Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 324

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Blue State Blues: From New Jersey to the Chicago 'Burbs

Chris Christie’s re-election as governor of New Jersey has rallied the hopes of the GOP establishment. Not only did he carry a “blue state” by a wide margin, but Christie also won among Hispanic voters (even if he lost to

Blue State Blues: From New Jersey to the Chicago 'Burbs

School Improvement Slowing Under Obama

The Wall Street Journal published a devastating op-ed on Friday by the Hoover Institution’s Paul E. Peterson and Eric A. Hanushek pointing out that much of the improvement in education assessments for which the Obama administration is taking credit actually occurred

CNN Blames Christians for Obamacare Problems

CNN has blamed Christians for the problem of Americans without health insurance, calling it “The Obamacare ‘scandal’ you haven’t heard about.” In an article on’s Belief Blog, CNN writer John Blake says that, while famous pastors “preach in states

CNN Blames Christians for Obamacare Problems

Dershowitz Warns Clintons: Blumenthal's a Problem for 2016

Noted defense lawyer, scholar, and pro-Israel advocate Alan Dershowitz has warned the Clintons that they will need to distance themselves from Sid Blumenthal unless he stops defending his son Max’s anti-Israel book. The book, Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel,

Dershowitz Warns Clintons: Blumenthal's a Problem for 2016

Walmart, Besieged by Protests, Has Few Friends Left

Over fifty union activists were arrested by outside a new Walmart in Chinatown in Los Angeles on Thursday evening during a protest for higher wages against “the unequal distribution of wealth.”  Similar protests have been taking place around the nation–almost

Walmart, Besieged by Protests, Has Few Friends Left

Chris Christie Really Needs Benghazi

Benghazi is Hillary Clinton’s most important weakness, no matter whom she faces in the 2016 presidential election. Among Republican contenders, only Chris Christie can claim it as a strength. That’s because of his performance during Superstorm Sandy. Whatever his mistakes–i.e.

Negotiation 101: Obama's New Iran Deal is Dead on Arrival

UPDATE (Nov. 8): As predicted below, the Iranian regime has been able to extract more concessions from the U.S. The proposed “freeze” on Iran’s nuclear program is anything but, and could allow Iran to accelerate its program in the future more

Negotiation 101: Obama's New Iran Deal is Dead on Arrival

1 in 4 Illinois Medicaid Patients Found Ineligible for Program

An internal audit of the Medicaid program in President Barack Obama’s home state of Illinois has confirmed what was quietly known for years: a huge proportion of enrollees are not actually qualified for the program. At first, the proportion was

'Extremist' Cuccinelli Crushed McAuliffe Among Independents

Tea Party favorite Ken Cuccinelli, abandoned by the Republican establishment as too “extreme” to win in Virginia, crushed Democrat Terry McAuliffe among independent voters by 9 percentage points, 47%-38%. The key to McAuliffe’s victory was that the Democrat–assisted by the

'Extremist' Cuccinelli Crushed McAuliffe Among Independents

You Can't Win Without Principles

In response to First You Win, Then You Make Policy: Winning is important. Of course. But someone needs to tell that to the Republican establishment class, who abandoned Ken Cuccinelli in a winnable election. The “first you win” argument has

10 Takeaways from Election Day 2013

Election Day 2013 is finally behind us. The media are happy that the left seems to have won on all fronts: a Tea Party favorite was defeated in Virginia, a radical socialist will be mayor of New York City, and

10 Takeaways from Election Day 2013

CA Assemblyman Tim Donnelly Announces Run for Governor

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-33) will officially announce his candidacy for Governor of California on Wedneday, according to a press release from his campaign. Donnelly will contest the GOP nomination to take on incumbent Democrat Jerry Brown, who is popular despite

CA Assemblyman Tim Donnelly Announces Run for Governor

Hagel: Israel Made Iran Negotiate

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel told Bloomberg News’ Jeffrey Goldberg that Israeli threats of military action against Iran’s nuclear program helped U.S.-led sanctions in pushing the regime into talks.  “…I think that Iran is responding to the constant pressure from

