John Sexton

John Sexton - Page 6

Articles by John Sexton

OPM Director’s Resignation Statement Contains 3 Errors

Did outgoing OPM Director Katherine Archuleta write her own resignation statement? Perhaps it’s better to ask: Did she even bother to read her own resignation statement? In any case, the last word on Archuleta’s tenure contains three embarrassing mistakes in the span of 10 sentences.

The Associated Press

OPM Data Breach Expands to 25.7 Million Americans

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has revealed that hackers stole personal information on 25.7 million Americans. That information included Social Security numbers, financial histories, mental health records, and in over a million cases, fingerprints.

REUTERS/Kacper Pempel/Files

Vox: Poor Hillary Clinton Gets a Raw Deal from the Media

Vox has a piece on Hillary Clinton’s unique relationship with the press which sounds a lot like special pleading in favor of a candidate who, by the author’s own admission, has a long history of lying.

Hillary Clinton Campigns In Iowa, Meeting With Small Business Owners

HHS Offers Obamacare Talking Points for Your July 4th BBQ

One of the most disturbing innovations of the Obama era is partisan talking points issued by the government for use at family gatherings. This year HHS has published a blog post offering advice for defending Obamacare over the July 4th holiday. It’s titled, “Tips for Talking to Your Family about the Affordable Care Act this Fourth of July.”

Fourth of July food Getty

Hillary’s ‘Smile and Wave’ Campaign Isn’t Working

There’s a scene in the first Madagascar movie–the animated film–where a group of penguins are staging a breakout from the zoo. In order to cover their covert activity from the prying eyes of human visitors, the lead penguin advises his comrades, “Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.”

That’s a pretty good analogy for Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President thus far. She may have an army of highly-paid staffers working with all the diligence of military-minded penguins, but Hillary herself is mostly just smiling and waving for the cameras.

CBS News

Iran Will Not Acknowledge Past Weapons Research in Coming Agreement

President Obama said once again on Tuesday that the U.S. would “walk away” from a bad deal with Iran. Apparently, the definition of a “bad deal” does not include one that tosses out a key commitment included in the U.S. fact sheet published in April.


Chris Christie Releases First Campaign Video

Gov. Chris Christie is set to enter the crowded GOP presidential race Tuesday with an announcement at his former high school. Polls show Christie is no longer a first-tier candidate, but longtime observers say his rhetorical skill on the stump should not be underestimated.

The Associated Press

New York Times Encourages Students to Default on College Loans

Over the weekend, the NY Times published an opinion piece by writer Lee Siegel titled “Why I Defaulted on My Student Loans.” The piece goes beyond the descriptive promised in the headline to the prescriptive when Siegel suggests people “groaning under the weight of student loans” should follow his example.

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

Vox Rebuts Its Own Piece on Terrifying Progressive College Students

Vox’s Amanda Taub says a piece the site published earlier this week about progressive identity politics on campus is “truthy” and doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Strangely, Taub’s rebuttal overlooks nearly all of the evidence which might suggest otherwise.


Covered California Has a One-Star Rating on Yelp

Covered California, the Obamacare insurance marketplace in the Golden State, has a one-star review on Yelp, the ratings site which allows individuals to post reviews of local businesses.

Covered California

Rev. Al Sharpton Blames Texas Flooding on God, HVAC

Reverend Al Sharpton has some deep thoughts about the natural disaster that has killed at least 17 people in Texas and Oklahoma in the past week. In a tweet sent out Wednesday, Sharpton wondered whether the disaster was “God’s rebuke” or the result of “climate control.”