Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 305

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Brush Fires Break out in Southern California

Sunday saw several brush fires break out near homes southern California, from San Diego to Los Angeles, in drought conditions that have local authorities bracing for potentially devastating fires in the months ahead. One fire, which burned across five acres

Brush Fires Break out in Southern California

Some Charities are Keeping Sterling's Donations

Some of the many non-profit organizations to which L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling gave money over the years have returned it–most famously, UCLA, which announced last week that it would give back the portion of a $3 million donation that Sterling and

Some Charities are Keeping Sterling's Donations

How Democrats Have Politicized Benghazi

In the past few days, as new evidence emerged that the White House was directly involved in misleading the public with the lie that the Benghazi terror attack of Sep. 11, 2012 was motivated by outrage at a YouTube video,

How Democrats Have Politicized Benghazi

National Park Service Warns: No Amateur Drones in Yosemite

The National Park Service has issued a warning to amateur pilots that drone aircraft are not permitted in Yosemite National Park.  Drones, some of which are available on the civilian consumer technology market, have reportedly been used by hobbyists to

National Park Service Warns: No Amateur Drones in Yosemite

U-2 Spy Plane Blamed for ATC Computer Failure

A U-2 spy plane, one of the key weapons of the Cold War, is apparently responsible for a computer failure in Los Angeles that disrupted air traffic control operations in California and across the nation, NBC news reports. Sources quoted by

U-2 Spy Plane Blamed for ATC Computer Failure

Kerry to African Leaders: Do Some of You Ride Donkeys?

Secretary of State John Kerry opened his remarks to African Union leaders gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this weekend by asking whether some had traveled by donkey.  “Thank you, Mr. President, for being here. And thank you, all of you,

Kerry to African Leaders: Do Some of You Ride Donkeys?

Blue State Blues: Illinois, You Put Me in a Happy State

“Illinois, you put me in a happy state.” That was the tagline from Illinois tourism ads in the mid-1980s, which were near-ubiquitous in an era when John Hughes was filming Chicago hits like Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club and, of course,

Blue State Blues: Illinois, You Put Me in a Happy State

How to Stop Benghazi from Happening Again: No Hillary

Former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor attempted to deflect Bret Baier’s questions on Fox News’ Special Report Thursday by arguing that what was important about what happened in Benghazi “two years ago” [sic] was less important than what happens in the

Vietor: 'Guys Quoted in Newspapers' Were Source for Benghazi 'Video' Claim

There were many rich moments in former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor’s interview Thursday on Fox News’ Special Report with Bret Baier about the Benghazi scandal. Certainly his exasperated protest–“Dude, this was like two years ago”–summarizes the callow nature of

Vietor: 'Guys Quoted in Newspapers' Were Source for Benghazi 'Video' Claim

Study: California's 'Jungle' Primary Boosts Independents

California’s new “jungle” primary system does not boost turnout, but does raise participation by independent voters, the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) reported Thursday. According to the PPIC’s Eric McGhee, the new system, in which all candidates compete together and

Study: California's 'Jungle' Primary Boosts Independents

Federal Prosecutors Investigating Another Illinois Governor

Federal prosecutors are probing yet another Illinois governor, incumbent Democrat Pat Quinn, as reports emerged Thursday that the Department of Justice had asked state officials about his Neighborhood Recovery Initiative Program, which has also been probed by state and local investigations. 

Federal Prosecutors Investigating Another Illinois Governor

Why John Dickerson is Wrong About the New Benghazi Emails

“What was causing the protests in Cairo that the CIA mentions? The video.” That’s how Slate’s John Dickerson pushes back against the idea that the new White House emails on (sorry, Jay Carney) Benghazi, obtained via a FOIA request by

Why John Dickerson is Wrong About the New Benghazi Emails

The Benghazi Dam Is About to Burst

In Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s celebrated book on the Watergate scandal, All the President’s Men, the figure of Hugh Sloan, Jr. stands out. Sloan was a staffer for President Richard Nixon and an official on his re-election campaign. He

The Benghazi Dam Is About to Burst

Mazel Tov to Jewish Leaders on Rejecting J Street, Obama's 'Blocking Back'

The happy news that J Street had been denied membership in the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations was something of a surprise. Some liberal Jewish organizations that disagree with J Street vehemently on Israel, including the Anti-Defamation League,

Mazel Tov to Jewish Leaders on Rejecting J Street, Obama's 'Blocking Back'

California Legislature's Latino Caucus: Republicans Need Not Apply

The California Latino Legislative Caucus is one of several ethnic caucuses in the California state legislature. However, according to investigative journalist Steven Greenhut, it is the only one that is closed to Republicans. Greenhut notes in the San Diego Union-Tribune that