Hagel: Israel Made Iran Negotiate

Christie vs. Cuccinelli: Lessons to Be Learned

When Chris Christie was first elected governor of New Jersey in November 2009, his win–along with that of Bob McDonnell in Virgina–was seen as the first sign of the Tea Party’s political muscle. Two months later, Scott Brown (R) would

Christie vs. Cuccinelli: Lessons to Be Learned

Obamacare Will 'Spread the Wealth' (If It Ever Works)

Via the Manhattan Institute, Avik Roy of Forbes and HotAir comes a fascinating map of Obamacare premium changes in 49 states (Hawaii’s exchanges could not provide data). The result: premium increases in 41 of 50 states, on average. Premiums go down

Obamacare Will 'Spread the Wealth' (If It Ever Works)

WaPo's Capehart: GOP 'Sabotaged' Obamacare by… Not Giving it More Money

The latest Obama talking point on the failure of the Obamacare rollout is that Republicans are “sabotaging” the law. Democrat spinmeister Brad Woodhouse tried that line yesterday, and evidently Obama’s friends in the media are playing along. Jonathan Capehart of

WaPo's Capehart: GOP 'Sabotaged' Obamacare by… Not Giving it More Money

Will Cuccinelli Have a Ditka Day?

Before last night’s Monday Night Football game, the Chicago Bears were 10-point underdogs against the Green Bay Packers. They hadn’t won at Lambeau Field in years. And their starting quarterback was out, injured. Only Mike Ditka picked his old team

Will Cuccinelli Have a Ditka Day?

Here's Where You Can File Your Republican Health Care Plan

Faced with the ongoing implosion of Obamacare, Democrats are complaining that Republicans don’t have a plan of their own. That was the charge leveled by an apoplectic Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) last week, whose outburst in a congressional hearing was

Here's Where You Can File Your Republican Health Care Plan

GOP Rep: Ezekiel Emanuel is the Future of Gov't Health Care

If you thought Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s “mostly false” performance on Fox News Sunday was bad, you would not be alone–but you had better get used to it, says one GOP lawmaker: Dr. Ezekiel is the future of Obamacare. Rep. John Fleming, M.D.

5 Things to Know About the Middle East That Have Not Changed

The Middle East has changed dramatically over the past several years–and yet it has not changed at all. In all the drama over the Arab Spring, the Iranian “détente,” the Syrian civil war, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and all the

5 Things to Know About the Middle East That Have Not Changed

Politifact: Ezekiel Emanuel 'Mostly False' to Blame Insurance Companies

Politifact–not exactly a right-wing outlet–gave Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel a “mostly false” rating for his statement on Fox News Sunday Nov. 3 that insurance companies, not Obamacare or President Barack Obama himself, were responsible for individuals losing their health insurance coverage. “The

Politifact: Ezekiel Emanuel 'Mostly False' to Blame Insurance Companies

Krauthammer: The Great Translator

I’m working my way through Charles Krauthammer’s Things That Matter, a collection of his columns over the past three decades. The book’s publication has provided the occasion for some much-deserved appreciation of the man, whose personal story is remarkable and

Actually, Some 'Substandard' Health Insurance Plans Were Pretty Good

The refrain repeated by the Obama administration and Democrats defending Obamacare is that the millions of individual health insurance plans that the law cancels are “substandard” plans, forced upon consumers in a “Wild West” environment that allowed for “abusive” behavior

Actually, Some 'Substandard' Health Insurance Plans Were Pretty Good

Sweet Mercy, I Can't Get Enough Ezekiel Emanuel!

We all know that President Barack Obama is the real villain of Obamacare. But, sweet jumpin’ Jehosaphat, we’ll take Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel.  Here’s a guy we barely heard from before–except as the supposed inspiration for the “death panels”–and suddenly, as

Sweet Mercy, I Can't Get Enough Ezekiel Emanuel!

