Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 310

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

'Shut up Your Mouse, Obama!'

The Blaze has a nice roundup on the latest viral video in the Middle East, via the brilliant people at MEMRI: ) And a remix: )

Top 10 Reasons Rahm Will Never Be President*

The Washington Times has published a story on Rahm Emanuel’s chances for president, based on gossip at CPAC between “a pair of insiders.” That prompted a round of “I told you so’s” around the office here. But it’s almost certainly never

Top 10 Reasons Rahm Will Never Be President*

Why 'Between Two Ferns' Works

President Barack Obama has come in for a fair amount of criticism for his appearance on Funny or Die’s Between Two Ferns, a satirical interview sketch hosted by Zach Galifianakis. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly have slammed the interview as demeaning

Why 'Between Two Ferns' Works

NPR Pushes Obama's 'Equal Pay' Lie

National Public Radio’s David Greene (host) and Tamara Keith (reporter) double-teamed on a story on Wednesday’s Morning Edition about President Barack Obama’s summit to address the pay gap between men and women. The premise of the story was the false statistic—debunked

NPR Pushes Obama's 'Equal Pay' Lie

How Obama Stiffed Legal Immigrants

President Barack Obama may have made life easier for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants when he declared the “Dream Act” by fiat in 2012, in the midst of his re-election campaign. But in doing so, he shoved legal immigrants

How Obama Stiffed Legal Immigrants

Poll: Majority of Israeli Jews–and Arabs–Distrust Kerry

A new poll released by the Israel Democracy Institute reveals that 64% of Israelis–including 66% of Jews and 53% of Arabs–do not trust U.S. Secretary of State “to take Israel’s security into account as a crucial factor in the framework agreement.”

Poll: Majority of Israeli Jews–and Arabs–Distrust Kerry

New Documentary Blames Iran for Lockerbie Bombing

As investigators search the western Pacific Ocean for signs of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, a new documentary is set to air Tuesday evening on Al-Jazeera in which an Iranian defector blames Iran for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103

New Documentary Blames Iran for Lockerbie Bombing

The Timeless Tension of the Cruz-Paul Debate

Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rand Paul (R-KY) have launched a national debate right here at Breitbart News, one that may mark the first shots of the 2016 Republican presidential primary campaign. The topic is foreign policy, oddly, an issue

The Timeless Tension of the Cruz-Paul Debate

Obama's Quadrennial Defense Review Calls for 'Engaging' Russia

The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) released last week–in the midst of the Ukraine crisis, and as Russian troops poured into the Crimea–calls for the U.S. to continue to “engage” Russia. The QDR, prepared by the Pentagon, is a comprehensive guide

Obama's Quadrennial Defense Review Calls for 'Engaging' Russia

In Donning Hijab, EU's Ashton Signals Surrender to Iran

You don’t have to regard the Islamic hijab, the headscarf worn by women to preserve their modesty, as a symbol of oppression to object to the spectacle of western diplomats wearing them when negotiating with or meeting with representatives and

In Donning Hijab, EU's Ashton Signals Surrender to Iran

Paul Ryan: Obama Negotiating in Bad Faith on Defense Cuts

WASHINGTON, DC-In the Obama era, only one Republican has ever been able to strike a budget deal with Democrats without pressing deadlines and drama – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan. But after watching the president negotiate cuts to the

Paul Ryan: Obama Negotiating in Bad Faith on Defense Cuts

Sanity Prevails in Senate Debate on Sexual Assault in Military

Last week, the U.S. Senate chose between two competing bills on sexual assault in the military. The successful bill, authored by Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), prevents those accused of crimes from using positive character evidence–the so-called “good soldier” defense–in their

Netanyahu Blasts World's Hypocrisy on Iranian Weapons

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked what he described as global hypocrisy on Iran, noting that the world’s leaders had largely failed to condemn a large Iranian shipment of weapons to Palestinian terrorist groups that Israeli naval commandos intercepted last

Iran's Gaza-Bound Missiles Could Hit New York, DC–from New Jersey

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been releasing images of weapons seized from the Klos C, which left Iran with advanced Syrian M-302 missiles and other weapons bound, via Sudan, for terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Alongside those rather alarming

Iran's Gaza-Bound Missiles Could Hit New York, DC–from New Jersey

Israel Releases Full Report on Iranian Weapons Ship

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released the first photographs of the full weapons cargo of the Klos C, the ship seized by Israeli naval commandos in the Red Sea last Tuesday en route from Iran to Sudan, with advanced missiles

Israel Releases Full Report on Iranian Weapons Ship

California Democrats Put Pot Plank in Party Platform

The Democratic Party of California voted on Sunday to add the full legalization of marijuana to their party’s platform in time for the 2014 elections. Despite vocal opposition from Gov. Jerry Brown–“How many people can get stoned and still have

California Democrats Put Pot Plank in Party Platform

Report: Netanyahu Considering 'Belgian' Model for Peace

The Times of Israel reported over the weekend that Israeli Prime Minister has dispatched researchers to study part of the international border between Belgium and the Netherlands, which includes a “highly complex,” non-linear border, “under which citizens of one country

Rahm to Brother: 'Shut the F— up!' on Tort Reform

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel claims that his brother Rahm–then-chief of staff at the White House, now mayor of Chicago–told him to “Shut the f— up!” when he raised the topic of tort reform during internal administration debates on Obamacare. Dr. Emanuel,

Rahm to Brother: 'Shut the F— up!' on Tort Reform

Gates's Lame Defense of Obama on Crimea

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates offered a weak defense of President Barack Obama’s policy on the Crimea on Fox News Sunday, telling host Chris Wallace that the Crimea was “gone” and that “some of the domestic criticism ought to be

NPR's Liasson: Blame Bush for Crimea!

