Joel B. Pollak

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Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Photo: Clinton Presidential Library Hats Made in China

A Breitbart News reader emailed this snapshot yesterday, showing Clinton Presidential Library merchandise made in China.  I don’t particularly worry about such things. I’m in favor of free trade, and look forward to more economic cooperation–and competition–with China.  It’s a

Photo: Clinton Presidential Library Hats Made in China

Ryan's Immigration Challenge: Succeed Where Rubio Failed

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the House Budget Committee chair, 2012 vice-presidential candidate, and fiscal hawk, is being criticized by some conservative groups for his efforts to pass a version of immigration reform through the House of Representatives.  Last week, Ryan

Ryan's Immigration Challenge: Succeed Where Rubio Failed

'Smart Power'? Obama Forces Israel to Release Terrorists, Murderers

The media are aglow with reports that Israeli-Palestinian talks are resuming, thanks to the determined efforts of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. Palestinians did not want to return to talks, so the Obama administration forced Israel

'Smart Power'? Obama Forces Israel to Release Terrorists, Murderers

Jack Lew Tries, Fails to Rewrite Debt Ceiling History

Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew doesn’t exactly have the best reputation for honesty, having misled Congress about President Barack Obama’s debts, and having claimed–falsely–that Obama’s budgets were stalled in the Senate because of a Republican filibuster threat. On Sunday,

Jack Lew Tries, Fails to Rewrite Debt Ceiling History

Chris Hayes Compares Bill O'Reilly to Neo-Nazi

Chris Hayes, the fresh-faced MSNBC host who recently tried to pass the late former segregationist Democrat George Wallace off as a Republican, and who used Memorial Day 2012 as an occasion to reject the idea that U.S. troops are heroes,

Chris Hayes Compares Bill O'Reilly to Neo-Nazi

Beinart: Second Look at Sexting?

Peter Beinart, writing at the Daily Beast, argues that Anthony Weiner should stay in the race for mayor of New York City (for now). He points out the media’s hypocrisy in defending Bill Clinton’s far worse behavior (without noting that

WSJ: Obama Worst President for Middle Class 'in Modern Times'

The Wall Street Journal published a lead editorial on Thursday that responded harshly to President Barack Obama’s new series of economic speeches. “The President called his speech ‘A Better Bargain for the Middle Class,’ but no President has done worse by the

WSJ: Obama Worst President for Middle Class 'in Modern Times'

Top 10 Signs Obama Scandals Aren't 'Phony'

“But with this endless parade of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball.  And I am here to say this needs to stop. (Applause.) This needs to stop.”  – President Barack Obama,

Top 10 Signs Obama Scandals Aren't 'Phony'

Top 5 Things Obama Will Say in Economy Speech

Predictions are always tough, but President Barack Obama’s speeches have become so formulaic that there is less risk in predicting the basic outline of his economy speech in Galesburg, IL today–the first in a series: 1. Taking credit: Look for

Anthony Weiner's Real 'Addiction' is Political

Anthony Weiner does not have a sex addiction. We know that, because sex addiction probably does not exist.  As the Huffington Post reported last week, a new UCLA study shows that people who report uncontrollable urges to view sexual images

Anthony Weiner's Real 'Addiction' is Political

Obama to 'Pivot' to Jobs–Again–in Series of Economic Speeches

The Associated Press reports that President Barack Obama is planning to focus on the economy in a series of upcoming speeches. Since his second inauguration, the president has focused on gun control, immigration reform, and climate change–leaving jobs and the

Obama to 'Pivot' to Jobs–Again–in Series of Economic Speeches

Obama, 2001: 'I Was a Thug…Growing Up'

In an interview in 2001 with an African-American oral history project, The History Makers, then-State Senator Barack Obama recalled: “I was a thug…for a big part of my growing up.” He added: “I got into fights. I drank and did–and

Obama, 2001: 'I Was a Thug…Growing Up'

Obama Co-Sponsored 2004 Bill Strengthening Self-Defense in Illinois

President Barack Obama has questioned the wisdom of “Stand Your Ground” laws, which in many states provide that a person using justified force in self-defense against an attacker has no duty to retreat before using that force. However, in 2004,

Obama Co-Sponsored 2004 Bill Strengthening Self-Defense in Illinois

CNN's Crowley 'Hopes' for More Talk About Race; Praises Helen Thomas

On her Sunday morning news show, State of the Union, Candy Crowley expressed explicit support for more talk about race in America, commenting on the possibility that a nationwide conversation about race could emerge from the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman controversy:

CNN's Crowley 'Hopes' for More Talk About Race; Praises Helen Thomas

'Justice for Trayvon' Protests Draw Small Crowds; Nation Moves On

Nationwide rallies against the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin drew small crowds, a sign that Americans had largely accepted the verdict and that race relations are not nearly as frayed as Al Sharpton’s National

