Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 309

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

The Left Also Owns Atanus in Illinois

The left is having a collective giggle-fit over the nomination of Suzanne Atanus as the Republican nominee to challenge Jan Schakowsky in the 9th district of Illinois. I was the Republican nominee in 2010–and Atanus ran then, too. She was

The Left Also Owns Atanus in Illinois

Media Smear General Boykin as Anti-Semite

Lt. General William G. “Jerry” Boykin is a man of controversial opinions, but antisemitism isn’t one of them. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) seized on a joke Boykin made to an Israeli reporter at Breitbart News’ “Uninvited II” conference

The Worst Thing Obama Has Done in Foreign Policy by Far

It’s time for the “manchildren” inside the Obama administration, and waving the pom-pons around it, to plug in their iPads, because they’re going to have to work overtime to defend this one. “But… but… What would Mitt Romney do?” isn’t

L.A. Council Members Blame Fracking for Recent Earthquake

Though they do not actually know whether there is any hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) happening in Los Angeles, three members of the city council have introduced a resolution that blames tracking for Monday’s 4.4-magnitude earthquake, the Los Angeles Times reports.  Last month,

L.A. Council Members Blame Fracking for Recent Earthquake

Loyola Chicago Students Pass Surprise Anti-Israel Divestment Resolution

On Tuesday evening, Loyola University of Chicago became the first Catholic institution, and the first from the state of Illinois, whose student government has passed an anti-Israel divestment resolution.  The resolution, which a source says was not announced in advance,

Loyola Chicago Students Pass Surprise Anti-Israel Divestment Resolution

Maldives Islanders: We Saw Malaysia Airlines Jet

A new twist has emerged in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370, as a newspaper in the Indian Ocean nation of the Malvides has reported that residents of the remote island of Kuda Huvadhoo report having seen

Maldives Islanders: We Saw Malaysia Airlines Jet

The Case for War

Vladimir Putin seizes the Crimea, so we blockade the Bosporus. Iran defies the UN, so we sink its Persian Gulf fleet. China expands its air defense zone, so we start downing Chinese fighters. North Korea fires some missiles, so we

The Case for War

Two Years After Romney, Biden Visits Poland

In 2012, when Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney visited Poland to show solidarity with the newly free democracies of Eastern Europe, the American media mocked him. “What about your gaffes?” a journalist shrieked as Romney left a war memorial in

Two Years After Romney, Biden Visits Poland

Palestinian Terrorists Complain: Jews Love Jerusalem More than We Do

Ramadan Shalah, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization, which is funded, armed and controlled by Iran, lamented at a recent conference in Tehran that Jews love the disputed city of Jerusalem more than Palestinians and Muslims do,

Palestinian Terrorists Complain: Jews Love Jerusalem More than We Do

Obama's Weak Foreign Policy: He's Just Fulfilling a Campaign Promise

There has been a chorus of criticism–and ridicule–surrounding President Barack Obama’s response to Russia’s impending annexation of Crimea. Having failed, after several long telephone conversations, to deter Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Obama is now responding with sanctions against seven–seven–individuals

Obama's Weak Foreign Policy: He's Just Fulfilling a Campaign Promise

The 'Brainy Bracket': Villanova to Win NCAA Tourney

In the spirit of March Madness, I’ve filled out my own NCAA men’s basketball tournament bracket. However, I don’t follow college basketball much, and I can’t pretend to know enough about the teams to make any neat predictions. So I’ve

The 'Brainy Bracket': Villanova to Win NCAA Tourney

At White House, Obama Whitewashes Abbas

President Barack Obama met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday, telling the press at a joint conference that Abbas is “somebody who has consistently renounced violence.” Yet while he himself has not carried out violent acts, Abbas built

At White House, Obama Whitewashes Abbas

Top 5 Consequences of Putin's 'Crimea Reset'

“We are entering into our renewed relationship with our eyes open,” said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton five years ago, before presenting Russia’s foreign minister with the infamous bright red “reset” button. Russia has pushed the “reset” button all right,

Top 5 Consequences of Putin's 'Crimea Reset'

Low Expectations Ahead of Abbas WH Visit

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is set to meet U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House today, amidst low expectations for an Israeli-Palestinian peace process that has stalled despite strenuous U.S. efforts.  Abbas arrives having rejected major American proposals, including

Low Expectations Ahead of Abbas WH Visit

4.7 Earthquake Rocks West L.A. UPDATE: USGS Downgrades to 4.4

A 4.7-magnitude earthquake hit west Los Angeles this morning shortly before 6:30 a.m., waking the city up with a start and rocking vehicles back and forth during the morning commute. No significant damage was reported. A 4.7 magnitude earthquake occurred

4.7 Earthquake Rocks West L.A. UPDATE: USGS Downgrades to 4.4

Malaysia Flight 370 Flew Low to Avoid Radar

Malaysian investigators reported on Monday local time that they believed the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 flew low, at roughly 5000 feet, to avoid radar in at least three countries after it made its fateful detour.  The investigators, cited by

Malaysia Flight 370 Flew Low to Avoid Radar

Israel Prepares for Possible Attack by Hijacked Malaysian Plane

As the possibility–however remote–grows that Malaysia Airlines flight 370 may have been hijacked and taken to a hidden location, Israeli authorities are preparing for the possibility that the hijackers might attempt to use the Boeing 777 to mount an attack. 

