Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 302

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

After 20 Years, the 'Rebbe' Still Casts a Long, Warm Shadow

July 1 marks the 20th anniversary of the passing of the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Schneerson was a uniquely charismatic and visionary leader, who pushed back against the postwar trends of secularism and disenchantment and presented religious Judaism

After 20 Years, the 'Rebbe' Still Casts a Long, Warm Shadow

California Legislator Turns Tables on Texas

State Senator Ted Gaines, who represents parts of Northern California, will turn the tables on Texas Gov. Rick Perry this week when he visits Texas to recruit companies to invest in the Golden State. Gov. Perry has become notorious for

California Legislator Turns Tables on Texas

California on Hold as Mexico Plays Netherlands

Life on Sunday will be slower–and more tense–than usual, as Mexico faces the Netherlands in the FIFA World Cup round of 16 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time on Sunday. The match will take place at Fortaleza, in northeast Brazil, and

California on Hold as Mexico Plays Netherlands

Blue State Blues: 24 Hours, 5 Cities and No High-Speed Rail

(6:30 a.m.) For the past 24 hours, I have been on the move. Early Thursday morning, a colleague picked me up at home and we drove south to Anaheim on the I-405 and CA-22. We caught Amtrak’s Pacific Surfliner to

Blue State Blues: 24 Hours, 5 Cities and No High-Speed Rail

Boies, Olson Predict Gay Marriage Nationwide

SAN FRANCISCO — Hundreds gathered at the Fairmont Hotel on Thursday evening to hear lawyers David Boies and Ted Olson discuss their new book, Reedeming the Dream: The Case for Marriage Equality. Boies, a Democrat, and Olson, a Republican, sued

Boies, Olson Predict Gay Marriage Nationwide

For Rick Perry, California Visits Offer Practice for 2016

When my Breitbart California colleague Adelle Nazarian and I met Texas Gov. Rick Perry at the magnificent La Valencia hotel in tony La Jolla, he looked more like a venture capital executive than a governor.  He was dressed in shirtsleeves

For Rick Perry, California Visits Offer Practice for 2016

Terror Victims Sue to Seize Iranian Domain Names

Victims of Iranian-sponsored terror attacks are using a new legal tactic to win justice, and fight back: seizing Iranian domain names through U.S. courts. The sixty victims, who are collectively owed $1.2 billion in damages by terror-sponsoring countries, filed a

Terror Victims Sue to Seize Iranian Domain Names

Poll: Kashkari Trails Brown by 20%

Republican moderate Neel Kashkari begins his gubernatorial challenge to incumbent Democrat Jerry Brown 20 points behind in the latest Field Poll, released Wednesday morning. While Kashkari appears to have cemented his support among Republicans, Brown leads Kashkari among almost every

Poll: Kashkari Trails Brown by 20%

Politico Celebrates Cochran: 'Cantor Looks Like an Outlier'

Politico’s James Hohmann has released his list of “takeaways” from Tuesday’s primaries, among which is the claim that Eric Cantor’s loss in Virginia earlier this month is “an outlier” in 2014. Leaving out Tea Party victories in places like Nebraska, or

Politico Celebrates Cochran: 'Cantor Looks Like an Outlier'

Shame: SF Gay Pride Parade Bans Military Recruiters

The San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade has banned military recruiters from participating in the 44th annual event this weekend, the most iconic of its kind in the world, due to the National Guard’s policy against transgendered service members, and in

Shame: SF Gay Pride Parade Bans Military Recruiters

New York Times Whitewashes Cochran's Racial Tactics

I’m not particularly aggrieved by Thad Cochran’s victory in the Senate runoff in Mississippi over challenger Chris McDaniel. Cochran’s tactics–ginning up fear among black Democrats by exploiting false accusations of racism against the Tea Party–may be nasty, and they certainly

Poll: L.A., Bay Area Love Obama; Rest of California Hates Him

A new Field Poll released Tuesday shows that 50% of registered voters in California approve of President Barack Obama’s job performance, while only 39% disapprove. However, there a striking divergence between the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay areas on

Poll: L.A., Bay Area Love Obama; Rest of California Hates Him

Israeli Startups Pitch Santa Monica Techies

SANTA MONICA — A dozen Israeli tech startups pitched investors and fellow entrepreneurs in Santa Monica Monday evening, highlighting a diverse range of new innovations. From a better mousetrap (literally), to cybersecurity tools that detect and defuse flash mobs, the

Israeli Startups Pitch Santa Monica Techies

Israel Goes to War Over a Muslim Teenager

News reports are flying about airstrikes by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) inside Syria, the most serious response by Israel to cross-border violence in the past several years. The IDF response came after an Israeli teenager was killed by an

Israel Goes to War Over a Muslim Teenager

Disneyland Fire Visible for 'Miles'

A small fire at Disneyland on Sunday that was visible throughout the Anaheim theme park and for “miles around” frightened many tourists, according to a report by CBS News’ Los Angeles affiliate. What u don’t want to see when you’re

Disneyland Fire Visible for 'Miles'

Stanford's Fouad Ajami Has Died

Fouad Ajami, who was a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and one of the most passionate critics of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East, passed away Sunday after a battle with cancer. The 68-year-old Ajami had

Stanford's Fouad Ajami Has Died

Cantor, Adelson, McCain, Graham–Hawks Abroad, Doves at Home?

