Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 297

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Obama Complains About Ferguson Violence in Speech to UN About ISIS

Addressing the opening of the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, President Barack Obama spoke about the need to defeat extremism abroad–and cited racial tension in Ferguson, Missouri at home. The president had just told the assembled delegates and heads

Obama Complains About Ferguson Violence in Speech to UN About ISIS

Kashkari Struggles for Poll Breakthrough

Republican gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari continues to lag far behind incumbent Democrat Governor Jerry Brown, struggling to make up a 21-point gap, according to the latest Public Policy Institute of California poll. In an election where few voters are paying

Kashkari Struggles for Poll Breakthrough

California Voters Abandon Both Major Parties; GOP Hardest Hit

California Secretary of State Debra Bowen reports that California voters are abandoning both major political parties in droves–and that they are leaving the Republican Party behind even more than the Democratic Party. The state’s 60-day report of voter registration shows

California Voters Abandon Both Major Parties; GOP Hardest Hit

China Emits More Carbon Per Capita Than U.S. and EU Combined

Just as world leaders–well, world leaders without China, India, and several other important fossil fuel-using countries–gathered at the UN Climate Summit in New York on Tuesday, a curious piece of news crossed the wires. The Financial Times reported that, for the

China Emits More Carbon Per Capita Than U.S. and EU Combined

Yes, I Talked About the Rebbe with Sarah Palin

A perceptive viewer noticed something of interest in my dinner conversation with Gov. Sarah Palin about my new book, Wacko Birds: The Fall (and Rise) of the Tea Party. On the table was a copy of Joseph Teluskin’s recent biography

Yes, I Talked About the Rebbe with Sarah Palin

Misson Creep: 4 Questions About Obama's Syria Strikes

President Barack Obama ordered air strikes against ISIS targets inside Syria overnight. He received the full backing of Republican leaders in Congress. The attacks raise a number of military–and political–questions: 1. When did Congress authorize U.S. attacks in Syria? It

Hillary Clinton, the 'Snapchat' Candidate

If Barack Obama was the candidate of Facebook, and has governed as the President of Selfie, then Hillary Clinton is the “Snapchat” candidate–i.e. one who is eager to erase the past from collective memory. Tony Lee reminded me today that

Train to Vegas? Dormant Idea Revived

Leaders in Las Vegas are showing new interest in re-establishing a rail link between Sin City and Southern California, after more than 20 years without rail service. Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV) said that she would push for resumption of Amtrak

Train to Vegas? Dormant Idea Revived

California Democrats Divided over Schools Superintendent Race

Though California’s Republican Party is fighting for its survival, California’s Democrats are struggling with deep divisions that have come to the surface in the race for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Though the office is technically nonpartisan, the superintendent’s race is

California Democrats Divided over Schools Superintendent Race

California GOP Convention: A Divided Party Fights for Its Survival

Despite a rousing speech by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who indicated that he would soon open an office in the state in pursuit of his presidential ambitions, California’s Republican Party convention in Los Angeles, “Reclaim California,” sounded a note of

California GOP Convention: A Divided Party Fights for Its Survival

Obama's Kipling-esque Mission in Liberia

Take up the White Man’s burden–The savage wars of peace–Fill full the mouth of FamineAnd bid the sickness cease;And when your goal is nearestThe end for others sought,Watch sloth and heathen FollyBring all your hopes to nought. – Rudyard Kipling,

Obama's Kipling-esque Mission in Liberia

Scott Brown Also Ran on National Security in 2010

Former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) is defying the skeptics by making the New Hampshire race against incumbent Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen a real contest.  Though he voted as a centrist in Washington, D.C.–even casting a critical vote for the Dodd-Frank

Scott Brown Also Ran on National Security in 2010

Advice: Keep the Clintons on Offense

Hillary Clinton is back in the spotlight she never left, turning up with her husband Bill in Iowa over the weekend, fueling talk about her inevitable second attempt at the presidency. Yet her presentation seemed tone-deaf at times–even referencing the

Caution: Life in Santa Monica May Be Less than Perfect

SANTA MONICA, California — The Associated Press reports that the city of Santa Monica, California beat 300 other towns in competing for $1 million in funding from the Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge to study “just how much people in this picture-postcard