California Legislature's Latino Caucus: Republicans Need Not Apply

Democrats Launch First Campaign Ads in Waxman's District

Several Democrats running to succeed veteran Rep. Henry Waxman (D) in California’s 33rd congressional district have released their first television advertisements. First among the ten Democrats to take to the airwaves was Matt Miller, the Clinton administration official-turned-public radio host

Democrats Launch First Campaign Ads in Waxman's District

Media: Dismal GDP Figure is 'Ancient History' Already

Shortly after the government released gross domestic product (GDP) data showing that the U.S. economy grew by only 0.1% in the first quarter of 2014, the host of Marketplace Morning Report, David Brancaccio, called the GDP report “ancient history” because

Media: Dismal GDP Figure is 'Ancient History' Already

UCLA Returns Clippers' Owner's $3 Million for Kidney Research

UCLA announced Tuesday that it would reject a $3 million donation by Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, and would return the portion of that donation that had already been delivered, local CBS news affiliate KNX reports. The announcement is

UCLA Returns Clippers' Owner's $3 Million for Kidney Research

Emails Point to Ben Rhodes as Key to Benghazi Talking Points

A year ago, Ed Lasky of the American Thinker speculated that White House security official Ben Rhodes – a speechwriter with no prior national security experience or expertise – was at the heart of the Benghazi scandal, specifically the false talking points spouted on

Emails Point to Ben Rhodes as Key to Benghazi Talking Points

Are Silicon Valley's High-Paid Techies the New Proletariat?

Kevin Roose of New York magazine says that an ongoing class-action lawsuit on behalf of highly compensated tech employees at Silicon Valley’s leading firms has exposed the “caste” system in the industry: “There are the executives, who talk (and defer) to

Are Silicon Valley's High-Paid Techies the New Proletariat?

Politico Plans L.A. Expansion

Politico, the D.C.-based political publication, is sending senior writer Todd Purdum and media reporter Dylan Byers to Los Angeles.  Though the magazine insists it is not planning a broader expansion in L.A., and that the cross-country migration is largely a

Politico Plans L.A. Expansion

Obama Defines the 'Obama Doctrine' in Foreign Policy: He 'Avoids Errors'

President Barack Obama summarized his foreign policy doctrine in a press conference in Manilia, Philippines on Tuesday: he “avoids errors.”  Obama was asked to define his doctrine by Ed Henry of Fox News. The president, after complaining about Fox News’ coverage of

Obama Defines the 'Obama Doctrine' in Foreign Policy: He 'Avoids Errors'

Kerry: SorryNotSorry for Israel 'Apartheid' Remark

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry did not apologize Monday for suggesting last week that Israel could become “an apartheid state” if it did not reach a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Instead, he lashed out at his critics–who include

Kerry: SorryNotSorry for Israel 'Apartheid' Remark

Neighbors Spy on Wasteful Water Users

The Associated Press reports that in some drought-stricken parts of California–such as the state capital of Sacramento–local governments are resorting to “water waste patrols,” run by employees and volunteers: “I don’t want to crack down on them and be their

Neighbors Spy on Wasteful Water Users

Kashkari Touts GOP Endorsements, Donnelly Cites Polls

As the June 3 primary draws nearer, Republican gubernatorial candidates Neel Kashkari and Tim Donnelly are relying on different measurements of success to build confidence among their supporters. Kashkari, who has a massive fundraising edge, is rolling out big endorsements,

Kashkari Touts GOP Endorsements, Donnelly Cites Polls

All May Be Born Again Through the Democratic Party

Casual observers, noting that L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling donated to Democratic politicians and was a frequent honoree by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), might wonder how it is that his racist opinions–which were apparently

All May Be Born Again Through the Democratic Party

Democrat Incumbent Honda 'Won't' Move Into His District

Rep. Mike Honda, a Democrat who has represented Silicon Valley for seven terms, told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday that he will not move into the district. His home was excluded from the district boundaries

Democrat Incumbent Honda 'Won't' Move Into His District

WSJ: Emily's List vs. Democrats in California

California’s “jungle primary” system, in which all candidates compete in a common primary, continues to befuddle the two major political parties. Just as in the 33rd congressional district, where a crowded field and strong campaigns by Republican and independent candidates

WSJ: Emily's List vs. Democrats in California

Blue State Blues: Universities and the 'Chicago Way'

My father called me from LAX on Wednesday, on his way back home to Chicago after the holidays. Had I seen the Los Angeles Times yet? “There’s a story there about a doctor at UCLA. A whistleblower. They had to pay him

Blue State Blues: Universities and the 'Chicago Way'

L.A.'s Union Station Celebrates 75 years

Union Station in Los Angeles is celebrating its 75th anniversary. The gorgeous Mission Revival structure is the focus of a summer exhibit at the Los Angeles Public Library: “No Further West: The Story of Los Angeles Union Station,”  as Dan

L.A.'s Union Station Celebrates 75 years