Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 312

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Blue State Blues: The Gay Intolerance Act of 2014

One late night in the press room at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, my Breitbart colleagues and I were chit-chatting with a member of the White House Press Corps, a charming woman who happened to be a lesbian. The

Blue State Blues: The Gay Intolerance Act of 2014

The Tea Party at Five: What the Wacko Birds Have Wrought

On the fifth anniversary of the first Tea Party rallies, the movement’s record appears mixed. It swept the GOP to a majority in the U.S. House, where it has blocked President Barack Obama’s most radical ambitions. It helped the GOP

The Tea Party at Five: What the Wacko Birds Have Wrought

Glick to Ambush AIPAC with One-State Solution

Caroline Glick, the popular conservative commentator for the Jerusalem Post, will launch her new manifesto, The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, early next week. The book argues that Israel should abandon the faltering two-state

Glick to Ambush AIPAC with One-State Solution

Brewer's Veto Motivated By Principle–and Pressure

Republican Gov. Jan Brewer’s veto of Arizona’s SB 1062, which would have protected business owners from discrimination lawsuits if they turned down gay patrons for religious reasons, brought a sigh of relief to a her state and to her party.

Brewer's Veto Motivated By Principle–and Pressure

Krugman Scoop: They Use ACTORS in Campaign Ads!

Paul Krugman, as usual, is leading the left media through the looking-glass–and this time the distortions are not only bizarre but deeply disturbing. Krugman argued several days ago that many of the Obamacare “horror stories” are, in fact, “hooey.” That

Krugman Scoop: They Use ACTORS in Campaign Ads!

Have YOU Actually Read the Arizona 'Gay' Bill?

You probably have an opinion about the Arizona legislature’s controversial new bill, SB 1062, awaiting signature or veto by Gov. Jan Brewer. You may have complained that it reinstates “Jim Crow” by allowing businesses to refuse to serve gays. You

Have YOU Actually Read the Arizona 'Gay' Bill?

California Couple Finds $10 Million in Gold Coins in Back Yard

A couple in California stumbled across the most valuable buried treasure find in U.S. history, the Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday, when they discovered rusting cans on their property that contained 19th-century gold coins with a face value of over

California Couple Finds $10 Million in Gold Coins in Back Yard

L.A. Bans Fracking for Some Reason: 'Our Walls Are Crumbling'

They’re not sure whether hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) is occurring within Los Angeles, or to what extent. But by Gaia, they’re banning it.  A raucous meeting at the L.A. City Council ended with cheers from the packed audience, the L.A. Times reports,

Battleground Texas Fires Blank at Critics

The Obama campaign offshoot known as Battleground Texas, which was caught on hidden camera by James O’Keefe allegedly violating state law by encouraging volunteers to copy voters’ private telephone numbers from registration forms into their get-out-the-vote database, has doubled down

Battleground Texas Fires Blank at Critics

Obama's Defense Cuts Make Inequality Worse

There are many reasons to oppose President Barack Obama’s sweeping defense cuts, announced yesterday by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. One of them is an argument beloved by Obama himself: economic inequality. For generations, the U.S. military has been the

Hagel's Defense Cuts Raise Questions for Both Parties

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s proposed defense cuts, which would slash the Pentagon budget and shrink the U.S. Army to World War II levels, are a reminder that the only area of government that President Barack Obama seems to have

Hagel's Defense Cuts Raise Questions for Both Parties

Hagel 2005: Beware Defense Cuts!

Secretary of State Chuck Hagel has just announced sweeping defense cuts that will reduce the U.S. Army to its smallest size since before World War II. In 2013, during Hagel’s confirmation hearing, I pointed out that his newfound love of

California Braces for Rain Later This Week

The Los Angeles area is expecting its largest rainfall since March 2012 when two major storms arrive later this week. One is due Wednesday evening and the other is due Friday afternoon. Both are expected to break a local heat

California Braces for Rain Later This Week

Celebrate Israeli Apartheid Week with Yityish Aynaw

It’s that time of year again–time for Israeli Apartheid Week, where ignorant and/or malicious left-wing faculty and students will participate in a global orgy of hatred against the Jewish state, in the hope of poisoning enough minds to create permanent

Celebrate Israeli Apartheid Week with Yityish Aynaw

Alec Baldwin Quits Media, Blames Breitbart

On Sunday evening, award-winning actor and prominent left-wing activist Alec Baldwin announced that he was leaving “public life”–and blamed “Roger Ailes. And Fox. And Breitbart.” In an extended rant to Joe Hogan, posted on and published in New York magazine,

Alec Baldwin Quits Media, Blames Breitbart

Beltway Media, Sneering at Trump, Are a Parody of Themselves

You don’t have to like Donald Trump to be disgusted by the spectacle of the Beltway media’s self-congratulation over their collective role in trashing the man. Buzzfeed’s McKay Coppins, author of last week’s sensational hit piece, was joined by Maggie

