Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 327

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Hamas Eyes Iran as New Patron

The Jerusalem Post reported Sunday that the leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, will lead a delegation from the terror group to Tehran later this week, seeking greater support from the Iranian regime. The move is described as the beginning of an

Hamas Eyes Iran as New Patron

Dick Durbin's Fancy Dinners

On Oct. 12, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) took to the floor of the Senate to offer one of his typical, hyper-partisan harangues, blaming Republicans for the ill effects of the government shutdown (including the suspension of programs that the House

Dick Durbin's Fancy Dinners

Paul Ryan Is Not the Problem

Conservatives seem to have identified Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as the new scapegoat for frustration at the GOP’s apparent stumbles in the fiscal battle in Washington, DC. In the space of a year or so, Ryan has gone from being

Andrew Breitbart and the GOP's Debt-Obamacare Debacle

In thinking about the Republican divisions that the fiscal fight has revealed, I recalled Andrew Breitbart’s speech to CPAC in 2012, shortly before he died. It was a plea for unity in the movement:  “Anyone that’s willing to stand next

Larry Elder Shows Why Public Distrusts Media

Conservative talk show host Larry Elder (right, above) appeared on CNN with Don Lemon today to debate Democrat strategist Hilary Rosen (yes, that Hilary Rosen, who once mocked Ann Romney for having been a stay-at-home mother). The conversation quickly became two-against-one,

Larry Elder Shows Why Public Distrusts Media

Will Israelis and Saudis Unite Against Iran–and Defy Obama?

The new diplomatic effort between U.S. President Barack Obama and the Iranian regime fronted by President Hassan Rouhani continues, with Iran canceling its annual anti-Israel conference as a sign of goodwill. Israel, however, which is highly skeptical of Iran’s intention,

Will Israelis and Saudis Unite Against Iran–and Defy Obama?

In California, Obamacare is Working…for Union Patronage

National Public Radio aired a story by Sarah Varney on Friday about the progress of Covered California, the flagship of the entire Obamacare enrollment effort. The story explores the efforts of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to enroll uninsured

In California, Obamacare is Working…for Union Patronage

Did Obama Care About 'Losing' When He Forced Obamacare Through? No.

The results of the NBC/WSJ poll have lifted the mainstream media’s spirits this morning. Republicans are “losing,” Mara Liasson of National Public Radio exulted, suggesting that poor poll results were the reason that House Speaker John Boehner offered President Barack

Did Obama Care About 'Losing' When He Forced Obamacare Through? No.

Is a Two-Stage Negotiation Really Better?

Full credit to Erick Erickson and Ben Domenech for pushing a negotiating strategy that the Republican leadership appears to have embraced–namely, splitting the shutdown and debt ceiling negotiations with a short-term debt limit offer. The GOP certainly seems to have

Jerry Brown's Miracle: He Made California Taxes Worse

Gov. Jerry Brown has been signing a slew of bills designed to make Democrats happy–not just in California but nationwide. From protecting illegal aliens from deportations for minor crimes, to allowing non-physicians to perform abortions, he has checked every box

Jerry Brown's Miracle: He Made California Taxes Worse

A Paradoxical Case for Yellin at the Fed

The New York Times has run an extensive profile of President Barack Obama’s next nominee to head the Federal Reserve, Jessica Yellin. Conservatives are worried that despite her qualifications, she’s a liberal Democrat committed to using monetary policy to stimulate the

Unthinkable: Should We ‘Contain’ Iran?

I’ve written an extensive review at Big Peace of Kenneth Pollack’s essential new book on Iran, Unthinkable: Iran, the Bomb, and American Strategy. But here’s a summary. Pollack says that because “engagement” with Iran has failed, but war remains the

California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions

Gov. Jerry Brown of California signed AB 154 on Wednesday, legalizing non-physician abortions in the state.  The legislation, which had been pushed vigorously by Planned Parenthood, had been strongly opposed by pro-life groups and some physicians, arguing that it amounted

California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions

Review: An Iraq Hawk's Case for Containment in Iran

The most embarrassing moment in Chuck Hagel’s confirmation hearing as Secretary of Defense came when he misidentified the U.S. policy on Iran as “containment,” and had to correct himself. It is therefore surprising that Kenneth Pollack, one of the most

Review: An Iraq Hawk's Case for Containment in Iran

Ryan Weak on Obamacare? Are You Serious?

I find the suggestion that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) does not truly oppose Obamacare rather amusing.  The basis of the charge is that he does not mention the word “Obamacare” in his op-ed today in the Wall Street Journal about

Israeli Minister on Iran Proposal: It's a 'Joke'

Israel’s Minister of Intelligence, Yuval Steinitz, called a new proposal for a deal on Iran’s nuclear program a “joke,” according to the Jerusalem Post on Wednesday. The terms of the deal, reported by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday evening, include

Israeli Minister on Iran Proposal: It's a 'Joke'

Beltway Conservative Journalists Should Have Refused Obama

News leaked via Politico’s Dylan Byers that five D.C.-based conservative journalists met President Barack Obama on Tuesday in an off-the-record session. No, I’m not upset that we weren’t invited–the Groucho Marx rule is relevant here, more so the fact that

Exclusive-Bolton: Iran Nuclear Proposal 'Complete Bullsh–'

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton told Breitbart News late Tuesday evening that the new nuclear proposal being offered by the Iranian regime is “complete bullsh–” and “pure propaganda” to buy time.  Under the proposal, according to the Wall Street Journal,

