Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 299

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Dems' Padilla Wants to Turn Secretary of State into 'Redistricting Czar'

State Sen. Alex Padilla, the Democratic Party nominee for Secretary of State, has proposed legislation that, if passed, will allow the Secretary to act as a “czar” over local redistricting plans, rejecting those deemed unfair to minority voters. Effectively, Padilla

Dems' Padilla Wants to Turn Secretary of State into 'Redistricting Czar'

South Africa's Mbeki, Mugabe's Accomplice, Calls for Israel Boycott

Former South African president Thabo Mbeki has joined his country’s rabid anti-Israel chorus by calling for a boycott of Israeli goods, the BBC reports. Mbeki, who during his abortive tenure in office guarded Zimbabwean tyrant Robert Mugabe as he plundered

South Africa's Mbeki, Mugabe's Accomplice, Calls for Israel Boycott

Obama Wants a Weaker Israel

Tucked towards the end of his otherwise vapid interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, President Barack Obama offers his own bizarre theory about what would bring about peace between Israelis and Palesitnians: namely, Israeli weakness. According to the president,

Obama Wants a Weaker Israel

Obama's Interview with NYT's Friedman: An Essay in Impotence

President Barack Obama’s weekend interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is a stunning portrait of incoherence and inadequacy. Friedman–a shameless promoter of Obama since the 2008 campaign, whose books have allegedly influenced Obama’s foreign policy views–tries his mightiest to

Obama's Interview with NYT's Friedman: An Essay in Impotence

Gaza Archbishop: Hamas Fired Rockets from Church, Shelter

Archbishop Alexios, the Greek Orthodox Christian leader of Gaza, told CBN News on Wednesday that Hamas had used the church to fire rockets at Israeli civilians prior to the 72-hour ceasefire. The church was also being used at the time

Gaza Archbishop: Hamas Fired Rockets from Church, Shelter

Analysis: Could Israel be Bombing Islamic State to Save Kurds?

Israel may be attacking positions held by the terrorist Islamic State, or ISIS, militia. That is one possible conclusion after Kurdish sources reported Thursday that airstrikes had begun in northern Iraq, together with airlifts to help stranded civilians, while the

Analysis: Could Israel be Bombing Islamic State to Save Kurds?

Forget High-Speed Rail–California Still Needs Low-Speed Rail

The San Joaquin Train is a glorious conveyance. It runs straight through California’s majestic Central Valley, which manages–even in this drought-stricken season–to burst with bounty, rows of corn alternating with vineyards and orchards. The Amtrak service from Sacramento to Los

Forget High-Speed Rail–California Still Needs Low-Speed Rail

Media Suddenly Discover Hamas War Crimes

Throughout the war between Israel and Hamas, western journalists in Gaza failed to report anything other than civilian casualties caused by Israeli air strikes. It took the accidental, frightening appearance of Hamas rockets being fired on live TV–using journalists as

Media Suddenly Discover Hamas War Crimes

War on Women: Media Target Women in Criticism of Israel

When the western media’s internal left-wing critics wish to prod their profession to be even more hostile to Israel than it already is, they often use negative images of Israeli women to bait their colleagues.  Glenn Greenwald, for example, told

California Pharma Firm to Offer Royalty-Free Licenses for Ebola Research

LOS ANGELES — A local pharmaceutical research company, MMRGlobal, plans to offer its antibody technology to universities conducting research on the Ebola virus without charging them royalties for licensing fees. “In light of the humanitarian crisis from Ebola and other

California Pharma Firm to Offer Royalty-Free Licenses for Ebola Research

Video: State Dept's Psaki Can't Handle the Truth About Palestinian Terrorism

After several minutes of watching State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki attempt to explain the Obama administration’s condemnation of Israeli responses to attacks by Palestinian terrorists, and bizarre insistence that Israel obey a “high standard” (as if it did not), one

Video: State Dept's Psaki Can't Handle the Truth About Palestinian Terrorism

CNN Has Two Israel Critics Debate Israel

With due respect to CNN’s Jake Tapper, who is one of the best and fairest journalists in the American media today, it was more than a bit odd to see him host a debate Monday evening between Israel critic Reza

CNN Has Two Israel Critics Debate Israel

By Slamming Israel, Media Ensure Hamas Kills More Palestinians

As it winds towards a 72-hour truce brokered by Egypt, the latest round of conflict between Israel and Hamas has–finally–resorted to the pattern with which the international media are familiar: Palestinian terrorists attack Israel, Israel defends itself for a bit,

By Slamming Israel, Media Ensure Hamas Kills More Palestinians

Scarborough Blasts Israel for Seeking 'Blank Check' from U.S.

Joe Scarborough, that self-described “100% supporter of Israel,” was at it again this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, ripping Israel for seeking a “blank check” from the U.S.  Taking for granted weekend faulty reports that Israel “killed ten people at

Scarborough Blasts Israel for Seeking 'Blank Check' from U.S.