'Justice for Trayvon' Protests Draw Small Crowds; Nation Moves On

Professor Barack 'I Am Trayvon' Obama Gets 'Stand Your Ground' Law Wrong

In his unfortunate remarks about the Zimmerman verdict Friday, Obama said something about “stand your ground” laws that reflects popular misconceptions seen on social media–hardly befitting a law “professor”: And for those who resist that idea that we should think

Professor Barack 'I Am Trayvon' Obama Gets 'Stand Your Ground' Law Wrong

Obama's 'I Am Trayvon' Moment Raises Stakes for Sharpton Protests

Saturday’s nationwide protests against the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin will mark the next chapter in Al Sharpton’s long and checkered history of activism. Over several decades, Sharpton has led protests against both real civil

Obama's 'I Am Trayvon' Moment Raises Stakes for Sharpton Protests

Detroit's Problems Explained in One Quote

A Wall Street Journal report on Detroit’s bankruptcy inadvertently summed up the major cause of its financial problems–the unrealistic pension promises made to unionized city workers for decades: “I was planning on retiring in October, but now I’m not sure. I

'Barry Soetero' Registered to Vote at White House

J. Christian Adams, writing at PJ Media, reports that someone named “Barry Soetero” has registered to vote at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C.–i.e., at the White House. “Barry Soetero” is how President Barack Obama was once known (his stepfather

Jesse Jackson Calls Florida an 'Apartheid State'

First the left tried to boycott Arizona over an immigration law whose substantive core was upheld by the Supreme Court. Now the left is trying to stir up hatred against Florida over the verdict in the Zimmerman trial, with Jesse

Jesse Jackson Calls Florida an 'Apartheid State'

D.C. Republicans are Stoking a GOP Civil War

The immigration debate threatens to tear the Republican Party apart–not because of disagreements over the principle of immigration reform, but because of disagreements over strategy and tactics that may become insurmountable. The party leadership, believing that immigration reform will appeal

D.C. Republicans are Stoking a GOP Civil War

NPR's Keith Still Pushing False 'Progressive' IRS Scandal

Tamara Keith of National Public Radio continues to pursue the false allegation by Democrats that liberal non-profit groups, too, were targeted by the IRS for scrutiny. The story, which Democrats concocted to blunt the outrage over the IRS’s admitted targeting

NPR's Keith Still Pushing False 'Progressive' IRS Scandal


Crossroads GPS is drafting off the Sharknado meme with a new video it hopes will go viral, “ObamaCareNado”: Not bad, I’d say, though it lacks the B-movie prerequisites: lots of blood and lots of bikinis. Will there be a sequel? Might


House Leaders to Educate Voters About Immigration: 'Become America'

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) will lead a tour of House leaders next week aimed at educating Americans, and each other, about the history and importance of immigration to the United States. The tour, dubbed the “Become America” tour,

House Leaders to Educate Voters About Immigration: 'Become America'

Power's False Promise to Israel: A Seat on the UN Security Council

There is no doubt that Samantha Power turned in a strong performance during her confirmation hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday, and likely secured her confirmation as UN Ambassador. She was as good as Secretary of Defense Chuck

Power's False Promise to Israel: A Seat on the UN Security Council

Immigration: The Media's 'White District' Lie

One of the biggest of many falsehoods circulating in the mainstream media about immigration reform is that House Republicans feel no pressure to pass a bill because they represent predominantly “white” districts–as if opposition to the “Gang of Eight” legislation

Immigration: The Media's 'White District' Lie

Distraction as Strategy

In response to Tragedy to Travesty to Distraction: The Trayvon-Zimmerman is a distraction in some ways. It certainly provided cover for that disastrous Senate deal on the filibuster. But having spent some time writing about Obama’s organizing group, “Organizing for

Power Strives to Reassure Critics in Senate Confirmation Hearing

It is rare that a conservative hawk is able to praise any of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy nominees. But Samantha Power’s solid performance at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday was impressive. She will

Power Strives to Reassure Critics in Senate Confirmation Hearing

Jimmy Carter Supports Zimmerman Verdict: 'The Right Decision'

Former President Jimmy Carter stymied Democrats’ efforts to turn the death of Trayvon Martin into a partisan rallying cry Tuesday, telling local NBC affiliate WXIA in Atlanta that the acquittal of George Zimmerman was correct.  “I think the jury made

Jimmy Carter Supports Zimmerman Verdict: 'The Right Decision'

Jew-hater Leads Trayvon Protest

A demonstrator leading a protest against the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin on Monday wore a t-shirt emblazoned with antisemitic language, as seen in a news broadcast by KTLA-5 of Los Angeles, and featured at

Jew-hater Leads Trayvon Protest