Exclusive-Bolton: Iran Nuclear Proposal 'Complete Bullsh–'

Iran's Rouhani Boasted in May of Lying About Nuclear Program

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani boasted on Iranian television in May that he had lied to the west and the world about complying with international agreements on its nuclear program, the Times of Israel reports.  Rouhani, like the other candidates carefully

Iran's Rouhani Boasted in May of Lying About Nuclear Program

Straw Man on the Acela Express

In response to The closing and welding shut of the American liberal mind: I was meant to take a Bolt Bus from Boston to New York today, but because the bus was canceled, I had to take the next train

Obama is Creating a Unified Republican Opposition

A week ago, some Republicans were grousing over the tactics used by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), blaming him for the confrontation that led to the government shutdown over Obamacare. Today, a few are still fanning the flames of GOP infighting–such

Negotiation 101: Pros and Cons of a Short-Term Debt Ceiling Increase

The House Republican leadership will reportedly consider a short-term increase in the debt ceiling, after the White House hinted Monday that it might accept one. After insisting that he would not negotiate, the president blinked–and it is good for the GOP

Negotiation 101: Pros and Cons of a Short-Term Debt Ceiling Increase

Cognitive Dissonance at the Gym

In response to The closing and welding shut of the American liberal mind: This morning, at the gym, I overheard a conversation between a woman and her trainer about Obamacare. (I couldn’t help overhearing it; they were speaking loudly, and

Liberal Intolerance: You Believe What?

I was at a dinner recently where I happened to be seated at a table with new acquaintances of the liberal political persuasion.  We went around the table introducing ourselves. As I said that I work for a “conservative website,”

Harvard Pays Tribute to Alan Dershowitz

On Monday, Harvard Law School hosted a celebration of Prof. Alan Dershowitz’s fifty years of teaching with an entire afternoon of panel discussions featuring legal scholars, past students, and colleagues in the academy and the law. It was a moving

Harvard Pays Tribute to Alan Dershowitz

Another Kerry Gaffe Puts U.S. Policy at Odds with Itself

Comments on Monday by Secretary of State John Kerry crediting the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad with initial cooperation with international chemical weapons monitors leave no doubt that the United States now has a stake in shoring up the Assad

Another Kerry Gaffe Puts U.S. Policy at Odds with Itself

Celebrating Alan Dershowitz

Today I will have the honor of participating in a special Harvard Law School event honoring the career of Alan Dershowitz, the famous defense lawyer and legal scholar. I have been asked to speak specifically about his work as a

Republicans Do Have a Strategy–Even If They Had to Stumble onto It

Conservatives, and Republicans in general, have been accused of having “no strategy” in the showdown with President Barack Obama and the Democrats over Obamacare, the government shutdown, and the debt ceiling. It might be argued that the Republicans only adopted

Republicans Do Have a Strategy–Even If They Had to Stumble onto It

While the World Debates Iran, Covert War Continues

The Iranian government claimed Sunday that it had arrested four individuals accused of trying to sabotage the country’s nuclear sites. While the exact sites allegedly targeted were not named, if such sabotage is indeed going on, it likely involves the

While the World Debates Iran, Covert War Continues

California's 'Trust Act' Defies Feds on Immigration

When Arizona passed SB 1070, allowing law enforcement officers to demand proof of legal U.S. residence from people detained for other legitimate reasons, the Obama administration acted quickly to challenge the constitutionality of that law in court (and won). Now

California's 'Trust Act' Defies Feds on Immigration

Stephanopoulos's Misleading Parting Shot

On ABC News’ This Week, House Speaker John Boehner told host George Stephanopoulos that the votes were not there to pass a “clean” debt ceiling increase–i.e. a plain increase with no changes to spending and none of the changes to

Stephanopoulos's Misleading Parting Shot

Democrats Can't Name ONE Republican Who Backs Default

The Big Lie being told by President Barack Obama, Treasury Secretary Jack “Loop-de” Lew, and Democrats in general is that Republicans are pushing for a default on the national debt. Lew said it again on Sunday’s edition of Fox News

Democrats Can't Name ONE Republican Who Backs Default

NPR's Horsley Spins the Debt Ceiling for Obama

Scott Horsley continues to be one of the most biased reporters at National Public Radio–and that’s saying something. Horsley, NPR’s White House correspondent, described the looming debt ceiling battle on Weekend Edition on Sunday in terms that not only painted Republicans in

NPR's Horsley Spins the Debt Ceiling for Obama

NYT Tells Only Half the Story of Shutdown

The New York Times led Sunday morning with a feature on how the government shutdown over Obamacare was “waged by a galaxy of conservative groups with more money, organized tactics and interconnections than is commonly known.” It recycles some typical left-wing

NYT Tells Only Half the Story of Shutdown

Full Faith and Credit Act: House Republicans' Trump Card

The Wall Street Journal editorial page recently highlighted a largely unknown piece of legislation passed by the House of Representatives in May: the Full Faith and Credit Act, sponsored by Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA). The bill would prevent the federal government from

Full Faith and Credit Act: House Republicans' Trump Card

Obama Has Lost It

It is worth noting that in most of the serious political crises during (or, more accurately, fomented by) the Obama administration, President Barack Obama has done nothing to reach agreements, and much to destroy them. Dealmaking comes down–alarmingly!–to Vice President