Beltway Media, Sneering at Trump, Are a Parody of Themselves

Susan Rice Has 'No Regrets' About Appearing on NBC

What kind of a question is “do you have any regrets?” A cop-out–that’s what. And it’s the question put by NBC’s David Gregory to National Security Advisor Susan Rice on Meet the Press on Sunday, rather than “you weren’t telling us

Susan Rice Has 'No Regrets' About Appearing on NBC

Obama Mentor Preckwinkle May Challenge Emanuel for Chicago Mayor

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel may face a formidable challenger when he runs for re-election in 2015: Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. Though Preckwinkle says she will seek a second term on the county board in November, there is a

Obama Mentor Preckwinkle May Challenge Emanuel for Chicago Mayor

Donnelly Seizes on Kashkari Blunder on Gun Rights in California

California State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who is one of two major Republican candidates for governor in 2014, seized on comments last week by his well-funded rival, former U.S. Treasury official Neel Kashkari, in which the latter told students in Sacramento:

Donnelly Seizes on Kashkari Blunder on Gun Rights in California

AIPAC's Tough Talk Is Not Fooling Anyone

The American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) published an op-ed in the New York Times Saturday in which its leaders made a passionate and well-argued case for continued pressure on Iran, and also for the role of Congress in setting foreign policy.

'The Nation' Backs Repression in Venezuela

The Nation‘s Stephen Cohen has penned a lengthy criticism of the Venezuelan opposition, now subject to the brutal repression of Hugo Chávez’s successor, President Nicolás Maduro, as well as the violence perpetrated by left-wing colectivo vigilantes. The essence of the charge against

'The Nation' Backs Repression in Venezuela

LA Philharmonic Conductor Dudamel Targeted by Venezuela Protests

Gustavo Dudamel, the charismatic and popular young conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, is being targeted by protests in his native Venezuela and in the United States for his silence about the abuses of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. Dudamel

LA Philharmonic Conductor Dudamel Targeted by Venezuela Protests

Has the State Department 'Gone Rogue' in Ukraine?

Now that the Ukrainian opposition has toppled the government, the leaked telephone conversation between the U.S. Ambassador and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, in which the latter told him to “f— the E.U.,” has taken

Has the State Department 'Gone Rogue' in Ukraine?

No Federal Water for California Farmers, Either

Earlier this month, state water authorities revealed that many California farmers would receive none of their annual water allocation from the State Water Project. Now, federal water authorities have announced that the farmers will receive no water from the Central Valley Project.

No Federal Water for California Farmers, Either

California Democrat Indicted for Bribery

The U.S. Attorney for California announced Friday that a federal grand jury had indicted Democrat State Sen. Ronald Calderon on bribery charges. His brother Thomas was indicted on related money laundering charges. State Sen. Calderon is accused of agreeing to

California Democrat Indicted for Bribery

Harvard Computers Hijacked to Mine Digital Coins

An advanced computer network at Harvard University was hijacked to mine digital coins known as Dogecoin, similar to Bitcoin, the university revealed last week. According to Theodore R. Delwiche, writing for the Harvard Crimson, the university would not reveal who

Harvard Computers Hijacked to Mine Digital Coins

Newsom Bails from High-Speed Rail

California’s Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom has dropped his support for the state’s controversial high-speed rail project, defying Governor Jerry Brown, who has made high-speed rail one of his central priorities. Echoing arguments made by conservatives, Newsom–who once supported the high-speed

Newsom Bails from High-Speed Rail

California Voters May Decide to Break up the State

Supporters of an initiative to split California up into six states received official permission to begin gathering signatures to place the proposal on the ballot this November. The number of signatures required is 504,760. The proposal, called Six Californias, was launched

California Voters May Decide to Break up the State

CNN's Hypocrisy Exposed in Attack on Greg Abbott

For days, CNN has pursued Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott in an attempt to tie the Republican to the offensive views of rocker Ted Nugent. “Why would you associate yourself with someone who describes the sitting president as a ‘subhuman

CNN's Hypocrisy Exposed in Attack on Greg Abbott

5 Things to Know About the Walker Probe

The release of 27,000 emails by a state court in Wisconsin has sent Democrats into ecstasy. Finally, they hope, they will embarrass Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker. The “scandal” doesn’t quite stand up on its own, so they’ve taken to linking

5 Things to Know About the Walker Probe

Jerry Brown Introduces Modest Drought Relief Plan

California Governor Jerry Brown unveiled a $687.4-million drought relief plan in Sacramento on Wednesday that was hailed by Democrats and state water authorities, but which will do little to address the larger issues plaguing water management in the region. The package

Jerry Brown Introduces Modest Drought Relief Plan

Obama's 'Line' in Ukraine Lasts Less Than 24 Hours

President Barack Obama courted ridicule on Wednesday when he warned that there would be “consequences if people step over the line” in Ukraine. No one believed him, least of all Russian President Vladimir Putin, who saw through Obama’s “red line”

Newsom Backs Greuel to Succeed Waxman

The Los Angeles Times reports that former L.A. mayoral candidate Wendy Greuel has lined up an important endorsement in the race to succeed retiring Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) in California’s 33rd congressional district. Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, who was previously the

Newsom Backs Greuel to Succeed Waxman