Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 298

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

NYT: Yeah, the New AP U.S. History Curriculum Is Biased. So What?

The New York Times editorial board has taken on Stanley Kurtz and other critics of the new AP U.S. History curriculum, alleging that they would rather cling to a “comfortable” version of events rather than one that is “more complex, unsettling,

NYT: Yeah, the New AP U.S. History Curriculum Is Biased. So What?

Et Tu, Cali? Obama Approval Crashes in Latest California Poll

President Barack Obama’s approval rating has plunged below 50% among registered voters in California in a new Field Poll released Tuesday, falling to 45%, with disapproval reaching 43%. At the start of the summer, Obama enjoyed his traditional cushion among

Et Tu, Cali? Obama Approval Crashes in Latest California Poll

Governor's Race: Can Kashkari Light Spark with Debate?

California voters are paying little attention to the state’s gubernatorial race, in which incumbent Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown, who enjoys 20-point leads over Republican rival Neel Kashkari, has barely campaigned at all. The two will meet for their first–and apparently

Governor's Race: Can Kashkari Light Spark with Debate?

California Media Hail 'Bipartisanship' in Sacramento

This is “bipartisanship” the way Democrats, and the mainstream media, like it: Republicans giving in on nearly every issue. From the Los Angeles Times to the San Jose Mercury News, journalists are united in praising the work that both parties did

California Media Hail 'Bipartisanship' in Sacramento

With 'Torture' Disclosures, Obama, Holder Gave Islamists Media Ammunition

One of the major conservative criticisms of President Barack Obama’s decision, early in his presidency, to release secret memoranda about interrogation techniques used against terrorists was that the president–and Attorney General Eric Holder, who threatened prosecutions of intelligence officials–were giving

Israel Wins the War but Loses the Peace

The long-term ceasefire that took effect Tuesday, after a surprise Egyptian-brokered agreement between Israel and Hamas, is being hailed by the terror group as a “victory.” In this case, the claim is more than propaganda. According to the details of

Israel Wins the War but Loses the Peace

Napa Eyewitness: Quake Shook House 'Like a Matchbox'

As residents continue to clean up the damage caused by the Napa earthquake on Sunday, and aftershocks keep coming, some are beginning to find words to describe what many felt was an “otherworldly” experience. Rabbi Elchonon Tenenbaum, who has lived

Napa Eyewitness: Quake Shook House 'Like a Matchbox'

Israelis Grow Impatient with Netanyahu, Demand Victory

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is suffering a massive drop in his poll numbers as the war with Hamas rages on–and as impatience grows among the Israeli public for the military to bring quiet to the country by removing Hamas

Israelis Grow Impatient with Netanyahu, Demand Victory

Connie Bruck Whitewashes Schakowsky–and J Street–on Israel

The New Yorker‘s Connie Bruck tackles the question of whether the powerful pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is losing influence among American Jews. She frames the issue as if AIPAC is siding “with Netanyahu against Obama,”

Connie Bruck Whitewashes Schakowsky–and J Street–on Israel

Napa Earthquake Could Raise Wine Prices

The magnitude 6.0 earthquake that struck Napa in the early hours of Sunday morning may not have done much damage, relatively speaking. Yet several wineries reported extensive damage to existing collections of valuable vintages, as well as to winemaking infrastructure

Napa Earthquake Could Raise Wine Prices

Top 10 Earthquakes in California, by Magnitude

The U.S. Geological Survey reports that there have been ten earthquakes in California stronger than magnitude 7.0 since the biggest ever recorded, the estimated 7.9 Fort Tejon earthquake, struck in 1857. By comparison, the Napa earthquake of 2014–a mere 6.0–hardly

Top 10 Earthquakes in California, by Magnitude

State of Emergency in NorCal After Quake; 49ers Play On

California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency on Sunday, following a magnitude-6.0 earthquake that struck at 3:20 a.m. and was the region’s strongest in 25 years.  There were no reported deaths, though 120 people were reported injured, three

State of Emergency in NorCal After Quake; 49ers Play On

Honest Reporting: Time Magazine Spews Blood Libel

The media watchdogs at have caught Time magazine in a classic antisemitic blood libel, spreading the myth that Jews harvest organs from dead Palestinians.  The claim emerges in a video at about the Israeli military, which states: “in 2009 a

Honest Reporting: Time Magazine Spews Blood Libel

Fault Lines in L.A. Over New Subway Construction

As residents of Northern California reel from the strongest earthquake in 25 years, debate rages in Los Angeles over how a buried tectonic fault might affect the path of a new subway line–or whether the fault exists at all. The

Fault Lines in L.A. Over New Subway Construction

Blue State Blues: Why Are Conservatives Targeting Paul Ryan?

This week’s indictment of Texas Gov. Rick Perry was a reminder of how Democrats and the media tear down any possible conservative contender for the presidency with frivolous lawsuits and baseless investigations. The trouble is that we conservatives do a

Blue State Blues: Why Are Conservatives Targeting Paul Ryan?