Israel Prepares for Possible Attack by Hijacked Malaysian Plane

Former El-Al Expert Points to Iran in Malaysian Airlines Mystery

The Times of Israel has just posted a story by Debra Kamin based on an interview with Isaac Yeffet, who was head of global security for Israel’s flagship airline, El Al, that suggests Iran was involved with the disappearance of Malaysian

Crimea Votes to Join Russia in Rigged Referendum

In a referendum widely denounced as rigged, and closely watched by Russian soldiers and “self-defense” forces, residents of the Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation on Sunday, with exit polls putting the result at 93%, according to the

Crimea Votes to Join Russia in Rigged Referendum

The Purim After Andrew

In 2012, the Jewish holiday of Purim fell on March 8, exactly one week after Andrew Breitbart had died. I did not have time to go to synagogue the night before to hear the recitation of the Megillah, the Book

California Republicans Convene, Vow to Rebuild

California’s Republican Party is meeting for its statewide convention this weekend, and is attempting to regroup after years in the political wilderness. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who returned to Stanford University after eight years in the George W.

California Republicans Convene, Vow to Rebuild

Israeli Opposition Slams Kerry over 'Jewish State' Refusal

Last week, Israel’s right-wing parties condemned U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s remark that it would be a “mistake” to pursue Palestinian recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, breaking promises by the Obama administration. On Saturday,

Israeli Opposition Slams Kerry over 'Jewish State' Refusal

The Main Problem with Israel: A Culture of Entitlement

Israeli diplomat Arthur Lenk has penned a lengthy rant at the Times of Israel about why he, and his fellow diplomats, are refusing to work. Yes, that’s right–much of Israel’s diplomatic corps has walked off the job in the midst of

U.S. Arms Ukraine with Tasty Meals to Fight Russian Tanks

On Thursday, I wrote about how the Obama administration had denied military aid to Ukraine, as Russian troops continue their buildup in Crimea and threaten to invade the eastern part of the country. But the story is far worse: we

U.S. Media Ignore Kerry's Abandonment of Israel

On Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry told Congress that it would be a “mistake” to insist that Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state as a condition of a peace agreement. That statement was a complete reversal of recent

U.S. Media Ignore Kerry's Abandonment of Israel

5 New Possibilities in Reuters Report on Malaysia Airlines 370

Reuters reported Friday that military data suggests Malaysia Airlines flight 370, which has been missing for a week, may have been flown off course deliberately, turning westward on a trajectory towards the Middle East or Europe rather than its scheduled

5 New Possibilities in Reuters Report on Malaysia Airlines 370

Abbas Says Rival Mohammed Dahlan Killed Yasser Arafat

Forget conspiracy theories that Israel killed Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat in 2004. The PA’s current president, Mahmoud Abbas, has his own theory: it was Arafat’s own security chief, Mohammed Dahlan, who is now trying to challenge Abbas for the

Abbas Says Rival Mohammed Dahlan Killed Yasser Arafat

We Are Repeating History in Ukraine

The Wall Street Journal reports that the U.S. has declined to provide military aid to Ukraine. Judging from his testimony today before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Secretary of State John Kerry believes that any military response at all means “nuclear

Obama & Kerry's Betrayal of Israel is Complete

Secretary of State John Kerry told the House of Representatives today that it would be a “mistake” to insist–as Israel has done–that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Not only was his statement a total appeasement of Palestinian

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Secretary of State John Kerry told the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Thursday afternoon that it is a “mistake” for people to raise the issue of whether Palestinians would agree to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The Israeli

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' for Israel to Demand a Jewish State

Kashkari Hits Jerry Brown's 'Crazy Train'

California gubernatorial hopeful Neel Kashkari has released a 30-second web advertisement attacking the high-speed rail project that Gov. Jerry Brown has continued to champion, despite high costs, new legal obstacles and growing public opposition. “To me, it is not only

Kashkari Hits Jerry Brown's 'Crazy Train'

On Fukushima Anniversary, California Braces for 'the Big One'

Three years ago, a massive 9.0-magnitude offshore earthquake rocked Japan and generated a massive tsunami that eventually knocked out the Fukushima nuclear power plant and caused widespread destruction. Today, Californians are bracing for a similar event, as new research indicates

On Fukushima Anniversary, California Braces for 'the Big One'

Israel Shows Britain's Cameron the Cost of War

The latest round of rocket attacks against Israeli civilian targets by Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip, who launched several dozen volleys into southern Israel Wednesday, occurred during the visit of Prime Minister David Cameron. Britain has often taken

Israel Shows Britain's Cameron the Cost of War

I Hereby Declare 'St. Purim's Day.'

On the heels of the highly-successful Thanksgivukkah, which saw the rare confluence of the American holiday of Thanksgiving with the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, we are now–Baruch Hashem!–facing yet another great confluence: the Irish holiday of St. Patrick’s Day with

I Hereby Declare 'St. Purim's Day.'