Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 311

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Obama Cuts Funds for Israeli Missile Defense

In the same week that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) intercepted a Gaza-bound shipment of Syrian missiles from Iran, President Barack Obama is asking Congress to reduce U.S. funding for Israel’s missile defense programs by $200 million, according to the

Obama Cuts Funds for Israeli Missile Defense

Cleric: Radical Muslim Wife Is a 'Time Bomb in Bed'

Egyptian cleric Sheik Mazhar Shahin has issued a fatwa permitting Muslim men to divorce their wives if they are supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, saying that a radical Muslim wife is a “time bomb in bed” whose husband is sleeping with a

Cleric: Radical Muslim Wife Is a 'Time Bomb in Bed'

Israel: Stopping 'Rouhani's Rockets' Saved 'Millions of Lives'

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, speaking for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), told reporters Wednesday afternoon that the Iranian shipment of Syrian M-302 missiles in the Red Sea by naval commandos in Operation Full Disclosure saved “millions of lives” among Israeli

Israel: Stopping 'Rouhani's Rockets' Saved 'Millions of Lives'

Israel's Seizure of Iran Weapons Most Significant in 12 Years

When naval commandos from the Israel Defense Force (IDF) boarded the Panama-registered Klos-C merchant ship early Wednesday morning, they uncovered the most significant illicit Iranian arms shipment since the Karine A incident in 2002. According to news reports, the shipment included “advanced

Israel's Seizure of Iran Weapons Most Significant in 12 Years

Moody's Downgrades Chicago–Again

Less than a year after suffering a major investment downgrade, Chicago has been downgraded again. Moody’s Investment Services announced Tuesday that it was lowering Chicago’s rating from A3 to Baa1, three levels above junk bond status.  Last July, Moody’s downgraded

Palestinians: Bibi Declared War at AIPAC

The Palestinian Authority said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on Tuesday amounted to a unilateral declaration that talks were over.  Nabil Shaath told Agence France-Presse that Netanyahu’s remarks were “an

Palestinians: Bibi Declared War at AIPAC

The One Thing Obama's Done Right on Ukraine

There is so much to criticize in the Obama administration’s response to Russia’s intervention in the Ukraine, from the wishy-washy appeals to the “international community,” to the ridiculous complaint that Vladimir Putin is playing by “19th century” rules. Even when

The One Thing Obama's Done Right on Ukraine

At AIPAC, Menendez Breaks with Obama on Iran

Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair Bob Menendez (D-NJ) addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference on Tuesday morning and took a dramatically different stance than that which Secretary of State John Kerry outlined on Monday. He pushed

At AIPAC, Menendez Breaks with Obama on Iran

Pro-Israel SEIU Leader Addresses AIPAC

During Friday’s final plenary session at the Policy Conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), thousands of pro-Israel activists were addressed by Olga Miranda, president of Local 87 of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). In the course

Pro-Israel SEIU Leader Addresses AIPAC

Obama, Kerry, and 'The Right Side of History'

President Barack Obama declared on Monday that Russian president Vladimir Putin was on “the wrong side of history.” Secretary of State John Kerry had complained on Sunday: “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion.” Both

Three Basic Flaws in Kerry's AIPAC Speech

John Kerry’s speech at AIPAC struck me as sincere–and that, I think, makes it as a success. He came across as being genuinely concerned for Israel’s security. Yet his speech also revealed that the administration’s diplomatic efforts are still based

At AIPAC, Kerry Defends Obama's 'Strong Diplomacy' on Iran, Palestinians

Secretary of State John Kerry defended the Obama administration’s policy on Iran before an audience of thousands of pro-Israel activists at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference on Monday evening.  While acknowledging skepticism about Iran’s intentions, he

At AIPAC, Kerry Defends Obama's 'Strong Diplomacy' on Iran, Palestinians

Pro-Israel Student 1, BDS Activists 0

Joshua Nass, a senior at Brandeis University, has scored a victory over the anti-Israel “Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions” (BDS) movement, which tried to use his image to burnish their propaganda during “Israel Apartheid Week.” Nass had appeared on the Fox Business