Abstraction, Unnerving: Matthew Carter's Scary Clowns

Geometric forms typically add a kind of serenity to art. Matrices, grids, and colors establish comforting patterns that draw the viewer into a contemplative state.  Not so Matthew Carter’s hellequinharlequinclown paintings, on exhibition at the Luis De Jesus Los Angeles gallery

Abstraction, Unnerving: Matthew Carter's Scary Clowns

Al Sharpton: Obama's Racial Pyromaniac

Politico’s Glenn Thrush reports in this week’s edition of the magazine that Al Sharpton has become President Barack Obama’s “go-to man on race” in Ferguson and elsewhere. Thrush tells the story as one of Sharpton’s own reform and revival, dwelling on

Al Sharpton: Obama's Racial Pyromaniac

5 Ways Hamas is Like ISIS

On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu compared ISIS (Islamic State) and Hamas, calling them “branches of the same tree.” The Obama administration, in the person of Marie Harf, declined to do the same. Yet while Hamas is focused on

5 Ways Hamas is Like ISIS

Giant Duck Arrives in Los Angeles

SAN PEDRO — Hundreds of onlookers gathered at the Los Angeles Waterfront to greet the world’s largest inflatable duck on its first visit to the West Coast of the U.S. as part of the local Tall Ships festival. “There it

Giant Duck Arrives in Los Angeles

The Palestinian Authority is Not an Alternative to Hamas

One of the more important strategic problems Israel faces as it returns to war in Gaza–this time with an even stronger case for deposing Hamas–is what to do in the aftermath. One member of the Israeli Cabinet, dovish justice minister

Obama: Islamic State 'Has No Place in the 21st Century'

In a statement delivered from his vacation site in Martha’s Vineyard, President Barack Obama reacted on Wednesday to the execution of American journalist James Foley by the terrorists of the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL). While he

Obama: Islamic State 'Has No Place in the 21st Century'

Indictment, Arrest, Mugshot: Rick Perry's Finest Moment

Conventional wisdom holds that whatever presidential ambitions Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) may still hold have been destroyed with his indictment by a grand jury on charges that he abused his power. Sure, the charges are trumped-up, and have been

Indictment, Arrest, Mugshot: Rick Perry's Finest Moment

No–Hamas Overplays Its Hand, Forcing Israeli Response

In response to Has the Moment Passed for Israel to Take out Hamas?: It took about ten minutes for Hamas to make my previous column obsolete by firing rockets at Israel, thereby violating the ceasefire (again) and forcing Israel to

Has the Moment Passed for Israel to Take out Hamas?

As a 24-hour extension of the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas continued Tuesday, with a deal still elusive, it is becoming less clear that Israel can still count on the political will or international patience that would allow it to

California Assembly Votes to Change Washington Redskins' Name

Though the Washington Redskins play for a city on the opposite coast, California lawmakers voted Monday to urge that the National Football League team change its name because it is “believed by some to be a racial slur and to

California Assembly Votes to Change Washington Redskins' Name

Blue State Blues: Spielberg Should Revoke Obama's Holocaust Award

In his celebrated Oscar-winning comedy Annie Hall (1977), Woody Allen curses California and Hollywood in particular: “What’s with all these awards? They’re always giving out awards. Best Fascist Dictator: Adolf Hitler.”  That line came to mind in May, when Steven Spielberg’s

Blue State Blues: Spielberg Should Revoke Obama's Holocaust Award

With Israel Still Under Terrorist Attack, Obama Denies Ammo

President Barack Obama claimed that he “had Israel’s back,” and his supporters defended his record in 2012 by claiming: “No president in history has done more for Israel’s security than Obama.” Yet the supposedly “most pro-Israel president” even has clamped

With Israel Still Under Terrorist Attack, Obama Denies Ammo

Andrew Breitbart Vindicated by Brock's CREW Takeover

Reports that David Brock, founder of Media Matters for America, is now taking over Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and incorporating it into his illiberal empire would have come as no surprise to Andrew Breitbart. Brock, whose Media

Andrew Breitbart Vindicated by Brock's CREW Takeover

'Secure America Now' Drops 'Daisy 2' Attack Ad on Obama

Secure America Now, a 501(c)4 nonprofit focusing on defense and foreign policy issues, is dropping a bomb on President Barack Obama–figuratively, anyway–as national security becomes an issue in the midterm elections. Its new ad, “Daisy 2,” recreates Lyndon B. Johnson’s

'Secure America Now' Drops 'Daisy 2' Attack Ad on Obama

Pelosi: No 'Boots on the Ground' to Stop Genocide in Iraq

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Tuesday that Democrats support President Barack Obama’s new military intervention in Iraq to attack some forward positions of Islamic State forces, deliver arms to Kurdish peshmerga fighters, and provide humanitarian aid to Yazidis

Pelosi: No 'Boots on the Ground' to Stop Genocide in Iraq

Catalina: Bacall's Island Paradise

AVALON — When I learned that Hollywood icon Lauren Bacall had passed away, I was on board the Catalina Express, pulling out of the harbor in Avalon with a boat full of nearly 400 vacationers and fellow day trippers.  I had

Catalina: Bacall's Island Paradise