Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 323

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Is Obama Purging the Military of Dissent?

For weeks, rumors have flown about a “purge” of senior military officers by the Obama administration. The tone was set in 2010, when President Barack Obama fired General Stanley McChrystal, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, over insults about

Is Obama Purging the Military of Dissent?

Comrade de Blasio: 'I Believe in the Heavy Hand of Government'

Bill de Blasio, mayor-elect of New York City, told private real estate developers before the election that he was every bit the communist they feared. According to Charles Gasparino, writing in the New York Post, de Blasio–who supported the Castro

Comrade de Blasio: 'I Believe in the Heavy Hand of Government'

NYT, Citing 1989 Health Law, Suggests Repeal of Obamacare Is Possible

On Oct. 14, Breitbart News recalled that Congress once repealed Ronald Reagan’s “signature” health law. The article was inspired by the spurious arguments then being made by Democrats that President Barack Obama could not accept any changes to his own

NYT, Citing 1989 Health Law, Suggests Repeal of Obamacare Is Possible

Report: Rumored Israel-Saudi Alliance Against Iran is Real

Breitbart News has been reporting the likelihood that an Israel-Saudi alliance against Iran would emerge as a result of the Obama adminstration’s weakness in the face of Iran’s nuclear program. Now, the London Sunday Times reports that there are intelligence documents

Report: Rumored Israel-Saudi Alliance Against Iran is Real

Pat Buchanan Trusts Iran More than Israel

Pat Buchanan has come in for quite a bit of criticism over the years for remarks about Israel and American Jews. He’s still a sharp observer of the political scene, though, which is why MSNBC hired him several years ago

Pat Buchanan Trusts Iran More than Israel

French Détente with Israel: A Troubled Embrace

The arrival of French President François Holland in Israel on Sunday afternoon is more than just a routine visit. It marks the end of an era in which the U.S. was thought to be Israel’s best friend and guardian. With

French Détente with Israel: A Troubled Embrace

Plouffe: Running Against Obamacare an 'Impossibility'

David Plouffe, Barack Obama’s adviser and former campaign manager, told host George Stephanopoulos on ABC News’ This Week Sunday Morning that it would be an “impossibility” for the Republican Party to run against Obamacare in the 2014 midterm election because

Plouffe: Running Against Obamacare an 'Impossibility'

Why the Failure of Obamacare is Troubling

We conservatives can be forgiven for enjoying some amusement in the spectacle of Obamacare’s collapse, but overall the failure of Obama’s signature policy is cause for deep concern. Not because, as David Brooks suggests, because Americans have lost faith in

Why the Failure of Obamacare is Troubling

GOP Website Claims it Fulfilled Pledge to Repeal Obamacare

According to the official website of the House GOP, the 2010 pledge to “repeal and replace” Obamacare was fulfilled on January 19, 2011. “President Obama’s Job Destroying Health Care Law was repealed by the House of Representatives,” the website boasts,

GOP Website Claims it Fulfilled Pledge to Repeal Obamacare

In Memoriam: Lunnell Britton

On Tuesday, a 39-year-old African-American male was killed in Bastrop, Louisiana, according to local police and media reports. Shot in a friend’s driveway. One of those things, right? The sort of tragedy that leads the evening news, but in the

So, When Does Ted Cruz Get His Apology?

That crazy Ted Cruz. The Texas freshman Senator (R-Tea Party) tried to defund Obamacare, then accepted a one-year delay in the individual mandate as a compromise position. But you can’t govern from one House of Congress, and the one he’s

So, When Does Ted Cruz Get His Apology?

Upton Bill Would 'Fix' Obamacare for Good

There is considerable consternation among conservatives that Republicans are about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again, this time by trying to “fix” Obamacare–bowing to pressure from the media and other sources to take some joint ownership

Upton Bill Would 'Fix' Obamacare for Good

Blue State Blues: From 'Porn Goggles' to 'Back-Alley' Abortions

If the 2013 elections sent a message to the Republican Party, that message was more about social conservatism than the Tea Party. Ken Cuccinelli nearly won the Virginia gubernatorial race because he embraced, belatedly, his own legacy as one of

Blue State Blues: From 'Porn Goggles' to 'Back-Alley' Abortions

Out: ‘Affordable Care Act.’ In: ‘Health Security Law’!

On Thursday, during a press conference of House Democrats reacting to President Barack Obama’s proposal to “allow” insurance companies to un-cancel individual health insurance plans, Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) had an interesting way of referring to Obamacare. He did not

President Obama Makes the Case Against Big Government

During his press conference today on his administrative decision to allow insurance companies to extend existing individual health insurance plans for a year, President Barack Obama said the following: What is true is that, as I said before, our IT

President Obama Makes the Case Against Big Government

Obamacare: How is Incompetence a Defense?

In announcing that he would “allow” insurance companies to extend current individual health insurance plans for another year (an impossible task for many), President Barack Obama made several excuses for himself and his party in an attempt to minimize the

Obamacare: How is Incompetence a Defense?

Dems Rebuff Obama on Stalling Iran Sanctions

President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and the rest of the administration’s foreign-policy team has been urging Congress not to add new sanctions on Iran for its continued enrichment of uranium in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions.