Israel Kept Hezbollah out of the War

To borrow a phrase from Sherlock Holmes: the “dog that didn’t bark” in the Gaza conflict (thus far, anyway) was Hezbollah. The Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite militia has rockets and tunnels that equal or surpass the Hamas arsenal, and in 2006

Israel Kept Hezbollah out of the War

Jen Psaki Is 'Appalled'–and Appalling

State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki declared Sunday that the United States was “appalled” by Israel’s apparent shelling of a UN-run school in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. You’ll remember Psaki–she’s the former Obama campaign spokesperson who lied in 2012 about

Jen Psaki Is 'Appalled'–and Appalling

The Days of Hamas Are Numbered

On Saturday, Israel began to withdraw some of the soldiers it had previously deployed to areas of Gaza in which terror tunnels had been uncovered. Though widely interpreted as the beginning of a “unilateral ceasefire,” the move is more likely

The Days of Hamas Are Numbered

Blue State Blues: Investigate the UN for War Crimes

The United Nations, predictably, has condemned Israel for defending itself, suggesting that Israel may have committed war crimes in fighting to protect its citizens from rockets and terror tunnels as Hamas hides and fights among Palestinian civilians. In fact it

Blue State Blues: Investigate the UN for War Crimes

Scarborough Blames Israel Again, Blasts Critics

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, host of Morning Joe, blasted his critics as “simpleminded” for objecting to his rant against Israel on Thursday morning. In the show’s opening on Friday, Scarborough condemned the “mindless political posturing” of those who complained about his

Scarborough Blames Israel Again, Blasts Critics

The Economist Cites False Demographic Stats Against Israel

The Economist has a rather poor record of Israel, so it is no surprise that it leads this week’s issue with an anti-Israel article. Among other faulty clichés (Gaza as an “open-air prison,” etc.), the newspaper cites demographic claims: “Time

The Economist Cites False Demographic Stats Against Israel

Hamas Kidnaps IDF Soldier, Ending U.S.-Backed Ceasefire

Multiple news outlets report from Israel that the Hamas terrorist group attacked Israel Defense Forces in the southern portion of the Gaza Strip on Friday morning, 90 minutes after the start of a freshly agreed 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire, and that

Hamas Kidnaps IDF Soldier, Ending U.S.-Backed Ceasefire

Occupy National Gathering Draws 50 to Sacramento

SACRAMENTO — David A.R. Barnitz surveys the lawn on the north side of the State Capitol–the handful of tents, the small circle of activists seated in the shade. This is not “the nirvana I was hoping for,” he admits. Still,

Occupy National Gathering Draws 50 to Sacramento

Why the Media Are Freaking Out over Israel

On Thursday, the media seemed to have a collective anti-Israel fit. First there was Joe Scarborough’s rant on Morning Joe on MSNBC. Then there was the White House Press Corps virtually egging the administration on to confront Israel more forcefully–even after

Why the Media Are Freaking Out over Israel

White House's 'Totally Indefensible' Attack on Israel

White House spokesman Josh Earnest called Israel’s attack earlier this week on a UN school that was sheltering Palestinian children “totally unacceptable and totally indefensible.” He did not mention that the Israeli military has said that it was being attacked

MEMRI: Chicago Imam Preaches Jihad Against Israel

The Middle East Media Research Institite (MEMRI), which specializes in translating media in the Middle East, has uncovered chilling videos in the United States itself. The video clips, posted Thursday to MEMRI’s website, allegedly show Sheik Mohamed Elimam of the Chicago

MEMRI: Chicago Imam Preaches Jihad Against Israel

Joe Scarborough's 'Asinine' Attack on Israel

Joe Scarborough, of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, claimed Thursday that he is a “100% supporter of Israel,” but that Israel’s “continued killing of women and children, in a way that appears to be indiscriminate, is asinine.”  The truth, self-evident in Scarborough’s

Joe Scarborough's 'Asinine' Attack on Israel

Analysis: U.S. Failures in Gaza Make Israel-Iran War More Likely

Amidst the many foreign policy stumbles–and occasional successes–of the Obama administration, there have been few as embarrassing as the failure in the ongoing Gaza conflict. No agency has been spared. The State Department has looked incompetent, with John Kerry’s failed

Analysis: U.S. Failures in Gaza Make Israel-Iran War More Likely

AP Claim: Israeli Unity Means Dissent is 'Silenced'

The Associated Press, noting the overwhelming support among Israelis for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the war effort in Gaza, concludes that the minority of Israelis who dissent are being “silenced.”  It is a tired, false charge often made by

AP Claim: Israeli Unity Means Dissent is 'Silenced'

Report: Desperate Hamas Stealing UN Food Stamps to Survive

Though Hamas started the latest round of conflict with Israel, it seems to have calculated–wrongly–that Israel would not launch a ground invasion. Members of the Hamas terrorist organization are reportedly so desperate for food after three-and-a-half weeks of war with

Report: Desperate Hamas Stealing UN Food Stamps to Survive

Ryan on Poverty: 'A Reform Debate, Not a Funding Debate'

When House Budget Committee chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) released his new plan for fighting poverty last week, he encountered some unusual reactions. Conservatives, focused on the border crisis, wondered why Ryan hadn’t waited for a more opportune moment. Many liberals,

Ryan on Poverty: 'A Reform Debate, Not a Funding Debate'

Britain's Hammond: Perfect Example of Hypocrisy Towards Israel

Newly-installed British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond criticized Israel on Wednesday for defending itself against Hamas terror, in terms that neatly encapsulated western elites’ hypocrisy towards the State of Israel. Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today, Hammond suggested–without evidence–that Israel might have

Britain's Hammond: Perfect Example of Hypocrisy Towards Israel

Republican Peterson Holds Edge in Secretary of State Race

Republican Pete Peterson holds a slight edge over his Democratic Party rival, State Sen. Alex Padilla, in the race for California Secretary of State, a new Gravis poll shows. The land-line survey of 580 registered voters showed Peterson with 37%

Republican Peterson Holds Edge in Secretary of State Race