Poland Convenes NATO to Discuss Russia, Ukraine, Crimea

Poland has summoned the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to meet on Tuesday to discuss the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine, where Russia has invaded and effectively taken over the Crimea. According to a statement by NATO

Poland Convenes NATO to Discuss Russia, Ukraine, Crimea

Netanyahu Tells Obama: Pressure the Palestinians Instead

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood firm against pressure from President Barack Obama in his opening remarks at their White House meeting today. According to reports from the briefing room, Netanyahu said: “Israel has been doing its part in the

Netanyahu Tells Obama: Pressure the Palestinians Instead

The Central Fallacy of the Pro-Israel Left

I attended a presentation today at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference by, among others, Ari Shavit, a senior correspondent for Israel’s left-wing daily, Ha’aretz. Shavit made a number of interesting points about the peace process, including

J Street: Rebels Without a Cause–Or a Clue

Jeremy Ben-Ami, the president and founder of J Street, has an op-ed in Politico today calling upon AIPAC to “get with the peace program.” It’s not clear exactly what he wants AIPAC to do, though. AIPAC has supported the peace

(VIDEO) Demonstrators Wave Terror Group Hezbollah Flags Outside AIPAC Conference

A small group of anti-Israel demonstrators waved flags bearing the emblem of Hezbollah, the Lebanese terror organization, outside the Washington Conference Center yesterday, where the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the country’s most influential pro-Israel group, is holding its

(VIDEO) Demonstrators Wave Terror Group Hezbollah Flags Outside AIPAC Conference

Democrats Advance Water Bond in California–with No Water Storage

Democrats in the California legislature are moving ahead with SB 848,a $7 billion water bond that focuses almost entirely on water treatment and preparation for climate change, and ignores water storage. The bill, sponsored by State Sen. Lois Wolk, is

Democrats Advance Water Bond in California–with No Water Storage

Obama Prepares for Showdown with Israel's Netanyahu

Though Russia’s Vladimir Putin has violated Ukrainian sovereignty and the laws of war, though his government has lied brazenly to American officials and flouted the norms of the international community, President Barack Obama has reserved his ire for Israeli Prime

Obama Prepares for Showdown with Israel's Netanyahu

Glick to Obama: 'You're Not Scaring Us'

Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post columnist and author of the forthcoming The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, reacted swiftly Sunday evening to President Barack Obama’s suggestion that he would warn Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday

Glick to Obama: 'You're Not Scaring Us'

Obama to Warn Netanyahu: Time is Running out for Israel

Jeffrey Goldberg has released an interview he conducted with President Barack Obama last Thursday, during which the president outlined his message to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he will meet on Monday. Obama will warn Netanyahu that he is

Obama to Warn Netanyahu: Time is Running out for Israel

Obama Sends Lew to AIPAC to Deliver the Bad News

Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew did his best to spin the Obama administration’s stance on Israel at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference on Sunday night. The audience knew they were being treated like mushrooms: kept

Obama to Israel: Stop Killing Iranian Nuclear Scientists

CBS News reports that the Obama administration has asked Israel to stop killing Iranian nuclear scientists. It was widely suspected that Israel had been behind a series of assassinations of key figures in the Iranian nuclear program, but never quite

Anti-Obama Street Art Hits Oscars: 'Oczars'

A rogue street artist has ambushed the 86th Academy Awards with a slew of street art posters poking fun at President Barack Obama and the Oscars. The posters, of unknown origin, feature the Oscar statue with Vladimir Lenin’s head and

Anti-Obama Street Art Hits Oscars: 'Oczars'

AIPAC to Switch Tactics: A Letter, Not a Vote, on Iran Sanctions

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will switch tactics this week when it sends thousands of activists to lobby members of Congress, Breitbart News has learned. Instead of asking for a vote on the new Iran sanctions contained in

AIPAC to Switch Tactics: A Letter, Not a Vote, on Iran Sanctions

Brandon Darby Loses Appeal Against New York Times, but Wins His Reputation

An appeals court in Texas ruled 2-1 to deny an attempt by Breitbart News’ Brandon Darby to overturn a lower court decision that tossed his defamation case against The New York Times. The three-judge panel, however, was unanimous in agreeing that the Times had not proven that Darby had “encouraged” a left-wing terrorist plot. They split on the issue of whether, as a public figure, Darby could show that the Times had acted with “malice” — a very high standard, albeit one that the dissenting judge felt Darby should have the chance to prove.