The fact that former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) lost his primary last week largely because of his support for immigration reform before–and this is crucial!–securing the country’s borders has failed to dampen the enthusiasm of reform advocates. The

Silicon Beach Fest Highlights L.A. Tech Boom

California’s economy may be struggling overall, but the beach communities of Los Angeles are enjoying a major boom, thanks in part to the proliferation of new startup companies in the corridor from El Segundo north to Santa Monica, nicknamed “Silicon

Silicon Beach Fest Highlights L.A. Tech Boom

Blue State Blues: 135 Miles, 18 Buses, 13 Hours, 4 Dollars, 1 Day

On Thursday, June 19th, I rode every single bus in the “Big Blue Bus” system run by the City of Santa Monica, California. That’s 18 individual bus lines (a nineteenth, which serves Santa Monica College, has closed for the summer). I

Blue State Blues: 135 Miles, 18 Buses, 13 Hours, 4 Dollars, 1 Day

Big Blue Bus: 7000 Words, 135 Miles, 18 Buses, 4 Dollars, 1 Day

On Thursday, June 19th, I rode every single bus in the “Big Blue Bus” system run by the City of Santa Monica, California. That’s 18 individual bus lines (a nineteenth, which serves Santa Monica College, has closed for the summer). I

Big Blue Bus: 7000 Words, 135 Miles, 18 Buses, 4 Dollars, 1 Day

NPR Links Bundy–not Occupy–to Las Vegas Murders

National Public Radio’s Morning Edition aired a story by Kirk Siegler on Tuesday morning on the enduring tensions at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada, where armed protestors faced down the federal government in May. The story notes that the married couple who

NPR Links Bundy–not Occupy–to Las Vegas Murders

How NOT to Cooperate with Iran in Iraq

The United States is prepared to work with the Iranian regime to defend the Iraqi government against the Sunni terrorists who are trying to take over the country, Secretary of State John Kerry said earlier this week. Though the Obama

How NOT to Cooperate with Iran in Iraq

Hillary: Hamas Officials 'Largely Technocrats'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an audience in Toronto on Monday that she supported President Barack Obama’s decision to work with the Palestinian Authority’s new unity government, even though it includes the Hamas terror organization, because the new

Hillary: Hamas Officials 'Largely Technocrats'

Obama, Bergdahl, and the Iraqi Deserters

As terrorists overwhelmed Iraqi security forces, President Barack Obama attempted to wash his hands of any responsibility for Iraq’s fate last week. “The fact that they are not willing to stand and fight and defend their posts against admittedly hardened

Obama, Bergdahl, and the Iraqi Deserters

Remembering Jack Roeser

Conservative activist, entrepreneur and Republican benefactor Jack Roeser passed away on Friday, aged 90. The sad news spread rapidly among conservatives both in and from Illinois. What was surprising, however, was not the fact that Roeser had passed away–at a

After Climate Change Speech, Obama Jets to Palm Springs for Golf

President Barack Obama arrived in Palm Springs, California on Saturday via Air Force One to spend Father’s Day playing golf. Hours earlier, he had lectured graduating students at University of California, Irvine, about the need to “do something” about climate

After Climate Change Speech, Obama Jets to Palm Springs for Golf

Labrador to Challenge McCarthy for House Majority Leader

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) has officially entered the race for House Majority Leader, and will face Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for the chance to succeed Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), who lost his congressional primary this week and will be stepping

Labrador to Challenge McCarthy for House Majority Leader

Blue State Blues: Obama's 'All Options' Include Surrender

President Barack Obama tried to fend off criticism of his Iraq policy, as that country fell into the clutches of a terrorist army this week, by insisting that he was considering “all the options” for a response. “I don’t rule

Blue State Blues: Obama's 'All Options' Include Surrender

Eric Cantor's Place in History

A colleague, watching outgoing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) face the press after announcing that he would step down in the wake of his surprise primary defeat, wondered aloud what Cantor’s place in history would be. Cantor himself seemed

Eric Cantor's Place in History

Iraq Civil War Is Exactly What Democrats Wanted

The chaos that is unfolding in Iraq is being portrayed in the media as an unexpected development. It certainly is an unnecessary fate for a country that had, until recently, a chance of survival. Yet it is not only the

Iraq Civil War Is Exactly What Democrats Wanted

How Brandon Darby's Border Scoop Stoked Cantor's Defeat

When I called Breitbart Texas editor Brandon Darby on Tuesday afternoon and told him that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was about to lose his congressional primary race to Dave Brat, he could hardly believe it.  Darby was busy

How Brandon Darby's Border Scoop Stoked Cantor's Defeat

Jews Wrestle with Cantor Defeat

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who lost his Republican congressional primary to Tea Party-backed Dave Brat in a shocking landslide Tuesday, is the highest-ranking Jew in the history of the U.S. Congress. As news of Cantor’s defeat spread, Jews on

Jews Wrestle with Cantor Defeat

Eric Cantor Defeated by the Tea Party He Helped Create

The stunning demise of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in his congressional primary on Tuesday–by a huge margin–is a sign of how deeply the conservative base resents the Republican leadership’s efforts to frog-march the party towards immigration reform before securing

Eric Cantor Defeated by the Tea Party He Helped Create

CA Judge Strikes Down Teacher Tenure in Vergara Case

A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has struck down teacher tenure as unconstitutional, ruling in the highly-anticipated Vergara v. California case that such protections “disproportionately affect poor and/or minority students.” Judge Rolf Treu found that laws granting tenure after two years, prioritizing seniority

CA Judge Strikes Down Teacher Tenure in Vergara Case

California Mayor Caught Tossing Dog Poop on Neighbor's Lawn

The mayor of San Marino, a small, wealthy community in Los Angeles county where the median income is near $140k per year, was caught on camera tossing dog excrement on his neighbor’s lawn, local news sources report. Home surveillance video

California Mayor Caught Tossing Dog Poop on Neighbor's Lawn