Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 314

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Hoover Institution on the Limits of Drones

The Hoover Institution at Stanford University has devoted its latest edition of Strategika, its online military history journal, to the question of drones. Drones have been important to our national security strategy since the late years of the Bush administration,

Hoover Institution on the Limits of Drones

Kerry: France 'on Notice' About Iran Sanctions Violations

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told CNN’s Jake Tapper that France had been placed “on notice” for its violations of sanctions against Iran, according to an interview to be broadcast Wednesday on The Lead with Jake Tapper. Kerry said:

Kerry: France 'on Notice' About Iran Sanctions Violations

Revolt: How Kurson Buried the New York Times Editorial Page

The New York Observer has made a huge splash with an investigative story by editor Ken Kurson on internal tensions at the New York Times. According to Kurson’s story, the Times‘ reporters have growing contempt for the “tyranny and lethargy” of the

Revolt: How Kurson Buried the New York Times Editorial Page

Sandra Fluke Aborts Congressional Bid

Sandra Fluke, the controversial birth control advocate who became an icon of women’s rights during the 2012 presidential election, has pulled out of the race to replace retiring Rep. Henry Waxman in California’s 33rd congressional district. The Los Angeles Times reports

Sandra Fluke Aborts Congressional Bid

California: Obamacare Turning Cancer Patients Away

The Los Angeles Times reports that once Obamacare customers navigate the confusing websites and pay the (often higher) premiums, they face a new problem: many doctors do not accept Obamacare insurance policies. It tells the story of a cancer patient who was

California: Obamacare Turning Cancer Patients Away

Female Arab Soldier Proud to Fight for Israel

Meet Mona Liza Abdo, a Christian Arab who volunteered to serve in the Israel Defense Force (IDF).  My job as a commander in the IDF is to prevent terrorist attacks, smuggling operations and illegal entry into the country. I think

Female Arab Soldier Proud to Fight for Israel

Three Ways Obama's Executive Orders are the Worst of Any President

Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post is the latest to defend President Barack Obama’s use–past, present, and future–of executive orders to circumvent Congress. She argues that his “push-the-envelope moves” are “within the bounds of the modern presidency.” Marcus is not alone

Three Ways Obama's Executive Orders are the Worst of Any President

'The Nation' Pronounces Woody Allen Guilty

The Nation, which foamed at the mouth with righteous liberal outrage during the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman controversy of 2012-3, has declared Woody Allen guilty of sexual assault because he and his alleged victim fit the right profiles. The verdict was

'The Nation' Pronounces Woody Allen Guilty

Carney Lies About Obamacare Appeals

White House spokesperson Jay Carney is not known for his honesty or command of the facts. So it is hardly a surprise that he would use misleading statistics in an attempt to dismiss a Washington Post report that the federal government’s

Carney Lies About Obamacare Appeals

A Gang Disappears. The LA Times Frets

Marisa Gerber of the Los Angeles Times has an interesting piece Tuesday about how the gentrification of the Los Angeles neighborhood of Echo Park has forced the gangs out of what was once a notorious crime-ridden neighborhood. Normally, that would be

A Gang Disappears. The LA Times Frets

It's Official: Sandra Fluke Files for Congress

Sandra Fluke has made it official: she has filed to run for the congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) after 40 years.  The birth control advocate who shook up the 2012 presidential campaign does not live in the

It's Official: Sandra Fluke Files for Congress

Susan Rice Blasts Israel–on Twitter

National Security Advisor and former UN Ambassador Susan Rice took to Twitter on Monday night to blast Israel for widespread recent criticism of Secretary of State John Kerry by Israeli government officials. The torrent of tweets ran from at 8:14

Susan Rice Blasts Israel–on Twitter

Illinois Loses 80,000 Workers in One Year

President Barack Obama’s home state, which has been governed by Democrats throughout his national political career, has slipped in the rankings and now has the third-worst unemployment rate in the nation. Though the jobless rate was the same in December

