Joel B. Pollak

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Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Is It Worth Breaking Sequester to Save Defense?

One of the main arguments that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is using in favor of the budget deal struck with Sen. Patti Murray (D-WA) is that the next wave of sequester cuts under the Budget Control Act would hurt the

Is It Worth Breaking Sequester to Save Defense?

Senate Democrats Start Folding on Iran Sanctions

Some influential Senate Democrats are folding on new Iran sanctions under pressure from the Obama administration, giving tacit endorsement to a faulty nuclear deal with Iran that accepts nuclear enrichment by the regime–a position recently unthinkable, and against UN Security

Senate Democrats Start Folding on Iran Sanctions

Negotiation 101: The Ryan-Murray Budget Deal Is a Weak Trade

On Tuesday, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) announced that they had reached a deal on the federal budget for the next two years. The GOP would agree to ease the sequester by $62 billion. In return,

Negotiation 101: The Ryan-Murray Budget Deal Is a Weak Trade

Why Castro, but Not Mugabe?

President Barack Obama sparked controversy by shaking the hand of Cuban dictator Raúl Castro on Tuesday at the memorial for Nelson Mandela in South Africa. He avoided greeting Zimbabwean tyrant Robert Mugabe, however. Assuming that these two gestures were by

Mark Levin to Paul Ryan: Budget Deal Is 'Mickey Mouse'

Talk show host Mark Levin told House Budget Committee Chair Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) that the budget deal announced today with Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) was a “Mickey Mouse” deal, tinkering at the margins of the federal budget, undoing the

Mark Levin to Paul Ryan: Budget Deal Is 'Mickey Mouse'

House Grills Kerry on Iran Deal

Secretary of State John Kerry appeared before the House Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday to defend the recent nuclear deal with Iran and to oppose new sanctions. He fielded questions from members of both parties about the terms of the

House Grills Kerry on Iran Deal

NBC Quietly Deletes Mugabe from Obama-Castro Handshake Story

Earlier Tuesday, NBC News reported that President Barack Obama had shaken hands with Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe. However, the UK Telegraph’s Josie Ensor reported that Obama “was asked to take his seat just before reaching Mugabe.” Complicating matters, another article

NBC Quietly Deletes Mugabe from Obama-Castro Handshake Story

Report: Obama Avoided Shaking Mugabe's Hand

President Barack Obama did not, apparently, shake the hand of Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe at Tuesday’s memorial for Nelson Mandela.  NBC News reported that Obama had shaken hands with Mugabe “on his way to the rostrum.” However, the UK Telegraph

No, Obama Did Not Have to Shake Castro's Hand

The handshake between President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro is being described as a spontaneous gesture. However, the State Department has a large bureaucracy devoted to diplomatic protocol that would surely have kept Obama from greeting Castro if

No, Obama Did Not Have to Shake Castro's Hand

South Africans Are Indoctrinated to Hate Bush, Republicans

Former President George W. Bush, as the American left gleefully observed, was booed by some in the audience at the memorial for Nelson Mandela at the First National Bank in Soweto, Johannesburg on Tuesday. President Barack Obama, in contrast, received

Reading at Mandela Funeral: Elijah's Ascent to Heaven

The reading from Scripture chosen for Nelson Mandela’s funeral was the story of the Prophet Elijah’s ascent to heaven in a chariot of fire after passing on the mantle of leadership (2 Kings 2). The example was a curious one,

Poll: Cotton Beating Pryor By 7 in Arkansas Senate Race

Freshman Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has surged to a seven-point lead over incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor, according to a poll provided by a conservative group to Politico on Monday. The poll, if accurate, shows that the ongoing failure of Obamacare

Poll: Cotton Beating Pryor By 7 in Arkansas Senate Race

Obama Shakes Hands with Cuba's Raúl Castro at Mandela Memorial

President Barack Obama shook hands with Cuban leader Raúl Castro at the memorial for the late President Nelson Mandela in Soweto, Johannesburg on Tuesday morning. Raúl Castro has served as president since his brother, Fidel, was incapacitated by ill health.

