Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 308

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Barack Obama Is on the Wrong Side of History

President Barack Obama’s self-congratulatory speech in the Rose Garden yesterday, in which he reported that 7.1 million people had signed up for Obamacare during the open enrollment period, repeated a theme he has often used against his critics: that they

Barack Obama Is on the Wrong Side of History

Politico Acknowledges GOP's Civil Rights Role–to Bash Today's GOP

Politico led Tuesday morning with a story by Todd S. Purdam on the late Rep. Bill McCulloch (R-OH), “The Republican Who Saved Civil Rights.” The story is not an April Fool’s Day joke. It is a rare acknowledgment that Republicans were key

Politico Acknowledges GOP's Civil Rights Role–to Bash Today's GOP

GM Recall Scandal Goes Straight to the White House

New General Motors CEO Mary Barra will testify before Congress Tuesday about why it took so long for GM to issue product safety recalls involving faulty ignition switches that caused air bags to fail in crashes, contributing to thirteen deaths.

GM Recall Scandal Goes Straight to the White House

What Ken Vogel Doesn't Get About Adelson, RJC

Kenneth Vogel is leading Politico this morning with a feature piece about Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire who hosted the Republican Jewish Coalition’s spring leadership meeting this past weekend at his hotel and casino, the Venetian, in Las Vegas.  Vogel’s piece

What Ken Vogel Doesn't Get About Adelson, RJC

L.A. Times Cooks the Books as Obamacare Deadline Hits

The Los Angeles Times greeted the Obamacare enrollment data on Monday with a striking headline, claiming that “at least 9.5 million previously uninsured people have gained coverage,” which is 3 million people more than the Obama administration itself claimed last week

L.A. Times Cooks the Books as Obamacare Deadline Hits

L.A. Fears Surprise Quake on Newly-Discovered Fault

Southern California has endured a series of moderate earthquakes in the past several weeks, the first of which occurred along a little-known fault beneath the Santa Monica Mountains that had never experienced such a strong tremor since scientists began measuring

L.A. Fears Surprise Quake on Newly-Discovered Fault

Obamacare Registers California Couple to Vote–as Democrats

A local couple in La Mesa, California were shocked to receive completed voter registration forms from Covered California with their party registration listed as “Democrat” after they enrolled in Obamacare. Channel 10, the San Diego affiliate of ABC, reported Sunday

Obamacare Registers California Couple to Vote–as Democrats

Baby Hippopotamus Born in San Diego Zoo

Visitors to the San Diego Zoo were treated to the uncommon spectacle on Sunday: the birth of a hippopotamus. The baby, weighing an estimated 40-45 lbs. (18-20 kg.), was born to parents Funani and Otis on March 29. It swam

Baby Hippopotamus Born in San Diego Zoo

Confirmed: CA Bullet Train Won't Be as 'High-Speed' as Promised

Back in February, Breitbart News broke the story of how California Gov. Jerry Brown’s beloved high-speed rail was not going to be as “high-speed” as promised. We noted the comments of the Peer Review Group in a recent report on

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Lust Is the Answer

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is no stranger to controversy. His breakout advice book, Kosher Sex, provoked criticism from the religious community–and added new depth to many relationships. Now, Boteach–an occasional Breitbart News contributor–is launching a sequel, Kosher Lust: Love Is Not the Answer,

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Lust Is the Answer

Blue State Blues: Who's Missing the 'Sheldon Adelson Primary'?

The Republican Jewish Coalition spring leadership meeting is under way in Las Vegas. I use “under way” in the loosest sense possible, since all that’s happened as of Friday is a round of golf, a poker tournament, and a very

Blue State Blues: Who's Missing the 'Sheldon Adelson Primary'?

Full Circle: Obama Defends Iraq War

Barack Obama would not be President of the United States were it not for his purported opposition to the Iraq War.  I say “purported,” because he never had to vote on the war, as his unfortunate rival Hillary Clinton did,

Full Circle: Obama Defends Iraq War

California Eggs: a Commerce Clause Case Liberals May Lose

The commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution has been the vehicle for expanding the power of the federal government ever since Wickard v. Filburn (1942), much to the delight of big-government liberals. In the Obamacare case of 2012, the Supreme Court

California Eggs: a Commerce Clause Case Liberals May Lose

Obamacare to Register up to 4 Million New Voters in California

Covered California, the Golden State’s troubled Obamacare exchange, will mail 4 million voter registration cards to residents who have enrolled in health insurance plans (largely Medicaid), the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The state Obamacare exchange was not initially registering voters, but

Obamacare to Register up to 4 Million New Voters in California

U.S. Should Release Pollard Anyway–Not for Bogus Negotiations

Reports are circulating that President Barack Obama might pardon Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who has spent nearly three decades in prison, as a way of enticing Israel to continue its participation in peace talks with the Palestinian Authority that have

Israel's Diplomats at War with Their Government

The employees of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared an open-ended strike earlier this week, leaving Israel without foreign representation and consular services at a crucial time. While anti-Israel activists rally for boycotts, and world powers continue negotiating with Iran

