Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 331

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Christie is GOP Moderates' Rick Perry: Regional Winner, National Loser

There’s much talk about Chris Christie as the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 (yes, already). Christie is certainly gearing up for a run, and has begun by attacking potential GOP rivals. But while moderate Republicans like Christie

Who's to Blame for Arab World's Chaos–and What to Do?

The horrific violence in Egypt has triggered another round of “I-told-you-so’s” among American skeptics of the Arab Spring. There is a bit too much eagerness to see the very goal of Arab democracy as a failure, and also to heap

Who's to Blame for Arab World's Chaos–and What to Do?

Allred, with New Accuser: 'We Have Not Heard from President Obama' on Filner

A new–and, depending on who’s counting, fifteenth or sixteenth–alleged sexual harassment victim of San Diego’s Democratic mayor, Bob Filner, came forward at a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred on Thursday afternoon in downtown San Diego. The woman, Peggy Shannon,

Allred, with New Accuser: 'We Have Not Heard from President Obama' on Filner

Obama on Egypt: 'Our Traditional Cooperation Cannot Continue'

President Barack Obama interrupted his vacation on Martha’s Vineyard on Thursday morning to comment on the violence in Egypt that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of pro-Muslim Brotherhood protestors at the hands of the Egyptian military this week.

Obama on Egypt: 'Our Traditional Cooperation Cannot Continue'

Politico: Republicans Better at 'Diversity' than Democrats

Buried within an article on Newark Mayor Cory Booker’s run for U.S. Senate, Edward-Isaac Dovere of Politico admits “the irony that in the age of Obama, Republicans have done a better job than Democrats of bringing diversity through their ranks.” 

Politico: Republicans Better at 'Diversity' than Democrats

Exclusive-Allred: I'm Not Going Easy on Democrat Filner

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, attorney Gloria Allred responded to claims by Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday that she had only taken a “perfunctory” interest in allegations of sexual harassment against Bob Filner, the Democratic mayor of San Diego. “I’ve held two

Exclusive-Allred: I'm Not Going Easy on Democrat Filner

Low Turnout at Key Immigration Reform Rally

Four hundred activists for immigration reform turned out for a rally in Bakersfield, California Wednesday at the district office of Republican Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy. Though organizers had promised upwards of 5,000 demonstrators, the turnout was significantly lower than

Low Turnout at Key Immigration Reform Rally

Nuclear Fallout: Yucca Decision Could Affect Immigration, Obamacare

The Obama administration suffered a setback Tuesday when the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against it over the issue of nuclear waste storage at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, which President Barack Obama opposes. Though the ruling re-opens the issue, and

Nuclear Fallout: Yucca Decision Could Affect Immigration, Obamacare

No, '50 Shades of Grey' Does Not Promote Abuse

The local CBS affiliate in Cleveland reports that a new “study” by Ohio State University has found that the E. L. James smash hit erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey promotes “sexual and emotional abuse” against women. I put the word

Egypt Cracks Down on Pro-Morsi Protests: 'Everyone Is Shooting'

The Egyptian government began clearing large pro-Muslim Brotherhood tent-camp demonstrations out of two Cairo squares today, the Wall Street Journal reports. Shooting was reported by military sources on the scene, and protestors claimed that as many as one hundred people

Egypt Cracks Down on Pro-Morsi Protests: 'Everyone Is Shooting'

Review–Punk at the Met: F*** You, Too

The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Punk: Chaos to Couture exhibit closes tomorrow, so–while in town for Greg Gutfeld’s RedEye–I decided I had to see it. What is punk doing in an art museum anyway? Surely punk, in its rebellion against conventional

Review–Punk at the Met: F*** You, Too

CNN Op-Ed: Republicans Want to Restore Slavery

It may just be an opinion piece, but no respectable media outlet should have run it. Professor Gary May claims, in an article at, that because most conservatives support the Supreme Court’s partial invalidation of the Voting Rights Act

Media Failed to Reveal Victims of Zanzibar Acid Attack Are Jewish

British and American media covered last week’s horrific acid attack last week by Islamists on two British teenagers who were volunteering in Zanzibar, but failed to mention the fact that both are Jewish. The two 18-year-olds, Kirstie Trup and Katie Gee,

Media Failed to Reveal Victims of Zanzibar Acid Attack Are Jewish

Obama's Terror Dodge: Al Qaeda Meant to Function Without 'Core'

In his press conference last Friday, when asked by ABC News’ Jonathan Karl to defend previous claims that Al Qaeda has been “decimated” and is “on the run,” President Barack Obama replied that while local affiliates were active, the U.S.