Mario Tama/Getty Images

Kerry Complains Putin Plays by '19th Century' Rules

Secretary of State John Kerry complained on Sunday’s edition of NBC News’ Meet the Press that Vladimir Putin was playing by “19th century” rules, not 21st century norms, in his invasion of the Ukranian region of Crimea.  Insisting that “President Putin

Kerry Complains Putin Plays by '19th Century' Rules

Democrat Senator Chris Coons Blames Obama for Ukraine

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) told an audience of thousands of pro-Israel activists on Sunday morning that Russian President Vladimir Putin had been encouraged to invade the Crimea region of Ukraine partly because of the Obama administration’s weakness in responding to

Democrat Senator Chris Coons Blames Obama for Ukraine

Pro-Israel Student Leads Drive for 'Safe Hillel'

At the AIPAC Policy Conference, I had the opportunity Sunday evening to meet Daniel Mael, a junior at Brandeis University, who is leading an initiative called “Safe Hillel.” It aims to counter a left-wing movement called “Open Hillel,” which is

Tech Exec Sponsors Anti-High-Speed-Rail Referendum in California

Nick Garzilli, Chief Operating Officer of technology company ET3, is behind a new proposed ballot measure to stop California’s high-speed rail project. The referendum, which would prevent further issues of state bonds for the project, was approved to begin gathering

Tech Exec Sponsors Anti-High-Speed-Rail Referendum in California

D.C. Snow May Cancel AIPAC Lobbying

A source indicated that pro-Israel activists gathering in Washington for the annual Policy Conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) may have to cancel their traditional mass lobbying event on the third day of the event. A major

D.C. Snow May Cancel AIPAC Lobbying

Netanyahu's Lesson from Ukraine: Don't Trust Obama on Iran

As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in the United States this week, he will no doubt have taken heed of President Barack Obama’s weak response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. President Vladminir Putin crossed Obama’s “line”–just as Syrian dictator Bashar

Netanyahu's Lesson from Ukraine: Don't Trust Obama on Iran

Hillary Shares Blame for Ukraine, Failed 'Reset' in Russia

Aside from–obviously–the Ukraine, there are several major losers in the Russian invasion. There is President Barack Obama, who has yet again been outmaneuvered by Russian President Vladimir Putin. There are the media, who predicted that the invasion would not happen.

Hillary Shares Blame for Ukraine, Failed 'Reset' in Russia

Putin Humiliates Obama–and U.S. Media–in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has humiliated President Barack Obama. He advanced soldiers into the Crimea–into the sovereign territory of Ukraine–without uniforms, in apparent violation of the laws of war. He knew that Obama would not dare complain–that the White House

Putin Humiliates Obama–and U.S. Media–in Ukraine

Showdown at AIPAC: Iran Sanctions on the Line

As the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIAPC) gathers in Washington, DC for its annual Policy Conference, Republicans are hoping to use the group’s traditional lobbying push to force Democrats to hold a Senate vote on Iran sanctions. The bipartisan

Caroline Glick Interview: The Two-State Model Is 'a Recipe for Disaster'

“The two-state solution isn’t inevitable. It is impossible. It will never happen–and the quicker we realize this, the better for all concerned.”  So says prominent Israeli journalist Caroline Glick, the senior contributing editor at the Jerusalem Post, and the most-read

Caroline Glick Interview: The Two-State Model Is 'a Recipe for Disaster'

This 'Six Californias' Thing Just Got Serious–$750k Serious

The Sacramento Bee reports that venture capitalist Tim Draper is putting $750,000 of his own money into an effort to gather over 800,000 signatures to place his “Six Californias” initiative on the November 2014 ballot. As a rule of thumb, one

This 'Six Californias' Thing Just Got Serious–$750k Serious