Joe Wilson Blames President Bush for Hillary’s vote on the Iraq War
Former Ambassador Joe Wilson says voters shouldn’t hold Hillary’s vote for the Iraq war against her. Instead they should hold it against President Bush.

Former Ambassador Joe Wilson says voters shouldn’t hold Hillary’s vote for the Iraq war against her. Instead they should hold it against President Bush.
The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS) used chemical weapons against Kurdish troops during a battle in Iraq last August.
Rep. John Lewis issued a statement Thursday downplaying Bernie Sanders’s role in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Speaking on Capitol Hill Thursday, Rep. Lewis said, “I never saw him. I never met him.” Lewis then added, “But I met Hillary Clinton.”
A newly revealed email exchange shows a reporter for a major political magazine agreeing to use the exact word suggested by a member of Hillary’s staff to write positive coverage of her speech.
A handful of Zika virus cases have turned up in the United States, but so far, all but one of those infected are people who have recently traveled to affected countries.
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry published a dramatic story about a man who, she says, may have wanted to kill her as she watched caucus returns in a hotel lobby full of people.
President Obama visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore Wednesday but, according to activists, women who attended the mosque regularly pray in a separate balcony space.
Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s former Chief of Staff at the State Department, has refused to answer questions about a misleading FOIA response the department sent out in 2013.
A former Inspector General for the State Department says Hillary Clinton will never be indicted for her use of a private email server because there are four loyal Democrats standing in the way.
The “top secret” emails found on Hillary Clinton’s private server contained “operational intelligence” that, if revealed, could have put lives at risk.
Some of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server are reportedly so highly classified that they will never be released by the State Department, not even in a redacted form.
The Daily Express posted a video Thursday which purports to show a woman screaming as she is attacked in Cologne, Germany, on New Year’s Eve. In fact, the video in question was shot in Cairo in 2013, and the audio comes from a completely different clip of an assault that also took place in Cairo’s Tahrir Square in 2013.
The FBI is meeting with the agencies and individuals who generated classified material found on Hillary Clinton private mail server to verify the source and proper classification level of the material.
Former U.S. Representative Tom Delay says the FBI is “ready to recommend an indictment” of Hillary Clinton after an investigation of her private email server.
Former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey says there is enough evidence to justify criminal charges against Hillary Clinton and to bring a conviction for mishandling classified information.
The kind of political correctness that often infiltrates news stories in America is even more common in Germany where public broadcasting rarely criticizes the open-door immigration policies of the center-left government.
Some of the emails discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal server are so highly classified that even members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee cannot view them without taking additional security steps. The “top secret/SAP” information identified on Clinton’s server is
The number of “top secret” emails found on Hillary Clinton’s server now exceeds the two that were discovered last year and which became the basis for a DOJ referral to examine the handling of classified information.
UnitedHealth, one of the nation’s largest insurers, announced Tuesday that they expect to lose nearly a billion dollars on plans sold on the Obamacare health exchanges.
The Inspector General for the Intelligence Community has told members of Congress that Hillary Clinton’s private email server contained some emails which were derived from “special access programs” intelligence, a level of classification regarded as above top secret.
German police have made their first arrest in connection with the mass sexual assault that took place in Cologne on New Years Eve.
A four man terror cell calling themselves the Turnup Terror Squad are on trial in London for a conspiracy to commit murder as part of an ISIS-inspired terror attack.
A poll published Friday by broadcaster ZDF found that 60 percent of Germans now say the country cannot handle the influx of refugees, which totaled 1.1 million in 2015.
A woman, who came forward and told her story of being sexually assaulted in Cologne, Germany, on New Years Eve, was victimized a second time after an Internet video gave out her identity and suggested her account of the attack was anti-Muslim propaganda.
German government ministers have agreed on the outline of a new law which, if passed, would make it easier to deport immigrants who break German laws.
An investigation into possible mishandling of classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private email server has expanded to consider whether Clinton’s work as Secretary overlapped with her work for the Clinton Foundation run by her family.
A 26-year-old Cologne victim named Selina found herself surrounded by as many as a hundred men who she says looked at her and a friend as if they were “free meat” in a grocery store. A translation of Selina’s interview with
Two north African men suspected of involvement in the Cologne, Germany sex attacks which took place on New Year’s Eve were arrested late Thursday. Police found a handwritten cheat sheet on one of the men with phrases like “I want to (have sex)” translated from Arabic to German.
An internal police report reveals the level of chaos that existed in Cologne on New Year’s Eve as hundreds of intoxicated men robbed people and groped dozens of women while police struggled to respond.
Senior staff for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were aware of a FOIA request for information on the email accounts used by the Secretary but said nothing to staff tasked with providing a response about her private email server. The Department’s response to the group seeking the information stated, “no records responsive to your request were located.”
One of the many women assaulted on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, told her story on camera this week.
A young woman named Jenny was scarred for life after a firework wound up in her jacket during a chaotic mob scene in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve.
One of the dozens of women who was groped by members of a mob in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve described the attack but turned her back to cameras to protect her identity.
President Obama’s statement on gun control Tuesday included an attempt to dismiss claims he ultimately wants to undermine the 2nd Amendment.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° sent out at least two tweets Thursday night asking followers to vote on whether New Year’s Eve co-host Kathy Griffin is “hotter with or without her shirt on?”
Black Lives Matter protesters held a rally Thursday night to protest the lack of indictment in the Tamir Rice and Sandra Bland cases. The rally of about 100 people blocked streets in DC’s Chinatown area, which is only a few blocks east of the White House.
A vigil for Sandra Bland in New York’s Union Square Park Wednesday night skirted into conspiracy theory territory as protesters carried signs saying Bland had been “killed” and speakers suggested the failure to charge anyone in her death was a sign that justice had not been served.
Venezuelan opposition leaders have written a letter to the UN General Secretary asking the world community to prevent a “judicial coup” by the ruling socialist party.
The Washington Post’s political vertical published an article Tuesday saying government officials who called for calm in the wake of the decision not to indict two police officers in the shooting of Tamir Rice were engaging in offensive stereotypes.
Just last week, Democrats in the media were guffawing over a poll which showed 30% of Republican primary voters would bomb the fictional city from Disney’s Aladdin. This week a Republican polling group asked a similar question of Democrats, and the results were even more embarrassing, with 44% of Democrats saying they’d support taking in refugees from Agrabah.