Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 325

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Liberal Jewish Leader Slams Kerry for Attack on Netanyahu

Abraham H. Foxman, a self-described liberal and head of the Anti-Defamation League, slammed Secretary of State John Kerry for “inappropriate” remarks directed at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ha’aretz reports. On Sunday, Kerry had warned in an address to the

Liberal Jewish Leader Slams Kerry for Attack on Netanyahu

Obama Pressures Jewish Groups Not to Lobby for New Iran Sanctions

President Barack Obama is pressuring Jewish and pro-Israel organizations not to lobby for new sanctions against Iran, which Congress is considering this month. The Obama administration wants to give Iran time prove its good faith in new diplomatic efforts to

Obama Pressures Jewish Groups Not to Lobby for New Iran Sanctions

Lessons from Ellmers: How to Ask Questions in a Hearing

Watching and listening to today’s congressional hearing on Obamacare, I heard many Republican members repeat some of the same errors they have committed in past hearings on other scandals. Asking two questions at once, for example, allows the witness to

Waxman: Selling Individual Insurance is 'Abuse'

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), who serves as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, called the private sale of cheap health individual insurance plans “the worst abuses of the insurance industry” and said that Obamacare would halt

Waxman: Selling Individual Insurance is 'Abuse'

Sebelius: 'The Website Never Crashed.'

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius told Congress on Wednesday morning that the Obamacare website,, never actually “crashed,” but had merely been running slowly. Sebelius made the claim during a highly-anticipated and contentious hearing at the House

Sebelius: 'The Website Never Crashed.'

Dick Durbin Must Resign as Senate No. 2

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), the second-highest ranking member of the Democrat-controlled Senate, has admitted that he lied about the House Republican leadership when he claimed that one of them had said they “cannot even stand to look at”

Dick Durbin Must Resign as Senate No. 2

For Germany, NSA Scandal is a Bitter Betrayal

Germans were among Barack Obama’s foremost fans when he first ran for president in 2008. That country had been among the leading opponents of the Iraq War at the UN, joining France on the UN Security Council to push back

For Germany, NSA Scandal is a Bitter Betrayal

Illegal Immigration and Illegal Dumping

The Los Angeles Times reports this morning about a “plague of garbage” in the center of town. More than the usual urban blight is at play. The problem stems from poor attitudes about littering and public sanitation among the itinerant residents

California's Tech Secessionists

The New York Times reports Tuesday that Silicon Valley is breeding a secessionist movement. It is attracting tech gurus who are frustrated with society’s refusal to listen to them, and its insistence on regulating them. Entrepreneur Balaji S. Srinivasan, who is leading

California's Tech Secessionists

NSA Scandal Shames the U.S. Media

The American media are the biggest losers in the latest revelations in the National Security Agency scandal. Not because domestic journalists could have been expected to discover closely-guarded state secrets such as a spy program that targeted foreign heads of

NSA Scandal Shames the U.S. Media

If Health Care Is a 'Right,' Obama is Violating It

White House press secretary Jay Carney insisted on Monday that health care is a “right,” not a “privilege.” That is a theme the Obama administration is sounding with increasing frequency as the rollout of Obamacare becomes a bigger policy and

Israel to Resume Cooperation with UN Human Rights Council

The UN Human Rights Council is as anti-Israel as its predecessor, the UN Commission on Human Rights. It protects dictatorships while focusing disproportionate attention and outrage on Israel’s alleged human rights violations. So in 2012, when Israel announced a boycott

Israel to Resume Cooperation with UN Human Rights Council

CBS, '60 Minutes' Try to Atone for Benghazi Cover-Up

On Sunday evening, CBS News’ 60 Minutes featured an investigative report on the Benghazi attacks by Lara Logan. Logan’s reporting confirmed that the Obama administration had been warned, months in advance, about inadequate security at the U.S. facility in Benghazi, and

CBS, '60 Minutes' Try to Atone for Benghazi Cover-Up

Spying on Foreign Leaders: What Didn't Obama Know and When Didn't He Know It?