Illinois Loses 80,000 Workers in One Year

Report: U.S. to Delay Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan

The Obama administration is not expecting to meet its April 29 deadline for introducing a framework for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, owing to persistent differences between the two sides, the Jerusalem Post 

Report: U.S. to Delay Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan

Troy: Obama's TV References Keep Him Afloat

Tevi Troy, former Bush administration official and pop culture aficionado, has noted in Forbes that President Barack Obama’s reference to Mad Men in his State of the Union address last week continues the president’s habit of using such symbols to connect

Troy: Obama's TV References Keep Him Afloat Defends Communism–Mass Murders and All is a reliably left-wing media outlet given to regular outbreaks of radical pique that earn top billing on MSNBC’s prime-time panels. Yet even a hawkish outlet like Salon can go too far. On Sunday, Salon’s Jesse Myerson published an Defends Communism–Mass Murders and All

Californians Turn to Rain Dances for Drought Relief

Californians suffering from the state’s worst drought in memory are turning to desperate measures. Some are letting their lawns die. Some are showering with friends. And some are gathering for rain dances.  The San Juan Intertribal Council has staged Native

Californians Turn to Rain Dances for Drought Relief

'Moderate' Iranian President Executes Poet, Activist

The Obama administration may believe that Iranian president Hassan Rouhani is a “moderate,” but he has presided over a wave of executions, the latest being of Iranian-Arab poet and activist Hashem Shaabani, according to the Jerusalem Post. The 31-year-old was

'Moderate' Iranian President Executes Poet, Activist

Palestinians Accuse Kerry of Trying to Kill Their Leader

Palestinians are gripped by a new conspiracy theory: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is trying to assassinate their president, Mahmoud Abbas. The theory is being propagated by senior Palestinian officials and media, and one official has threatened to file

Palestinians Accuse Kerry of Trying to Kill Their Leader

Obamacare: Wealthy Californians Discover They are 'on the Dole'

The expansion of government-provided health insurance through Obamacare has some Californians stunned to discover they are suddenly “on the dole”–eligible for state subsidies through Medi-Cal, California’s version of Medicare. According to Covered California, the state’s Obamacare exchange, 1.2 million people

Obamacare: Wealthy Californians Discover They are 'on the Dole'

South Africa's Opposition Loses its Presidential Candidate

The agreement in South Africa between the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) and purported presidential candidate Mamphela Ramphele has fallen apart less than a week after it was announced, to global fanfare, on Jan. 28. Ramphele issued a statement on Jan. 31

South Africa's Opposition Loses its Presidential Candidate

Bob Shrum Accuses Republicans of 'Apartheid' with Immigration Plan

Democrat pundit Bob Shrum made a point that was both useful and incendiary on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday morning, when he likened the Republicans’ new immigration principles to “apartheid.”  Shrum’s point was that granting millions of illegal aliens a kind

Bob Shrum Accuses Republicans of 'Apartheid' with Immigration Plan

Stephanopoulous Plays the Pope Card

George Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton White House staffer-turned-ABC News anchor, challenged Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on This Week Sunday morning by playing “the Pope card”: “You don’t think he’d Pope would endorse your budget, do you?” he asked the House Budget Committee

Stephanopoulous Plays the Pope Card

Why Does John Kerry Keep Opening His Mouth?

You have to wonder at the latest John Kerry stuff-up. He’s once again offended–and worried–the Israelis by referring to terrible things that might happen to them if they don’t cooperate with his peace deal. Last time, it was terrorism. This

Groundhog: Six More Weeks of Winter

The Associated Press reports that Punxsatawney Phil has seen his shadow, meaning six more weeks of brutally cold winter for the eastern half of the country, and crippling drought in the west. Also, he picked the Broncos over the Seahawks,

Groundhog: Six More Weeks of Winter

California Cuts State Water Allocation 5 Percent–to Zero

California’s State Water Project is cutting its water allocation to farms and cities by five percent of capacity–to zero.  The Central Valley Business Times reports that the agency is taking the drastic step to prevent dwindling reservoirs from reaching the

