this when he said he had not changed his mind on the issue and would

McAuliffe's Gun Control Push Endangers Women

VA Debate: McAuliffe Dodges and Shuts Out Media

Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is amusingly attempting to hide his campaign agenda by dodging and weaving his way around the media by not answering direct questions asked of him at debates and closing off his press shop to

VA Debate: McAuliffe Dodges and Shuts Out Media

McAuliffe: I Want An Assault Weapons Ban For Virginia

Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe discussed his gun control views at a governor’s race debate in McLean, Virginia on Wednesday. He was reminded by a moderator he supported universal background checks, limiting the size of gun magazine clips, and returning

Cruz: Obamacare Debate Is in the Hands of the American People

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke to reporters following his 21 hour and 19 minute speech on the floor of the Senate. Cruz discussed the problems of Obamacare during that time with the intention of convincing his Senate colleagues to vote

Cruz: Obamacare Debate Is in the Hands of the American People

Cruz Compares Obamacare to Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th

Horror movies were referenced in comparison to Obamacare by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) during his lengthy speech-a-thon between Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday at 7:00 AM, Cruz described remembering the eerie music from the films The Shining and Psycho.  “And

Cruz Compares Obamacare to Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th

Ted Cruz's Marathon Speech Endures

Senator Ted Cruz (R – TX) has been speaking through his filibuster style speech on the Senate floor for over 20 hours. Late night Tuesday and early morning Wednesday appeared as if Cruz was in the fight alone, as Americans

Ted Cruz's Marathon Speech Endures

Congressional Exemption Debated During Cruz Talkathon

A proposal by Senator David Vitter (R-LA), which would put lawmakers’ staffers on the Obamacare exchanges was discussed during the Tuesday through Wednesday’s non-stop remarks made by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Cruz wants to take Vitter’s proposal one step further and place

Congressional Exemption Debated During Cruz Talkathon

Mike Lee to Filibuster Naysayers: 'I Don't Care What They Call It'

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) spoke to Breitbart News after leaving the floor earlier in the evening as Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) continued his quasi-filibuster to prevent funding Obamacare. Cruz intends “to speak out in defense of defunding Obamacare until [he]

Mike Lee to Filibuster Naysayers: 'I Don't Care What They Call It'

Cruz Reads Green Eggs & Ham on Senate Floor

On Tuesday night, as Senator Ted Cruz (R – TX) continued his quasi-filibuster regarding Obamacare, he began reading the Dr. Seuss classic “Green Eggs and Ham” after reading Bible verses for his two daughters on the floor of the Senate.

Harry Reid: 'The Numbers Are Really Pretty Good' for Obamacare

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) dismissed reports that as the Obamacare implementation deadline looms, businesses in the United States are cutting hours for more employees or going through rounds of layoffs.  When asked by Breitbart News how these businesses

Harry Reid: 'The Numbers Are Really Pretty Good' for Obamacare

McCain: Cruz and I Are 'Very Friendly'

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has denied a report quoting an employee of his office claiming he “f***ing hates” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).  As Senate Republicans convened for their weekly lunch meeting on Tuesday, members spoke to reporters about their views

McCain: Cruz and I Are 'Very Friendly'

Sen. Reid: We're Not Going to Bow to Tea Party 'Anarchists'

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) had a 45 minute showdown that lasted until procedural motions allowed for Reid to call for unanimous consent to proceed with pending judge nominations on Tuesday. Reid

Sen. Reid: We're Not Going to Bow to Tea Party 'Anarchists'

McAuliffe's 'Green' Billionaire Backer Enriched Himself with Coal, Oil

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said in 2009 he “never want[s] another coal plant built,” but in the meantime, he hasn’t been above taking money gained through coal investment for his campaign.  Tom Steyer, a California-based financier and one of McAuliffe’s

McAuliffe's 'Green' Billionaire Backer Enriched Himself with Coal, Oil

FLASHBACK–McAuliffe: 'I Never Want Another Coal Plant Built'

The Obama administration proposed new regulations on Friday that would limit carbon pollution from new power plants. According to the Associated Press: The proposal, which would set the first national limits on heat-trapping pollution from future power plants, is intended to help reshape where

FLASHBACK–McAuliffe: 'I Never Want Another Coal Plant Built'