Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 329

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

At UN, Obama Isn't President, He's 'President'

President Barack Obama’s address to the opening of the United Nations relied heavily on a rhetorical device he has used often, but never to quite the same extent–namely, describing both sides of an argument and then suggesting that his own

Obama to UN: Trust Me, If Not America

President Barack Obama struck an apologetic tone at the United Nations on Tuesday, reassuring the General Assembly that the U.S. had “shifted away from a perpetual war footing,” and describing new limits on America’s use of soldiers, drones, and intelligence.

Obama to UN: Trust Me, If Not America

Crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood Ends Arab Spring

The Arab Spring, which peaked with the ouster of former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak in February 2011, is all but over after the Muslim Brotherhood was banned once again by an Egyptian court earlier this week. The status quo ante

Crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood Ends Arab Spring

Looks Like That Clenched Fist Is Working Pretty Well for Iran

Remember this, from Obama’s first inaugural? To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you

In Courting Iran, Obama Betrays Syria's Children

President Barack Obama is mulling a meeting Tuesday at the United Nations with Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani. They will also both be present at a private luncheon held for heads of state by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and Secretary of

In Courting Iran, Obama Betrays Syria's Children

The Obvious Way Out of a Shutdown over Obamacare

Here’s a win-win. Ted Cruz proposes a delay in Obamacare’s individual mandate until 2015–the same delay that employers received. That delay takes the form of no funding to enforce the mandate. It also mirrors a condition Republicans have tied to

The Obvious Way Out of a Shutdown over Obamacare

Obama's Possible Rouhani Meeting Signals Surrender to Iran

President Barack Obama’s possible meeting with Iranian president Hassan Rouhani at the opening of the United Nations on Tuesday is being hailed by the mainstream media as a diplomatic breakthrough. In fact, it is a U.S. surrender, one that lends

Obama's Possible Rouhani Meeting Signals Surrender to Iran

Medved Misses in Attack on Cruz, Conservative Opposition

I enjoy and admire Michael Medved, so it is with some reluctance that I attack his op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal, which is both cringing and cringeworthy, and represents much that is wrong with the mentality of today’s GOP

Medved Misses in Attack on Cruz, Conservative Opposition

In 'Hostage' Standoff, Obama Is Weaker than He Thinks

As he did in 2011, President Barack Obama is accusing Republicans of “holding the whole country hostage.” This time, the issue is not just the debt ceiling, which comes due in mid-October, but the federal budget, which expires on Sep.

In 'Hostage' Standoff, Obama Is Weaker than He Thinks

3 Problems with Obama's Navy Yard Speech the Media Still Ignore

The mainstream media have awoken to the fact that President Barack Obama’s partisan attack on Republicans during the Navy Yard attack on Monday may not have been the best idea, even if only for tactical reasons.  The New York Times‘

3 Problems with Obama's Navy Yard Speech the Media Still Ignore

Arab States Exploit Syria Crisis to Pressure Israel on Nukes

Though some Arab states pressed for U.S.-led military action against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, that did not prevent them from exploiting Assad’s diplomatic success to pressure Israel. The Jerusalem Post reports that Arab states have carried out an earlier

Arab States Exploit Syria Crisis to Pressure Israel on Nukes

Defunding Obamacare Not 'Suicide' After All

Beltway conservatives have been warning for weeks that the movement to defund Obamacare through the upcoming budget debate is a political loser. Even columnist Charles Krauthammer, often sympathetic to the Tea Party movement, recently called the move to defund Obamacare

Defunding Obamacare Not 'Suicide' After All

Yesterday, Obama Was Not My President–or Yours

On Monday, while the death toll mounted at the Navy Yard, President Barack Obama delivered a strident partisan tirade against Republicans, using the fifth anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse to score political points ahead of the debt ceiling debate.

Yesterday, Obama Was Not My President–or Yours

Today: Tevi Troy on Presidents and Pop Culture

Tevi Troy, former Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services during the George W. Bush administration, will present his new book on presidents and pop culture today at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC (1015 15th Street NW, 12:00-2:00 ET).

Today: Tevi Troy on Presidents and Pop Culture

The GOP Elites Never Miss an Opportunity to Pick a Fight

In the midst of the Navy Yard attack, former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum took advantage of the chaos to attack gun rights advocates. Gun control is a repeated hobbyhorse for Frum, who blamed the “gun lobby” for the

The GOP Elites Never Miss an Opportunity to Pick a Fight

Obama Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary of Lehman Collapse

President Barack Obama will use the the five-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers–and the ensuing financial crisis–today to attempt yet another “pivot” to economic issues for what is, conservatively, the dozenth time. Amid the boilerplate remembrances of jobs

Obama Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary of Lehman Collapse

Can Obama Be Taken Seriously on Iran Threat?

In foreign policy as in much else, President Barack Obama has relied on words rather than actions. So it is difficult to take seriously his threat, expressed in an interview Friday with ABC News that aired Sunday on This Week,

Can Obama Be Taken Seriously on Iran Threat?