Obamacare and the Iraq Surge

Barack Obama hated the Iraq surge. He didn’t just oppose it: he confidently predicted its failure, then refused to acknowledge its success. To be fair, he was not alone: official Washington, right and left, shared that view. But the surge

Obamacare and the Iraq Surge

Christian Zionists to Obama: We Won't Be Tamed

While the Obama administration may have hoped that Jewish groups would agree not to lobby Congress for tougher sanctions on Iran, and has applied pressure to that effect, Christian pro-Israel groups have refused to play along with the White House’s

Christian Zionists to Obama: We Won't Be Tamed

Shooting at LAX Terminal 3; TSA Agent Wounded

An unidentified suspect shot a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent in the leg at security in Los Angeles International Airport’s Terminal 3 on Friday morning, local radio station KFI 640 AM reported. The suspect was also shot. The condition of

Private Exchanges Could Save Obamacare–If HHS Would Let Them

Appearing before Congress on Wednesday, Secretary of Health and Human Services apologized for the “debacle” of the launch, and promised to fix the ailing Obamacare website.  Yet while the Obama administration scrambles to implement its secret “tech surge,” a

Private Exchanges Could Save Obamacare–If HHS Would Let Them

Blue State Blues: Obama's Council Wars, from Chicago to Washington

NOTE FROM SENIOR MANAGEMENT: A “stranger in a strange land”–Blue State sensibility with Red State sense of policy and politics. We are pleased to announce Joel Pollak’s weekly column, “Blue State Blues.” If you want to understand Barack Obama’s presidency, you

Blue State Blues: Obama's Council Wars, from Chicago to Washington

IRS Scandal Deepens as Leaks Identified

Two new developments have severe implications for the IRS scandal.  The watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Thursday that it had obtained emails showing that former IRS official Lois Lerner gave protected information to the Federal Elections Commission.  Meanwhile, the House

IRS Scandal Deepens as Leaks Identified

NSA Scandal: Obama Takes Pope's Confession

The Obama administration has been accused of spying on Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the future Popr Francis, “before and during the Vatican conclave at which he was chosen to succeed Benedict XVI,” the UK Telegraph reports, citing the Italian magazine

NSA Scandal: Obama Takes Pope's Confession

Milbank: Sebelius Was 'Well-Coiffed'

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post scored Wednesday’s Obamacare hearing at the House Committee on Energy and Commerce a win for Secretary for Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius. Not because of what she said–she apologized for a “debacle,” after all–but because

Milbank: Sebelius Was 'Well-Coiffed'

900,000 Californians to Lose Insurance: Worse than Conservatives Thought

A few days ago, conservative columnist Debra Saunders speculated that as many as 600,000 Californians might lose their individual insurance policies under Obamacare. Some dismissed her calculations as fevered partisan projections. In fact, the numbers are 50% worse. According to

900,000 Californians to Lose Insurance: Worse than Conservatives Thought

Jan Schakowsky Gets Her Wish

Back in 2009, as politicians began debating Obamacare–a massive detour from the economy into an issue less important to voters but critical to Democrats’ ideological goals–Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) reveled in the prospect that health care reform might “put the

Jan Schakowsky Gets Her Wish

Obama Cancels 'You Can Keep Your Plan' Promise: 'Just Shop Around'

In a speech at Boston’s Faneuil Hall on Wednesday afternoon, President Barack Obama discarded his now-infamous broken promise: “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.” Instead, he offered a new promise: “You will be getting

Obama Cancels 'You Can Keep Your Plan' Promise: 'Just Shop Around'

Liberal Jewish Leader Slams Kerry for Attack on Netanyahu

Abraham H. Foxman, a self-described liberal and head of the Anti-Defamation League, slammed Secretary of State John Kerry for “inappropriate” remarks directed at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ha’aretz reports. On Sunday, Kerry had warned in an address to the

Liberal Jewish Leader Slams Kerry for Attack on Netanyahu