John J. Xenakis

John J. Xenakis - Page 21

Articles by John J. Xenakis

World View: Ethiopia Declares Extraordinary Six-Month State of Emergency

Contents: Ethiopia declares extraordinary six-month state of emergency; Oromo protests grow after hundreds killed during Irreecha (thanksgiving) festival; Ethiopia’s ‘kebele’ system imposes heavy government repression and control; Manufacture of Ivanka Trump’s shoes will move from China to Ethiopia

The Associated Press

World View: U.S. and Turkey Headed for Collision in Syria

Contents: Turkey’s Erdogan blames the EU for reneging on the refugee deal; With Turkey ‘left alone,’ Erdogan announces refugee plan conflicting with US plans; A major new flood of refugees starting to flee from Mosul in Iraq

In a speech in New York after attending the UN General Assembly, Erdogan said Washington w