Dems Rebuff Obama on Stalling Iran Sanctions

California: Obamacare's Potemkin Village

Lou Cannon of State Net Capitol Journal writes of Wednesday’s abysmal Obamacare enrollment numbers that California offers the “best hope of salvaging” the policy. He points out that the number of California enrollees, 30,830, exceeds the 27,000 who signed up on the

California: Obamacare's Potemkin Village

Palestinian Textbooks Aren't the Only Ones Leaving Israel Out

Palestinian Authority textbooks are notorious for leaving Israel off maps of the Middle East, or labeling it “Palestine.” Occasionally, such deliberate errors make their way into American texts as well. The latest example is an archaeology-themed children’s book, Thea Stilton

Palestinian Textbooks Aren't the Only Ones Leaving Israel Out

Dem Senator: Kill the 'Death Panel'

Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) said on C-SPAN Wednesday morning that the Independent Payments Advisory Board (IPAB)–the so-called “death panel” of Obamacare, which will cut Medicare costs by restricting care–should be “revisited.”  His comments came as more Democrats are joining calls

Dem Senator: Kill the 'Death Panel'

Bush Wants to Convert the Jews, or Something

A storm of debate has erupted over President George W. Bush’s scheduled address Thursday to a group whose aim is to convert Jews to Christianity. The Messianic Bible Institute‘s mission is training “leaders who will establish Messianic Jewish congregations and ministries

Obama, Kerry to Congress on Iran: You Don't Want War, Do You?

Secretary of State John Kerry will tell the Senate Banking Committee Wednesday that Congress should withhold any new sanctions against Iran to allow diplomacy a chance to succeed.  State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki put the case more bluntly, saying that

Obama, Kerry to Congress on Iran: You Don't Want War, Do You?

A Conversation with Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch

Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch, stopped by the Breitbart News offices recently to share some of what his organization has been doing. You might recall’s work from such classics as “Farfur,” the Mickey Mouse-like character that Hamas

Conservatives Were Wildly Optimistic About California's Obamacare Exchange

First conservatives speculated that as many as 600,000 Californians could lose their individual health insurance policies because of Obamacare. Then the state’s Obamacare exchange director told the San Francisco Chronicle it could be up to 900,000. Both of those projections turned

France Sees Opportunity in U.S. Weakness

Many observers are stunned that France has shown more backbone in dealing with Iran than the United States–especially given that France has a Socialist president.  While most agree that the Obama administration has adopted a weaker posture in general, of

France Sees Opportunity in U.S. Weakness

Obamacare's Medicaid Enrollments Give Democrats the Last Laugh

The Associated Press noted Tuesday that one part of Obamacare is going extremely well: new enrollments in an expanded Medicaid program. According to estimates, Medicaid has added over 400,000 new patients in ten states–roughly two million across the country, by

Obamacare's Medicaid Enrollments Give Democrats the Last Laugh

Women Offer Sex for Obamacare on 'Sugar Daddy' Website

The controversial “Sugar Daddy” dating website, which pairs young women with wealthy men, has a new Obamacare-related marketing strategy: “Don’t Get Screwed by Obamacare, Find a Sugar Daddy.”  Single women hit by higher-than-expected health insurance premiums through Obamacare are

Women Offer Sex for Obamacare on 'Sugar Daddy' Website

The 'Very, Very Bad' Iran Deal, in One Slide

“I understand the Iranians are walking around very satisfied in Geneva, as well they should because they got everything and paid nothing,” Benjamin Netanyahu said last week, in describing the “very, very bad deal” that the world was about to

The 'Very, Very Bad' Iran Deal, in One Slide

Like Dreamers: The Veterans Who Kept On Fighting

Yossi Klein Halevi’s Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation is among the most beautiful and tragic books written about the history of Israel. It follows the lives of the young reservist

Like Dreamers: The Veterans Who Kept On Fighting

Kerry Remark Sets Back U.S.-Israel Relations

While the world’s attention is focused on the tensions surrounding the Iran nuclear talks, another drama is unfolding in Israel–one that may cause more immediate damage to U.S.-Israel relations than differences over the terms offered to Tehran in Geneva. Secretary

Kerry Remark Sets Back U.S.-Israel Relations

Coulter Jokes, Provokes at USC Republican-Tea Party Event

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter entertained an audience of 400 at the University of Southern California on Sunday night at an event co-sponsored by the USC College Republicans and the Hancock Park Patriots, a local Tea Party group.  Fears of large

Coulter Jokes, Provokes at USC Republican-Tea Party Event

Kaffiyeh-Clad Student Protests Ann Coulter's 'Hate Speech'

Five students gathered outside the Ann Coulter lecture at USC on Sunday evening to protest her views. They were respectful, and made it clear they did not want to shut her out, but to challenge her opinions. (Points for that.)

Brock, Media Matters Overplay Hand on Benghazi

David Brock and Media Matters for America are enjoying a victory lap after forcing CBS News to retract its 60 Minutes story about Benghazi, which was based on a faulty source. He joined CNN’s Reliable Sources today to expand on the CBS’s

Brock, Media Matters Overplay Hand on Benghazi

Christie Tries Obama's 'Above It All' Routine

Recently re-elected New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made the rounds on Sunday news shows this week, and faced a tough question from ABC News’ George Stephanolpoulos: how could he oppose Obamacare, after having accepted Obamacare’s expanded Medicaid funding? The governor’s

Christie Tries Obama's 'Above It All' Routine

The Ted Cruz Persona

Ted Cruz’s appearance last week on The Tonight Show was generally judged a success. He did very well in defending his record, and his position on controversial issues such as gay marriage, which the audience applauded. Yet there was something slightly

No Deal: Iran Nuclear Talks Fall Through

A proposed nuclear deal between Iran and the West fell through in Geneva on Saturday, despite widespread anticipation that an agreement would be reached. Diplomats in Geneva, including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, said they would continue their efforts

California Referendum Could Help GOP Turn Tables in ‘War on Women’

A proposed California referendum to overturn AB 154, which allows non-physician abortions, could turn the abortion issue from a burden to a boost for Republicans. The law, signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last month, allows certified non-physicians to perform first-trimester