National Public Radio’s national political correspondent, Mara Liasson, told Weekend Edition on Sunday that Republican criticism of the Obama administration on the Crimea was misplaced since, arguably, it was their own inaction when Russia’s Vladimir Putin invaded Georgia in 2008 that

NPR's Liasson: Blame Bush for Crimea!

The Honor Flight from CPAC

Touching down at Los Angeles International, on the transcontinental flight from Dulles. Just over five hours, coast-to-coast. Not bad. Even got some work done and caught the last half hour of 12 Years a Slave and Gravity. The pilot welcomes

HuffPo Slams CPAC over Exclusion of Gays, 25 Min. Too Early

Having just published a column in which I called the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference “the gayest CPAC ever,” I was surprised to read a piece by Amanda Terkel at the Huffington Post claiming that gay rights were “missing” at

HuffPo Slams CPAC over Exclusion of Gays, 25 Min. Too Early

Crimea and the Limits of Gestural Foreign Policy

By the end of the week, the Obama administration had begun to do what it had declined, at first, to do after Russia made its “uncontested arrival” in the Crimea. It had provided loan guarantees to Ukraine, and promises of

Blue State Blues: The Gayest CPAC Ever

It’s that time of year again: the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC. Every year there are squabbles over who is invited and who is not, which politicians are cheered and which are jeered, and which Republican presidential prospect will

Blue State Blues: The Gayest CPAC Ever

'Vlad the Great': Putin's Approval Rating Soars in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin may have to endure the stern disapproval of U.S. President Barack Obama, and the occasional insult from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as a result of his invasion of Ukraine. But at home, his approval ratings have

'Vlad the Great': Putin's Approval Rating Soars in Russia

Why Are Conservative Media Ignoring Venezuela?

At the “Uninvited” event alongside the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Thursday, I had the opportunity to speak on a panel about the ongoing crisis inUkraine. I pointed out that if CPAC had ignored Ukraine to some extent, even the

Why Are Conservative Media Ignoring Venezuela?

A Second Palestinian Civil War?

Avi Issacharoff of the Times of Israel makes a very interesting observation about the Israeli navy’s seizure of an Iranian shipment of Syrian M-302 missiles destined for Gaza. The missiles, he writes, were almost certainly intended for a Palestinian terror

'Neville Chamberlain's Calling, He Wants His Foreign Policy Back'

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) thrilled the crowd at “The Uninvited II,” the second annual side conference at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), hosted by Breitbart News and EMPact America. “Neville Chamberlain’s calling, he wants his foreign policy back,” Gohmert

'Neville Chamberlain's Calling, He Wants His Foreign Policy Back'

Rep. Brooks Warns ‘Uninvited’ of Fiscal Risk to National Security

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) spoke to ‘The Uninvited II,” the side conference staged by Breitbart News and EMPact America at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday, warning of the dire state of U.S. government finances. We are on

Rep. Brooks Warns ‘Uninvited’ of Fiscal Risk to National Security

Jonah Goldberg's Prediction on Crimea Comes True

A few days ago, Jonah Goldberg of National Review Online pointed out on Fox News’ Special Report with Bret Baier that the language President Barack Obama was using on the Ukraine was setting him up for failure. Specifically, Obama’s insistence that

Breaking: Obama Rejects Crimea Referendum

President Barack Obama rejected a proposed Mar. 16 referendum on the future of the Crimea, which was approved 78-0 earlier Thursday by the Crimean parliament. “The proposed referendum on the future of the Crimea would violate the Ukrainian constitution and international

Breaking: Obama Rejects Crimea Referendum

George Will to CPAC: Democrats in 2016!

Conservative columnist and Fox News contributor George Will touted the benefits of divided government in his remarks to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday.  “There is a case to be made,” he said, from a conservative point of

George Will to CPAC: Democrats in 2016!

George Will to CPAC: Democrats in 2016!

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD — Conservative columnist and Fox News contributor George Will touted the benefits of divided government in his remarks to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday.  “There is a case to be made,” he said, from

Amtrak Blames Wi-Fi for Bad Plumbing

The bitterly cold winter of 2013-14 caused major problems for Amtrak in the Midwest, notes the Chicago Tribune‘s Jon Hilkevitch. The train’s on-time rate was only 26 percent, with several spectacularly bad delays.  Hilkevitch notes that Amtrak blames the installation

My Fellow Conservatives: Schadenfreude is Not a Foreign Policy

We conservatives are overdue for a bit of gloating at President Barack Obama and the liberal media on foreign policy. It feels good see the Smartest President Ever™ schooled by “Caribou Barbie,” who actually predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine

My Fellow Conservatives: Schadenfreude is Not a Foreign Policy

Netanyahu Visits Israeli Settlement in California

If Israel is “America’s 51st state,” as some Israelis sometimes joke, then Silicon Valley might be an Israeli settlement. There are so many Israeli high-tech companies, and so many Israeli entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, that it was virtually home turf

Netanyahu Visits Israeli Settlement in California