Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 321

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Obama Lied About IRS Scandal 'Outrage'

In May 2013, President Barack Obama tried to control the damage of the IRS scandal by expressing his outrage–literally. In a statement in the East Room of the White House, he noted that “across the board, everybody believes what happened

Blue State Blues: An Unknown Japanese Engineer Saved My Life

Among the many dramatic events that dominated the headlines this week was an event of a private but no less dramatic nature: I survived a major car crash on Monday evening. I was driving through the calm streets of Santa

Blue State Blues: An Unknown Japanese Engineer Saved My Life

Left Exploiting Mandela's Death to Attack Conservatives–and Excuse Communism

Some of the most prominent conservative leaders of the 20th century refused to support Nelson Mandela or his political party, the African National Congress. President Ronald Reagan preferred “constructive engagement” with the apartheid regime. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher opposed

Top 5 Ways Barack Obama Is No Nelson Mandela

The comparison is so crude as to be laughable, but given the mainstream media’s immediate linkage of the two, and President Barack Obama’s insistence on talking about himself in his eulogy for Nelson Mandela, it must be said: Obama is

Top 5 Ways Barack Obama Is No Nelson Mandela

Top 10 Questions Chris Matthews Should Ask Obama

On Thursday evening, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews–a noted Barack Obama fan–will be interviewing the 44th president at one of the lowest points in his presidency. Mockery of Matthews has already ensued, especially after he promised to include some “easy” questions. Yet

Top 10 Questions Chris Matthews Should Ask Obama

Kissinger and Shultz Give Thumbs-Down to Iran Deal

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and George Shultz give a thumbs-down–as diplomatically as possible–to the new Iran nuclear deal-in-progress. After reviewing the sorry history of failed diplomatic efforts to stop

WSJ: Illinois Pension Reform is 'Quarter-Baked'

The Wall Street Journal has lambasted the recent bipartisan deal in the Illinois state legislature to tackle the state’s enormous pension problem, one of the worst in the nation. The Journal cites several problems with the deal, including the fact that only 5%

WSJ: Illinois Pension Reform is 'Quarter-Baked'

Obamacare's Middle-Class Nightmare

I dislike the term “middle class,” for two reasons. One: it imposes a left-wing template on American society that simply does not fit. Two: it describes almost everyone and yet no one. Obama ran in 2008 and 2012 on the

Unions Bring Chicago Thuggery to California, Oregon Hospitals

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is attempting to force hospitals in California and Oregon to allow it to organize workers by using ballot initiatives that would cap executive pay and charges to patients, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday. The

Unions Bring Chicago Thuggery to California, Oregon Hospitals

Ezekiel Emanuel’s Lazy Standards for Success

Dr. Ezekeiel Emanuel told Fox News Sunday on Nov. 3 that if the federal Obamacare website was not “adequately working” by Nov. 30, then it might be time to consider delaying the law. On Sunday, he told NBC’s  Meet the Press that

Did Obamacare Kill Black Friday?

With the Christmas retail sales season off to its worst start in years, the search is on for explanations. Some blame a still-sluggish economy–though Gross Domestic Product did actually pick up a bit last quarter, despite the federal government shutdown. 

Did Obamacare Kill Black Friday?

Rodeheffer and King Confuse Correlation with Causation

The U.S. is withdrawing from leadership in the Middle East. At the same time, the U.S. is becoming less dependent on Middle East oil. Luke Rodeheffer and Lewis King, both graduate students at Istanbul’s Koç University, conclude from these two

Rodeheffer and King Confuse Correlation with Causation

Walker v. Christie, in Books

I’m spending a bit of time poring through two books, each about two likely Republican presidential contenders in 2016: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s Unintimidated: A Governor’s Story and a Nation’s Challenge, and Chris Christie: The Inside Story of His Rise to Power,

Jerry Brown's Prison Law Makes County Jails More Dangerous

Here’s what they call a classic “problem from hell.” California’s Gov. Jerry Brown signed a prison reform law in 2011 that sentenced lower-level offenders to county jails rather than state prisons. Since then, violence has risen disproportionately in county jails,

Blue State Blues: A Bernal Heights Thanksgiving, Minus the Politics

This Thanksgiving was more politicized than any in recent memory. More than the last one, after Barack Obama won re-election after four disappointing years. More than the 2008 Thanksgiving, which happened right after that bitterly contentious campaign, and when

Blue State Blues: A Bernal Heights Thanksgiving, Minus the Politics

This Iran Deal's Getting Worse All the Time

The Obama administration has been forced to admit that the nuclear deal to which Iran agreed last weekend in Geneva, Switzlerland has not actually been finalized. In the interim, Iran is continuing its enrichment of uranium, as well as continuing

This Iran Deal's Getting Worse All the Time

Poll: Americans Narrowly Oppose Iran Deal

A new poll released by Rasmussen on Wednesday indicates that Americans narrowly oppose the nuclear deal with Iran, 43% to 41%–a result within the 3% margin of error.  That result contrasts sharply with the results of a poll released by Reuters/Ipsos

Poll: Americans Narrowly Oppose Iran Deal

Obama's Orwellian Thanksgiving

President Barack Obama and outgoing New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg have both tried to nudge their way into America’s Thanksgiving (or Thanksgivukkah) dinners, with talking points about Obamacare and gun control, respectively. Not only is introducing contentious political issues into

Obama's Orwellian Thanksgiving

Illinois Lawmakers Reach Pension Reform Deal

Illinois lawmakers in the Democrat-dominated state legislature have adopted a pension reform plan based on Republican ideas, after years of dithering and delay.  According to the Chicago Tribune, the deal will raise the retirement age for state employees, trim cost-of-living

Illinois Lawmakers Reach Pension Reform Deal

Kuwaiti Newspaper: Obama Negotiating with Hezbollah Terrorists

The Obama administration has entered secret talks with the Hezbollah terrorist group, mediated by Great Britain, according to a report in the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai, as relayed by the Jerusalem Post Wednesday. The State Department lists Hezbollah as a terrorist

Kuwaiti Newspaper: Obama Negotiating with Hezbollah Terrorists

Will Israel Nuke Iran?