Obama's Terror Dodge: Al Qaeda Meant to Function Without 'Core'

'Punching' Jim Messina

Jim Messina likes to talk about punching people. In August 2009, while serving as Deputy Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama at the White House, he told Democrats to “punch back twice as hard” if they were “hit” by

'Punching' Jim Messina

Elysium Director Cites Apartheid for His Class War Themes

Neill Blomkamp, director of the new socialist sci-fi movie Elysium, has pushed back against criticism of the film’s class warfare themes, suggesting that his life growing up in apartheid South Africa is the inspiration for his focus on inequality.  It’s an

Elysium Director Cites Apartheid for His Class War Themes

In Gay Rights, Obama Suddenly Finds a 'Precondition'

President Barack Obama’s decision to withdraw from a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin was likely driven by gay rights considerations, not national security concerns involving Edward Snowden. And as Rush Limbaugh noted Wednesday morning, Obama’s withdrawal reneges on a

In Gay Rights, Obama Suddenly Finds a 'Precondition'

Tom Cotton Launches Senate Campaign: 'Great Chance to Win'

“I’m running for Senate for the same reasons that I ran for Congress,” says Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR), “and for the same reasons that I joined the Army: to serve my country and expand freedom.”  He’s calling me from his

Tom Cotton Launches Senate Campaign: 'Great Chance to Win'

The Hateful Side of Immigration Reform

After covering Tuesday’s immigration reform rally on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall, I’m convinced that the proponents of immigration reform don’t want to persuade American voters to support their agenda. They want to bully them into submission.  What

The Hateful Side of Immigration Reform

Journalists, Activists Gather at LA Rally for Immigration Reform

More journalists than activists turned out for the start of a rally for immigration reform on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall Tuesday morning staged by labor unions and pro-amnesty organizations. The event was aimed at warning Republicans in

Journalists, Activists Gather at LA Rally for Immigration Reform

Politico's WaPo-Bezos Fever

On Tuesday morning, twelve of the fourteen top stories at Politico were related to the purchase of the Washington Post by founder and CEO Jeff Bezos. “Bezos re-Kindles hope at WaPo,” “What is Jeff Bezos Thinking?” and “Twitter primed after

Politico's WaPo-Bezos Fever

War on Men? Lundergan Grimes's Attack on McConnell's 'Kidney Stone'

Last weekend, Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, the main Democratic challenger to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in 2014, used kidney stones as a metaphor for the alleged obstructionism of her rival: “If doctors told McConnell he had

War on Men? Lundergan Grimes's Attack on McConnell's 'Kidney Stone'

Israel to U.S.: We'll Share the Burden of Sequester Cuts

In a gesture of goodwill, the Israeli government has indicated it is willing to waive any protection from cuts in the U.S. budget sequester, giving up nearly $55 million of the annual military aid that the U.S. provides to build

Israel to U.S.: We'll Share the Burden of Sequester Cuts

Charlie Rangel Fears Nothing

In response to What Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) Fears: My sister used to live in Charlie Rangel’s district. She was appalled when Rangel was re-elected in 2010 despite a strong challenge from Adam Clayton Powell IV–a flawed candidate, to be

Mugabe Wins Again; Zimbabwe Remains a Failed State

“What are you doing here?” the smartly-dressed executive asked me in a whisper as he handed me local currency across his desk in the upstairs floor of a Bulawayo bank. “You should leave as soon as possible.” That was twelve

Mugabe Wins Again; Zimbabwe Remains a Failed State

Yours Truly in Full Lefty Cry, 1998

A lefty troll posted a photograph of me in the comment thread of my article on Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) today, in which I referred, inter alia, to my past as a campus radical. The a snapshot, which was published in

Yours Truly in Full Lefty Cry, 1998

Tom Cotton Was A Fighting Conservative on Campus, Too

My old colleague Charles C. Johnson has published an article in the Daily Caller today attacking Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR), the freshman Tea Party conservative who is about to announce his challenge to incumbent Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR). Johnson claims

Tom Cotton Was A Fighting Conservative on Campus, Too

Why Defunding Obamacare Matters, Win or Lose

As conservative Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and others attempt to build support for a plan to defund Obamacare in this fall’s forthcoming budget battles, they have faced criticism from fellow conservatives on two grounds: first, it will

Why Defunding Obamacare Matters, Win or Lose

Quietly, Obama Begins 'Regionalizing' America

Stanley Kurtz at National Review Online writes about San Francisco’s new Plan Bay Area–a “regional” plan for San Francisco and the surrounding cities that is ostensibly aimed at making sure minorities can afford the local housing market, but which is

Quietly, Obama Begins 'Regionalizing' America

Photo: Clinton Presidential Library Hats Made in China

A Breitbart News reader emailed this snapshot yesterday, showing Clinton Presidential Library merchandise made in China.  I don’t particularly worry about such things. I’m in favor of free trade, and look forward to more economic cooperation–and competition–with China.  It’s a

Photo: Clinton Presidential Library Hats Made in China

Ryan's Immigration Challenge: Succeed Where Rubio Failed

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the House Budget Committee chair, 2012 vice-presidential candidate, and fiscal hawk, is being criticized by some conservative groups for his efforts to pass a version of immigration reform through the House of Representatives.  Last week, Ryan

Ryan's Immigration Challenge: Succeed Where Rubio Failed