Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 307

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

CA High-Speed Rail Lowers Revenue Projections

In a new business plan submitted to state legislators last week, the California High-Speed Rail Authority offered lower revenue projections than it had two years before, predicting that revenue will be “5 percent lower than originally projected by 2025 and

CA High-Speed Rail Lowers Revenue Projections

Obama to Raise DNC Cash in Silicon Valley–Again–in May

President Barack Obama can’t stop the California drought, but he is making it rain–for the Democratic Party.  The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Obama will return to the Bay Area in early May for two fundraisers–one at the home of Yahoo!

Obama to Raise DNC Cash in Silicon Valley–Again–in May

Poll: Another Republican Leads Statewide CA Race

A Field Poll released Saturday indicates that Republican Ashley Swearengin, the mayor of Fresno, leads the race for State Controller, garnering 28% of the support of likely voters, 9% ahead of her closest rival.  However, the combined total of the second-

Poll: Another Republican Leads Statewide CA Race

Tesla Lobbies Against Rebate Cuts to Rich Customers

Tesla, the electric car manufacturer that discovered a new enthusiasm for the free market when the state of New Jersey tried to block direct sales to customers, is lobbying in Sacramento to protect the large taxpayer subsidies that have helped

Tesla Lobbies Against Rebate Cuts to Rich Customers

Record-High 60% of Californians Say They Pay Too Much Tax

Ahead of the April 15 tax deadline, a record-high 60% of Californians say that they pay “much more” or “somewhat more” in taxes than they should, according to a recent survey by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) (and

Record-High 60% of Californians Say They Pay Too Much Tax

Eric Holder to Defend Soledad Cross

The federal Department of Justice took the surprising decision of siding with advocates of the Mount Soledad cross, arguing that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals should hear the case en banc, in front of a full 11-judge panel. A

Eric Holder to Defend Soledad Cross

Garcetti Promises No Rate Hikes, Lower Business Taxes

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti delivered his first “State of the City” address Thursday evening, promising to bar any rate increases for water and power, and to begin phasing out the city’s business (or gross receipts) tax. His speech, which

Garcetti Promises No Rate Hikes, Lower Business Taxes

Democrat Shriver Cancels 'Rolls-Royce' Campaign Event

Democrat Bobby Shriver–nephew of John F. Kennedy, brother to Maria Shriver, and (for now) still brother-in-law to Arnold Schwarzenegger–has canceled an “exclusive” campaign evening at a Rolls-Royce dealership in Beverly Hills, blaming a lower-level staffer for scheduling the event, according

Democrat Shriver Cancels 'Rolls-Royce' Campaign Event

El Niño Likely, Could Drench California Next Winter

Drought-stricken California could face torrential rains next winter, according to federal meteorologists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center in Maryland, who have forecast a 2-in-3 chance of an El Niño event this year, the Contra Costa Times

El Niño Likely, Could Drench California Next Winter

Stimulus-Funded Solar Project is a Giant Bird Barbecue

In February, Secretary of Energy dedicated the Ivanpah Solar Energy Generating System in southeastern California, calling it a “shining example of how America is becoming a world leader in solar energy” [no pun intended, apparently].  However, the project–funded by $1.6 billion

Stimulus-Funded Solar Project is a Giant Bird Barbecue

Multiple Reports: Pollard to Be Freed

Several news sources in the Middle East are reporting that the U.S. is set to release convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in exchange for Israel releasing a final batch of convicted Palestinian terrorists, while freezing settlement construction. Pollard has been

Multiple Reports: Pollard to Be Freed

Poll: Voters Turn Against California Legislature After Yee's Arrest

A new Field Poll released Thursday reports that California voters now have a negative view of the state legislature, with 46% of registered voters now saying they disapprove, and only 43% saying they approve of its performance–a nine-point negative swing

Poll: Voters Turn Against California Legislature After Yee's Arrest

The End is Nigh. Will Los Angeles Repent?

Los Angeles is falling fast on a downward economic spiral, and has been for a generation. The city ranks worst in the U.S. in job creation–behind even bankrupt Detroit–and near the bottom in public pension liabilities. Longtime residents complain of

The End is Nigh. Will Los Angeles Repent?

L.A. Times Blames Breitbart California for Republican Woes

The Los Angeles Times has blamed Breitbart California, which launched Sunday evening, for what it predicts will be a Republican “slide” among women and Latino voters. The Times cited a satirical poster by street artist Sabo, depicting U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy

L.A. Times Blames Breitbart California for Republican Woes

Brandeis Student Blasts University 'Hypocrisy' on Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Daniel Mael, a senior at Brandeis University, blasted the administration’s decision to withdraw an honorary doctorate from feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali due to her past criticisms of Islam. “I am appalled by the hypocrisy of the University administration and their

Brandeis Student Blasts University 'Hypocrisy' on Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Defendant in Yee Case Claims Anti-Chinese Racism

A lawyer for Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, the alleged Chinatown gang boss involved in the federal case that snagged State Sen. Leland Yee, claims that his client is a victim of “unadulterated racism” by the government. The San Francisco Chronicle reports: “They

Defendant in Yee Case Claims Anti-Chinese Racism

Poll: Brown Leads Gov Race, Donnelly Second

A new Field Poll of likely California voters shows incumbent Democrat Jerry Brown far ahead of any rivals in the gubernatorial election, enjoying the support of 57% of likely voters. Second place, with 17%, is Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, a Republican who enjoys