Summers Over; Withdraws Name from Fed Stakes

Former Secretary of the Treasure Lawrence Summers has officially withdrawn his name from contention for the chairmanship of the Federal Reserve, the Wall Street Journal reports. Summers called President Barack Obama on Sunday to inform him of his withdrawal, and

Summers Over; Withdraws Name from Fed Stakes

Andrew McCarthy Nails Conservative Foreign Policy

I’ve wrestled with Andrew C. McCarthy’s writings on foreign policy since the start of the Arab Spring. I am one of those conservatives who agreed with George W. Bush’s articulation of human rights and democracy as the core values of

Obama Blames Technology for Job Failure–Again

On Sunday’s edition of This Week, ABC News aired an interview conducted with President Barack Obama on Friday. Among other familiar Obama tropes–such as the threat not to negotiate with congressional leaders over the debt ceiling, which is odd considering

Obama Blames Technology for Job Failure–Again

The Price Israel Pays for Being a Client State

The bond between the United States and Israel is both deep and broad. Yet the geopolitical alliance took shape in earnest after the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel’s military might convinced the U.S. of its value as an ally

Gov. Brown to Sign Bill Legalizing Non-Physician Abortions in CA

A bill that would allow non-physicians to perform abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy is awaiting signature by Gov. Jerry Brown of California by Sep. 30. The bill, AB 154, passed both houses of the state legislature with strong

Gov. Brown to Sign Bill Legalizing Non-Physician Abortions in CA

Democrats' Third World Media Law Must Be Stopped

The attempt by Senate Democrats to define who is, and is not, a journalist is only the latest assault by the left on the First Amendment during the Obama era. From their attacks on free speech in opposition to the

Rand Paul Steps Away from Ron Paul's 9/11 Remarks

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) distanced himself from his father Ron Paul’s controversial views on 9/11 yesterday, saying that some terrorists “are…motivated whether we’re there [in the Middle East] or not.”  The elder Paul triggered outrage on Wednesday, the anniversary of

Rand Paul Steps Away from Ron Paul's 9/11 Remarks

NPR: AIPAC, Pro-Israel Groups Failed on Syria

National Public Radio’s David Welna reported Thursday morning that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and other pro-Israel groups had suffered defeat in efforts to lobby Congress to back a military attack against Syria.  Though Welna cites some dubious sources,

NPR: AIPAC, Pro-Israel Groups Failed on Syria

The Comic Books of 9/11

Carl M. Cannon of RealClearPolitics devoted a column on the anniversary of 9/11 to the music that emerged to describe and deal with the terror attacks and their aftermath. At the time, I was living in South Africa and working

Ron's 9/11 Views Pose Problem for Rand

It is no surprise that former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul believes that the U.S. bears some responsibility, albeit indirect, for the terror attack of September 11, 2001. That belief, a staple of the far-left, animated his spoiler campaign

Ron's 9/11 Views Pose Problem for Rand

Syria's Win Is the Model for Iran

When the dust settles, the concrete result of the Syria debacle is that dictator Bashar al-Assad was able to use chemical weapons, both literally and diplomatically, to retain power. Assad succeeded because President Barack Obama was never really serious about

Syria's Win Is the Model for Iran

Benghazi 9/11–What Difference It Made

As Americans pause today to remember the trauma–and heroism–of September 11, 2001, we have a new reason to commemorate the day: the embassy attacks of September 11, 2012. A year later, there have been no arrests and no responses. Those

Benghazi 9/11–What Difference It Made

Obama's Pee Wee Defense on Syria: 'I Meant to Do That'

Secretary of State John Kerry is trying to claim that his “goof” on Syria handing over its chemical weapons to international monitors was part of the plan all along, a claim that Fox News finds somewhat dubious. It’s the old

Obama's Dramatic Syria Flip-Flop Nearly Breaks Flip-Flop Speed Record

Yesterday, President Barack Obama was preparing to gird the nation for war against Syria. Today, he agreed to let the United Nations decide. Yesterday, UN Ambassador Samantha Power was dismissing the UN  for its inaction. Today, the Obama administration is

Obama's Dramatic Syria Flip-Flop Nearly Breaks Flip-Flop Speed Record

Israel Laughs at Obama's 'Face-Saving' Syria Deal

President Barack Obama switched gears Monday, embracing a Russian-backed proposal to have Syria transfer its chemical weapons stockpile to international control–an idea that emerged from a gaffe earlier in the day by Secretary of State John Kerry. The proposal may

Israel Laughs at Obama's 'Face-Saving' Syria Deal

Pro-Israel Groups Serving Obama, not Israel, on Syria

There is only one possible good-faith reason that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are lobbying Congress to approve President Barack Obama’s proposed

Pro-Israel Groups Serving Obama, not Israel, on Syria

Obama's 'Red Line' on Syria Was a Joke in April

One of the few effective arguments that the Obama administration has used in support of military action in Syria is that it is important to deter other rogue states determined to acquire, and threatening to use, weapons of mass destruction.

Obama's 'Red Line' on Syria Was a Joke in April

Susan Rice: Palestinians Might Become Victims of Chemical Weapons

In a strident exhortation to the New America Foundation on Monday, National Security Advisor Susan Rice reiterated President Barack Obama’s case for a “limited” military strike against Syria in response to alleged chemical weapons use by Bashar al-Assad’s forces. She

Susan Rice: Palestinians Might Become Victims of Chemical Weapons

Power Refuses to Say Syria Strike Legal Without UN Approval

In an interview on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition on Monday, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, declined to say whether a U.S. strike on Syria would be legal without the approval of the UN. She was asked

Power Refuses to Say Syria Strike Legal Without UN Approval

Obama’s ‘Organizing for Action’ Silent on Syria

It’s odd how President Barack Obama appears to be enlisting (or at least enjoying) the help of pro-Israel organizations to push for congressional approval for an attack on Syria, but his own group, Organizing for Action, doesn’t seem to be