Obama Shakes Hands with Cuba's Raúl Castro at Mandela Memorial

Obama Talks About Himself in Mandela Eulogy

President Barack Obama delivered a eulogy to South Africa’s late President Nelson Mandela at First National Bank Stadium in Soweto, Johannesburg on Tuesday, before a large crowd that had gathered in the rain for a memorial together with dozens of

Obama Talks About Himself in Mandela Eulogy

Zimbabwe's Mugabe Delays Condolences to Mandela

Robert Mugabe, the man who has ruled Zimbabwe with an iron fist for decades, delayed wishing condolences on the occasion of President Nelson Mandela’s passing in South Africa last week. State-run media in Zimbabwe reported that Mugabe had been consumed

Zimbabwe's Mugabe Delays Condolences to Mandela

Baker: I’m Sure Reagan Regretted Veto of South African Sanctions

Former Secretary of State told CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday that he was certain that President Ronald Reagan had regretted his veto of sanctions against South Africa, which was overridden. “”I’m sure he did regret it, Bob, in fact,

Israeli Leaders, Dalai Lama Not Attending Mandela Funeral

The State of Israel may not send a senior political figure–either President Shimon Peres or Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu–to South Africa for the memorial or funeral of former President Nelson Mandela this week, citing costs and security concerns. Similarly, the

Israeli Leaders, Dalai Lama Not Attending Mandela Funeral

The Other South African Political Funeral: Colin Eglin

As heads of state from around the world begin arriving in South Africa on Monday for the memorial and funeral to the late President Nelson Mandela, another great South African hero will be buried: Colin Eglin, the leader of parliamentary

The Other South African Political Funeral: Colin Eglin

Giant Laser Image of Mandela on South Africa's Table Mountain

Table Mountain, a flat-topped 3,558-foot massif that dominates the skyline over Cape Town, South Africa, was illuminated Sunday evening with a giant laser image of the late President Nelson Mandela, who died last week. The mountain, a sedimentary formation of

Giant Laser Image of Mandela on South Africa's Table Mountain

ABC's Matthew Dowd Pines for Revolution Against American 'Apartheid'

Last week, former George W. Bush strategist Matthew Dowd offered up an archetypal example of what Harvard literature scholar Philip Fisher terms “nightmare envy,” calling for the U.S. to face an Arab Spring-style uprising against economic inequality–or, as he called

ABC's Matthew Dowd Pines for Revolution Against American 'Apartheid'

Gingrich's False Response to Mandela Facebook Trolls

The only thing more pathetic than the mainstream media focusing on Facebook trolls is conservatives falling for the bait. On Sunday’s edition of CNN’s State of the Union, host Candy Crowley asked Newt Gingrich to respond to comments on his

Gingrich's False Response to Mandela Facebook Trolls

Doctors Boycotting Obamacare in California

California’s state-run Obamacare health insurance exchange, Covered California, is touted by the Obama administration as a model of the policy’s success. That was, in fact, the political strategy all along, as Obama’s non-profit organization, Organizing for Action, focused on helping

Doctors Boycotting Obamacare in California

Ezekiel Emanuel: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More Under Obamacare

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the hapless, goalpost-shifting so-called “architect” of Obamacare, told Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday that President Barack Obama’s promise “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” was absolutely true–with one important caveat: if you

Ezekiel Emanuel: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More Under Obamacare

Mandela's Funeral Is Hillary Clinton's Moment

President Barack Obama will be visiting South Africa for the second time this year to attend Nelson Mandela’s memorial services. So, too will all other living past U.S. presidents–including Jimmy Carter, who worked with Mandela after the latter retired from

Mandela's Funeral Is Hillary Clinton's Moment

The Best Tribute to Mandela Was Delivered 15 Years Ago

By far the best tribute to Nelson Mandela that I have read was not made in the past few days but fifteen years ago, when Mandela was about to leave the presidency. It was delivered in the Parliament of South