California Cuts State Water Allocation 5 Percent–to Zero

Report: Syria Still Has 96% of Its Chemical Weapons

Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has failed to comply with international agreements that he turn over chemical weapons, and retains some 96% of his original stockpile, hoarding them in regions controlled by his Alawite ethnic group in case the country is

Report: Syria Still Has 96% of Its Chemical Weapons

Israeli Leaders Slam Kerry–Again

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is once again the target of criticism, direct and indirect, by Israeli leaders after he suggested that Israel could face “delegitimization” and “boycott” campaigns without a peace deal with the Palestinians.  That remark, made

Israeli Leaders Slam Kerry–Again

McConnell to Obama: Use That Pen to Approve Keystone

Senate Minority Leader has urged President Barack Obama to “pick up that pen you’ve been talking so much about” and approve the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, after a State Department review found that the project would have no

McConnell to Obama: Use That Pen to Approve Keystone

Blue State Blues: How the Tea Party Beat Henry Waxman

Henry Waxman, Democrat of California, is retiring after twenty terms in Congress. (That’s terms, not years.) For four decades, he has represented one of the most liberal districts in the country, which pumps millions into Democratic coffers.  Yet whom does

Blue State Blues: How the Tea Party Beat Henry Waxman

Israel's Defense Minister Blasts Kerry Again–Politely

Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe “Bogey” Ya’alon took aim at the peace process being pushed by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry–albeit in far more diplomatic terms–this week at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv. Earlier in

Israel's Defense Minister Blasts Kerry Again–Politely

Kerry's Israeli-Palestinian Framework Emerges

Martin Indyk, who serves as the State Department’s special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian peace, presented the outline of Secretary of State John Kerry’s framework for a peace deal on a conference call with American Jewish leaders, the Times of Israel reports.

Kerry's Israeli-Palestinian Framework Emerges

Palestinians Ask Iran for Help Against Israel

The Palestinian Authority is seeking help from Iran in dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, hoping to pressure Israel–and to send a signal of defiance to the Obama administration. Jibril Rajoub, a senior official of the “moderate” Fatah faction, declared Thursday

Palestinians Ask Iran for Help Against Israel

Former Bachmann Fundraiser Wins WSJ Stock-Picking Contest–Two Weeks in a Row

James L. Pollack (no relation), the former finance director for Michele Bachmann’s 2012 presidential campaign, won last week’s Wall Street Journal stock-picking contest, beating thousands of entires, many of them from Wall Street professionals.  Then Pollack did something no one has

Report: Sandra Fluke Mulls Run for Henry Waxman's Seat

Sandra Fluke, the birth-control activist who helped Democrats launch their “Republican war on women” theme in the 2012 elections, is reported to be considering a run for the seat being vacated by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA). Waxman announced his retirement

Report: Sandra Fluke Mulls Run for Henry Waxman's Seat

Congressman: California Drought 'Man-Made'–By Democrats

It is common to hear Democrats blame California’s ongoing severe drought on climate change. Gov. Jerry Brown made that claim last week in his “state of the state” address. Now a Republican is also claiming that California’s drought is man-made–by

Congressman: California Drought 'Man-Made'–By Democrats

Waxman to Retire; Williamson to Meet with Breitbart News Today

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), reversing his earlier insistence that he intended to run for a 21st term in the U.S. House of Representatives, announced Thursday morning that he will retire. His opponent, spiritual guru Marianne Williamson, will be join Breitbart

Waxman to Retire; Williamson to Meet with Breitbart News Today

Obama's Organizers Beg for Positive Obamacare Stories

Worried by a wave of popular outrage at Obamacare, the activists of President Barack Obama’s community organizing arm, Organizing for Action, are urging members to share positive stories about the president’s flagship domestic policy. In an email to volunteers in

Obama's Organizers Beg for Positive Obamacare Stories