The Obama administration claims that President Barack Obama was personally unaware that the National Security Agency (NSA) was spying on thirty-five world leaders, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday evening. The claim is contradicted by other reports and, regardless, represents

Spying on Foreign Leaders: What Didn't Obama Know and When Didn't He Know It?

Lou Reed and the 'Sweater Girl'

I came of age far too late to enjoy the late Lou Reed in his heyday, but in time for his 1990s revival. Much of the dialogue and soundtrack in Trainspotting (1996)–including the crazy overdose scene (content warning)–revolved around Reed, both

Lou Reed and the 'Sweater Girl'

Lobbyists Irked that Conservatives Don't Feel Guilty

Politico reports that 300 K Street lobbyists met with the conservative Republican Study Committee, a group within the House GOP caucus last week–and were irritated that the conservatives did not express guilt for the recent government shutdown. Anna Palmer and

Immigration Reform Should Start with Legal Immigration, Border Security

Before embarking on yet another “comprehensive” legislative effort, Congress should learn from the failures of Obamacare and start with incremental fixes that prioritize the most urgent problems. On immigration, the most urgent priorities are border and visa security, plus the

Immigration Reform Should Start with Legal Immigration, Border Security

Pakistani Prime Minister Promises to Re-open Afridi Case

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif promised that his government would review the case of Dr. Shakil Afridi, the doctor who has been imprisoned since 2011 for helping the United States find Osama bin Laden, Fox News reports. Dr. Afridi has

Pakistani Prime Minister Promises to Re-open Afridi Case

The Minnesota Vikings Must Drop Their Name

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) has asked state authorities to ban the use of the name “Redskins” when the Washington (_blank_) travel to play the Minnesota Vikings on Nov. 7. In the same spirit, and for many of the same reasons,

The Minnesota Vikings Must Drop Their Name

Tunisia, Cradle of Arab Spring, Near Political Collapse

Tunisia was the birthplace of the Arab Spring, and was seen as one of that movement’s few success stories after the failure and ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Yet Tunisia’s ruling Islamist party is facing the potential collapse

Tunisia, Cradle of Arab Spring, Near Political Collapse

Sheldon Adelson's 'Bomb Iran' Talk Draws Fire

Casino magnate and Republican benefactor Sheldon Adelson triggered worldwide controversy on Tuesday night when he suggested that the U.S. should drop a nuclear bomb in the Iranian desert as a warning. The remarks were reported and recorded by Philip Weiss,

Sheldon Adelson's 'Bomb Iran' Talk Draws Fire

Forget the Shutdown: Immigration is the Real GOP Rift

The conventional wisdom is that divisions within the Republican Party are about tactics, not goals. That is true of the shutdown over Obamacare. It is less true of divisions over immigration, which are about tactics but also policy. Tactically, pro-reform

Forget the Shutdown: Immigration is the Real GOP Rift

Review: Krauthammer vs. Stewart on the Daily Show

Take half an hour and enjoy this three-part interview, via RealClearPolitics and Comedy Central, of Charles Krauthammer by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. Krauthammer was promoting his new book, Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics–but

Review: Krauthammer vs. Stewart on the Daily Show

Who Best to Beat Hillary–Moderates or Tea Party?

Big business is stepping in to fund moderate Republican candidates ahead of the 2014 midterm elections in order to defeat Tea Party candidates in the primaries. I regard that as a welcome development, because it will force Tea Party candidates

Is Hillary Clinton Just a Better Biden?