The Best Tribute to Mandela Was Delivered 15 Years Ago

Agence France-Presse Whitewashes Palestinian Murderer in Mandela Tribute

Agence France-Press, a global news service to which many publications (including Breitbart News) subscribe, whitewashed the crimes of jailed Palestinian activist Marwan Barghouti on Friday, in publishing his tribute to the late South African leader Nelson Mandela. Nowhere in AFP’s article

Agence France-Presse Whitewashes Palestinian Murderer in Mandela Tribute

Israel Faces Twin Threats in Kerry and Obama

Secretary of State John Kerry told the Saban Forum in Washington, DC on Saturday that Israel faced two existential threats: a nuclear Iran and the “demographic time bomb” that supposedly awaits Israel if it fails to make peace with the

Top 10 Things to Know About Post-Mandela South Africa

With the passing of Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first democratically-elected president, Americans have tried to understand what he meant for that country, and for the world. While some are drawn to Mandela’s role as a leader in the struggle against

Top 10 Things to Know About Post-Mandela South Africa

Communism Was Worse than Apartheid

The left media has continued exploiting the death of Nelson Mandela to attack conservatives. The latest version is Sam Kleiner’s attack at Foreign Policy and the Huffington Post, “Apartheid Amnesia: How the GOP conveniently forgot about its role in propping up

Communism Was Worse than Apartheid

Sorry, Jesse Jackson: South Africa Has Photo ID Voting

Rev. Jesse Jackson appeared on Fox News’ Special Report on Thursday to comment on the passing of Nelson Mandela–and to exploit Mandela’s death for his own campaign against “voter suppression,” i.e. laws requiring photo ID at the voting booth on Election

Sorry, Jesse Jackson: South Africa Has Photo ID Voting

A White South African Who Left in Protest Remembers Mandela

My friend Lindsey Leveen, who blogs about environmental issues (and green scams) at Green Explored, posted a very moving and interesting tribute to Nelson Mandela today, recalling how hopeless South Africa once was: I left South Africa after joining a

Ignorant Chris Matthews Says GOP Worse than Apartheid Leaders

We knew the left would go there, and MSNBC’s Chris “Chicago is racist” Matthews, of course, was among the first, along with his colleague Al Sharpton, who is, of course, an icon of racial reconciliation in his own right. Matthews

Ignorant Chris Matthews Says GOP Worse than Apartheid Leaders

Obama Lied About IRS Scandal 'Outrage'

In May 2013, President Barack Obama tried to control the damage of the IRS scandal by expressing his outrage–literally. In a statement in the East Room of the White House, he noted that “across the board, everybody believes what happened

Blue State Blues: An Unknown Japanese Engineer Saved My Life

Among the many dramatic events that dominated the headlines this week was an event of a private but no less dramatic nature: I survived a major car crash on Monday evening. I was driving through the calm streets of Santa

Blue State Blues: An Unknown Japanese Engineer Saved My Life

Left Exploiting Mandela's Death to Attack Conservatives–and Excuse Communism

Some of the most prominent conservative leaders of the 20th century refused to support Nelson Mandela or his political party, the African National Congress. President Ronald Reagan preferred “constructive engagement” with the apartheid regime. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher opposed

Top 5 Ways Barack Obama Is No Nelson Mandela

The comparison is so crude as to be laughable, but given the mainstream media’s immediate linkage of the two, and President Barack Obama’s insistence on talking about himself in his eulogy for Nelson Mandela, it must be said: Obama is

Top 5 Ways Barack Obama Is No Nelson Mandela

Top 10 Questions Chris Matthews Should Ask Obama

On Thursday evening, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews–a noted Barack Obama fan–will be interviewing the 44th president at one of the lowest points in his presidency. Mockery of Matthews has already ensued, especially after he promised to include some “easy” questions. Yet

Top 10 Questions Chris Matthews Should Ask Obama