Poll: Brown Leads Gov Race, Donnelly Second

Pew: California 49th out of 50 States in Election Administration

Though the administration of elections is improving in most states, according to a report by the Pew Charitable Trust’s State and Consumer Initiatives, California still ranks near the bottom, at 49th out of 50 states, ahead of Mississippi. North Dakota topped

Pew: California 49th out of 50 States in Election Administration

Wiccan Police Officer Sues L.A. for Religious Discrimination

An LAPD sergeant who has been on the force for nearly 25 years is suing the city, claiming that he suffered religious discrimination for his religious beliefs, according to a news report by CBS News’ L.A. affiliate. Sgt. A.J. DeBellis

Wiccan Police Officer Sues L.A. for Religious Discrimination

Rove: Kashkari Is Best 'to Lose to Jerry Brown'

Veteran Republican political strategist and Beltway insider Karl Rove told a gathering of Sacramento business leaders that Neel Kashkari would be the party’s best choice “to lose to Jerry Brown” in the November election, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Rove: Kashkari Is Best 'to Lose to Jerry Brown'

Democrat Who Voted for Fracking Campaigns Against Fracking

Marin County is having a good laugh–and no small bit of outrage–at Assemblyman Marc Levine’s expense, after the local Press Democrat caught Levine sending mailers to his constituents calling for a moratorium on fracking, even though he had voted to authorize

Democrat Who Voted for Fracking Campaigns Against Fracking

Reynolds: Silicon Valley Scares Americans

Veteran blogger and law professor Glenn Reynolds points out in his latest USA Today column that Silicon Valley has lost the trust of the American people. The problem is not just that the tech giants have become embroiled in the scandals surrounding

Reynolds: Silicon Valley Scares Americans

What Is It About San Francisco?

The strangest thing about San Francisco is that no matter what time of the day or night it is, it feels like late afternoon. The city seems to bask in the glow of that soft sunshine at all hours, in

What Is It About San Francisco?

Valadao: Incumbent? Who, Me?

Nathan L. Gonzales of Roll Call’s “Rothenblog” has noticed something interesting about freshman U.S. Rep. David Valadao’s self-description on the primary ballot in California: he has declined to note that he is an incumbent congressman. Instead, Gonzales notes, Valadao will

Valadao: Incumbent? Who, Me?

Vandals Overturn Smart Cars in San Francisco

Local NBC and CBS affiliates in San Francisco reported Monday morning that several Smart cars were upended around the city on Sunday night. KCBS reported that three cars were overturned in two different neighborhoods and NBC Bay Area spoke to witnesses

Vandals Overturn Smart Cars in San Francisco

Rahm Emanuel Has Learned Nothing About Foreign Policy

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel granted the New Republic‘s Isaac Chotiner what the magazine describes as a “contentious” interview–and that’s putting it mildly. The mayor is highly combative and profane in the interview, showing a contempt for the public that is

Rahm Emanuel Has Learned Nothing About Foreign Policy

America's 'Best-Looking' Attorney General Engaged; Obama Hardest Hit

California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris, who is “by far the best-looking” attorney general in America, according to President Barack Obama, is now engaged to be married, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Harris, who lives in San Francisco, is engaged to Los Angeles

America's 'Best-Looking' Attorney General Engaged; Obama Hardest Hit

Silicon Valley Congressional Race: Singh's Strong Poll Prompts Frenzy

California’s 17th congressional district, which includes parts of Silicon Valley and the East Bay, is rated as “Safe Democrat,” but it is the subject of fierce competition and charges of foul play on all sides in the 2014 primary.  Each candidate–from

Silicon Valley Congressional Race: Singh's Strong Poll Prompts Frenzy

SEIU to Place $15 Min. Wage on San Francisco Ballot

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the country’s most powerful public sector unions, will file a ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage in San Francisco to $15 per hour (from $10.74), which would make it the highest

SEIU to Place $15 Min. Wage on San Francisco Ballot

McCutcheon: The Supreme Court's Subtle Rebuke to Obama

One of the more shocking moments of the Obama presidency was the president’s attempt to bully the Supreme Court, in full view of the entire nation, during his State of the Union address in 2010. With six of the nine

457 Marijuana Shops File Tax Renewals in L.A.

Authorities in Los Angeles report that 457 marijuana dispensaries have filed tax renewals with the city this year. That is more than three times the 135 pot shops legally allowed to operate under 2013’s Proposition D ballot initiative, and represents

457 Marijuana Shops File Tax Renewals in L.A.

SHOCK POLL: Americans Trust IRS, NSA More than Facebook

A new Reason-Rupe poll to be launched Thursday morning indicates that 35% of Americans trust the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with their personal data, while only 10% trust Google and only 5% trust Facebook. In fact, while trust in the

SHOCK POLL: Americans Trust IRS, NSA More than Facebook

Drudge Report Is 10% of Tesla Web Traffic

The Drudge Report takes up a full ten percent of all web traffic from the built-in web browser in Tesla’s Model S electric sedan, according to an analysis by Quantcast, as reported by Techcrunch. Though Tesla drivers are often thought

Drudge Report Is 10% of Tesla Web Traffic

Bankrupt Detroit Beats L.A. in Job Growth

The Los Angeles Times reports Wednesday that a UCLA study showed that “Los Angeles has gone 23 years without job growth,” losing 3.1% of the jobs it had in 1990–dead last among U.S. cities, even behind Detroit. “Among problems plaguing the