One of the topics of lively debate here at Breitbart News is just how formidable Hillary Clinton really is as a candidate–whether almost unstoppable, or just really strong with a few key weaknesses. On the “unstoppable” side, she has incredible

When Are Hearings 'Hecklings' for Politico? When Republicans Run Them

Politico accused Republicans of “heckling” witnesses at committee hearings at the House of Representatives in a lead story by David Nather on Thursday morning ahead of testimony about the failure of the Obamacare website. According to Nather, it fell to

When Are Hearings 'Hecklings' for Politico? When Republicans Run Them

Hypocrite: When Hillary Yelled

The media are celebrating Hillary Clinton’s response to a heckler at an event in Buffalo, NY. The man shouted at her about the Benghazi scandal: “You let them die!” In response, Clinton said that Americans had to work together for

Hypocrite: When Hillary Yelled

Obamacare Tech Firms: Website 'Worked as Designed'

Contractors who were responsible for building and the technology to handle enrollment in the federal Obamacare exchanges told the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Thursday that they had not been aware of any problems that should have prevented

Obamacare Tech Firms: Website 'Worked as Designed'

Cummings Previews Democrats' Script for Obamacare Hearings

As the first hearings on the failed implementation of Obamacare begin Thursday, with the testimony of the contractors before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Democrats have already developed their strategy for blunting Republican criticism. They will a) assert

Cummings Previews Democrats' Script for Obamacare Hearings

Did MSNBC's Chris Hayes Use 'KKK' Image for Cruz, Paul, Rubio?

Chris Hayes, host of MSNBC’s All In, has a favorite tactic–though not an original one: connecting today’s Republicans with the racist Democrats of the old South. In June, he rewrote history by casting George Wallace as a Republican–an error for which,

Did MSNBC's Chris Hayes Use 'KKK' Image for Cruz, Paul, Rubio?

When It Mattered, Red-State Dems Voted Against Obamacare Delay

Dana Bash of CNN reported Wednesday evening that all of the Democratic Senators facing re-election in 2014 would back a “new” proposal to delay the Obamacare enrollment deadline–not really “new,” since Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) already said he would propose

Perry, Sandoval Visit Israel

Ha’aretz reports that Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval are both visiting Israel this week. Both are considered possible contenders for the 2016 GOP nomination.  Perry is being accompanied on their visit by the Republican Jewish Coalition. 

Perry, Sandoval Visit Israel

The Hill's Erik Wasson Asks If RYAN Will Do a Budget Deal

After President Barack Obama vowed not to negotiate over the continuing resolution or the debt ceiling, after the Democratic Senate failed to pass a successful budget since 2009, The Hill‘s Erik Wasson

The Hill's Erik Wasson Asks If RYAN Will Do a Budget Deal

The Saudis and Obama: Weakness Breeds Contempt

All the bowing to the monarchy, all the Muslim outreach, all the criticism of Israel, all the help in crushing a Shia rebellion in Bahrain meant nothing to Saudi Arabia, which has let it be known that it intends to

The Saudis and Obama: Weakness Breeds Contempt

The Kasich Litmus Test for 2016

Amidst all the talk about a split between the Republican establishment and the Tea Party, there is still some underlying unity–at least if Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal editorial page, a reliable barometer of GOP elite opinion, is any indication. The Journal takes

Bernie Sanders and the Playboy Paradox

The November issue of Playboy features an interview with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who spends much of the article railing against the evils of capitalism and its alleged control of the political system. Playboy does deserve some credit for ideological diversity: in

Bernie Sanders and the Playboy Paradox

Experts Conclude: Limbaugh Plan Better than Obama's Stimulus

In 2009, at the height of debate about President Barack Obama’s stimulus plan, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh proposed a compromise in the pages of the Wall Street Journal that would have devoted half the stimulus to tax cuts. Now, a

Experts Conclude: Limbaugh Plan Better than Obama's Stimulus

Five-Alarm Fire for Obama's 'Fifth-Year' Fall Failure

President George W. Bush’s presidency began to unravel in the autumn of 2005, after the Hurricane Katrina disaster seemed to affirm much of what critics had said about the administration’s cronyism and inattention to domestic affairs. Likewise, President Barack Obama’s

Five-Alarm Fire for Obama's 'Fifth-Year' Fall Failure