Israel's Diplomats at War with Their Government

Obama's Turkey is Stuffed

It was once conventional wisdom among administration-friendly policy wonks that President Barack Obama’s most successful foray into Middle East relations was his attempt to elevate relations with Turkey. Whatever else might be said about his confused, weak and reactive policy

Obama's Turkey is Stuffed

California Democrat Drops Obamacare from Campaign Website

Rep. Julia Brownley (D-CA), a first-term representative whose district includes parts of Ventura County, Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley, has apparently removed her support for Obamacare from her campaign website. As recently as late February (see cached image

California Democrat Drops Obamacare from Campaign Website

Unions vs. Reform Democrats over California Pension Reform

Last week, Chuck Reed, the Democratic mayor of San Jose, abandoned an effort to place a referendum on the state ballot in November that would do for California what he did for San Jose in 2012–namely, bring massive unfunded pension

Unions vs. Reform Democrats over California Pension Reform

The Brainy Bracket: Fun While It Lasted

In March Madness, you live and die by the upsets. And that’s what happened to the “brainy bracket,” my attempt to pick the winners based on their academic ranking in the annual U.S. News & World Report survey. I picked Stanford

For Pacifica Radio, the Revolution is Ending

Far-left KPFK, otherwise known as Pacifica Radio, has been broadcasting progressive propaganda throughout California, and across the world, for many years. (In South Africa, where I lived for several years, you could hear archival Pacifica broadcasts by Noam Chomsky and

For Pacifica Radio, the Revolution is Ending

L.A. Times: Conservatives Lobbying for Marijuana

The Los Angeles Times‘ Evan Halper documents what attendees at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington, D.C. also noted: namely, that there is a sharp rise among conservatives in enthusiasm for, and interest in, liberalizing marijuana laws. Conservative

L.A. Times: Conservatives Lobbying for Marijuana

NYT Hopes Pope Inspires Obama to 'Return' to Inequality

The perpetual amnesia of the mainstream media regarding much of what President Barack Obama never ceases to amaze. In Sunday’s New York Times, Jason Horowith previews Obama’s meeting later this week with Pope Francis by exploring the president’s early work

NYT Hopes Pope Inspires Obama to 'Return' to Inequality

Blue State Blues: Fleeing Democrats Will Turn Texas Blue

In Los Angeles this week, three city council members blamed fracking for an earthquake, though they are not actually certain whether any fracking has occurred. In New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio is continuing his fight to crush charter schools that

Blue State Blues: Fleeing Democrats Will Turn Texas Blue

Democrats Steal Tea Party Symbol to Promote Obamacare

How desperate are Democrats to sell Obamacare? So desperate that they’re adopting the Tea Party’s beloved symbol, the Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, to sell it, as per this tweet by Democrat strategist Christine Pelosi (yes, that Pelosi family).

Democrats Steal Tea Party Symbol to Promote Obamacare

L.A. Times: Half of Callers to Covered California Give Up

Half of those who called Covered California for help in enrolling in Obamacare in February and March hung up after waiting on hold, Chad Terhune of the Los Angeles Times reports.  The California program, which is touted by Obamacare’s supporters as

L.A. Times: Half of Callers to Covered California Give Up

Video: Pornography Professor Assaults Pro-Life Activist at UCSB

University of California-Santa Barbara Professor Mireille Miller-Young, who teaches “Pornography; Sex Work; Black Film, Popular Culture and Art,” among other topics, has been charged with vandalism, battery and robbery after stealing a pro-life poster from a demonstration on campus and

Video: Pornography Professor Assaults Pro-Life Activist at UCSB

'Brainy Bracket' Still Intact–Mostly

As the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament continues, the “brainy bracket“–in which I chose winners based on their academic rankings by U.S. News & World Report–remains largely intact. Harvard’s upset win over Cincinnati preserved their Elite Eight

'Brainy Bracket' Still Intact–Mostly

Illinois to Follow California's Lead With 'Millionaire Tax' Referendum

Michael Madigan, the all-powerful Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, announced Thursday that he would direct the Democrat-controlled state legislature to place a referendum on the November ballot that would raise taxes on millionaires by three percent. The measure

Illinois to Follow California's Lead With 'Millionaire Tax' Referendum

Twitter Loses Over $1000 Every Minute

We love Twitter, but it’s losing over $1,000 every minute. That’s according to a new website called “Turning a Profit,” which is hosted by, a mobile credit card payments company. The site allows users to click a stopwatch and

Twitter Loses Over $1000 Every Minute

Obama Can't Handle Ya'alon's Truth

Israel’s Minister of Defense, Moshe “Bogey” Ya’alon, has been forced to apologize to the U.S. for the second time this year. His crime: telling the truth–again. Earlier this week, he said that Israel would have to face Iran alone because

Rand Paul Addresses Packed House at Berkeley

BERKELEY, CA — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) received a warm welcome from a packed audience at the University of California-Berkeley on Wednesday afternoon, as he addressed the Berkeley Forum at International House. Paul’s message of investigating and restraining the Central

Rand Paul Addresses Packed House at Berkeley