That’s the question Micah Zenko poses at Foreign Policy. It’s partly a rhetorical question meant to highlight a perceived double standard in how Israel’s nuclear program is treated differently from Iran’s–a double standard that isn’t really one at all, since

Will Israel Nuke Iran?

The Iran Deal Has Already Failed–For Us, Anyway

At Foreign Affairs, Kenneth Pollack makes the best case possible for the Iran nuclear deal: while imperfect, it is merely an interim deal that will establish trust as a basis for a more comprehensive deal going forward. If that is

Is Obama Boosting Iran on Purpose?

An interesting new theory is gaining traction about President Barack Obama’s motives in the Iran nuclear deal, which not only allows Iran to retain nuclear enrichment but also effectively legitimizes the regime and boosts it as a regional power. On

Is Obama Boosting Iran on Purpose?

Obama Advisor Asks Israel Not to Strike Iran

Ben Rhodes, the Deputy National Security Advisor to President Barack Obama, advised Israel in a televised interview not to attack Iran.  While acknowledging Israel’s independent right to self-defense, Rhodes–who rose inexplicably from speechwriter to the highest levels of foreign and

Obama Advisor Asks Israel Not to Strike Iran

Valerie Jarrett, Chicago, and the Iran Deal

Last week, the Times of Israel reported that senior presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett had been leading talks with Iran in secret for a year before the formal negotiations in Geneva this month. While the White House denied the report “100

Valerie Jarrett, Chicago, and the Iran Deal

Critics Ask: Does Obama Love Iran, or Just Hate Israel?

In the wake of the deal reached in Geneva on Sunday on Iran’s nuclear program, much of the media’s initial excitement has given way to glum recognition that the agreement is little more than appeasement, inviting comparisons to the infamous

Critics Ask: Does Obama Love Iran, or Just Hate Israel?

NPR's Anti-Science Report on Climate Change

On Tuesday, National Public Radio (NPR) provided some of the worst reporting on climate change in recent memory in stories by Richard Harris, Steve Inskeep, Julie McCarthy, and Anthony Kuhn. Faced with the slow progress of international climate negotiations as

NPR's Anti-Science Report on Climate Change

Source: Netanyahu Scolded Obama in Phone Call on Iran Deal

“The prime minister made it clear to the most powerful man on earth that if he intends to stay the most powerful man on earth, it’s important to make a change in American policy because the practical result of his

Source: Netanyahu Scolded Obama in Phone Call on Iran Deal

Massive Delays for Legal Immigrants

Relatives of U.S. citizens applying to immigrate to the United States legally are suffering unprecedented, year-long delays in waiting for their applications to be processed, as President Barack Obama smooths the path for illegal immigrants.  In a response to complaints,

Massive Delays for Legal Immigrants

Celebrity-Studded Pacific Palisades Hit with Anti-Semitic Graffiti

CBS News’ Los Angeles affiliate reported Sunday that the idyllic, celebrity-studded community of Pacific Palisades has been hit by a hate crime: eight local cars tagged with swastika graffiti.  In a bizarre twist, all of the cars were “Prii (the plural

Celebrity-Studded Pacific Palisades Hit with Anti-Semitic Graffiti

Has Israel Already Committed to Military Action Against Iran?

The Obama administration has strained the U.S. relationship with Israel more than any other. The nuclear deal with Iran is the latest example. Yet Israel might arguably be said to be doing its own part to worsen the relationship, with

Report: NSA Chief Offered to Resign

The National Security Agency’s director, Gen. Keith Alexander, had offered to resign earlier this year, following the series of leaks by former contractor Edward Snowden, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.  The Obama administration declined Alexander’s offer, according to the

Report: NSA Chief Offered to Resign

Californa: Obamacare's Potemkin Village, Part 2

Paul Krugman is the latest lefty to push the line that California’s version of Obamacare, Covered California, is working so well that it redeems the rest of the program. This is a repeated refrain among Democrats because it was always

Dershowitz: Iran Deal Could Be a 'Chamberlain Moment'

Harvard professor and noted civil rights and international law expert Alan Dershowitz criticized the nuclear deal with Iran sharply on Sunday, saying that it “could become a Chamberlain moment” for President Barack Obama. “I don’t think that this deal was

Dershowitz: Iran Deal Could Be a 'Chamberlain Moment'

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith: Obama Has Earned His Nobel

The persistent theme of much mainstream media coverage of President Barack Obama is the earnest effort to justify the leap of faith the American electorate made in 2008–a leap that the media themselves convinced the voters to make. Buzzfeed’s Ben

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith: Obama Has Earned His Nobel