Caution: Life in Santa Monica May Be Less than Perfect

Dershowitz on 'Terror Tunnels': 'My Weapon Is the Truth'

Professor Alan Dershowitz has released a new e-book, Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel’s Just War Against Hamas, that provides an essential primer on the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Dershowitz argues–clearly and conclusively–that Israel’s war effort was

Dershowitz on 'Terror Tunnels': 'My Weapon Is the Truth'

Assyrian Christians Support Cruz After Walkout

Assyrian Christians are standing with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) after he was booed for his support of Israel by some Middle East Christians gathered in Washington, D.C. Wednesday at an event hosted by an organization called “In Defense Of Christians.” Yet

Assyrian Christians Support Cruz After Walkout

Barack Obama, September 11th, 2001: 'A Failure of Empathy'

State Sen. Barack Obama (D-Hyde Park), Hyde Park Herald, Sep. 19, 2001: We need to step up security at our airports. We must reexamine the effectiveness of our intelligence networks. And we must be resolute in identifying the perpetrators of these

Barack Obama, September 11th, 2001: 'A Failure of Empathy'

Turkey Backs Away from Obama, Will Not Help Fight ISIS

Turkey will not support President Barack Obama’s call for a military response to ISIS, according to an official source quoted by Agence France-Presse on Thursday. It will not allow the U.S. to use air bases in Turkey for missions against

Turkey Backs Away from Obama, Will Not Help Fight ISIS

ISIS: King Blasts Republican Ambivalence on Congressional Power

Sen. Angus King (I-ME), who caucuses with the Democratic Party, pointed out Wednesday that while the GOP has plenty to criticize in President Barack Obama’s foreign policy, its own foreign policy is muddled. Worse, he noted, the Republican Party seems

ISIS: King Blasts Republican Ambivalence on Congressional Power

Obama Puts the 'I' in 'ISIL'

Looking back on Wednesday night’s presidential address to the nation, some analysts have wondered what, exactly, President Barack Obama intended to say. There was no real news in the speech, after all. The main point was to convey a four-part

'No Boots on the Ground,' Like 'You Can Keep Your Doctor'

In this hyperpartisan age, there is one point of agreement between Republicans and Democrats on foreign policy–that is, in addition to the newfound conviction that Congress need not exercise its constitutional authority over war: namely, that there shall be no

'No Boots on the Ground,' Like 'You Can Keep Your Doctor'

Die Antwoord: Afrikaans Has Never Been This Cool Before (Review)

NEW YORK, New York – The South African hip-hop shock rave duo known as Die Antwoord (“The Answer,” pronounced DEE AHNT-vuhr’d) has kicked off its U.S. tour, and played to a packed, sold-out Terminal 5 on Tuesday evening in Manhattan.

Die Antwoord: Afrikaans Has Never Been This Cool Before (Review)

Obama's ISIS Speech Can Only Harm U.S. Interests

As President Barack Obama prepares to address the nation Wednesday evening about his strategy for defeating ISIS–a strategy he recently said did not exist–it is worth noting that the president’s foreign policy speeches are rarely helpful, and often harmful, to

Obama's ISIS Speech Can Only Harm U.S. Interests

Jeffrey Goldberg Shills for Obama's Foreign Policy–Again

Ahead of President Barack Obama’s prime time do-over about ISIS, Jeffrey Goldberg has laid down some cover fire, insisting that Obama has a long list of achievements in the Middle East for which he gets no credit. En route to

New Yorker's Remnick Offers Weak Defense of Obama's Foreign Policy

David Remnick of the New Yorker has offered a weak, though amusing, defense of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy. The liberal Remnick warns readers not to “to dismiss caution as weakness,” not to think Obama’s slow reactions to Vladimir Putin or

New Yorker's Remnick Offers Weak Defense of Obama's Foreign Policy

Secretary of State Bowen Announces Severe Depression

Secretary of State Debra Bowen, whose long absences from her office have prompted criticism from at least one candidate to replace her in November, revealed to the Los Angeles Times on Friday that she suffers from severe and “debilitating” depression. Bowen

Secretary of State Bowen Announces Severe Depression

How Breitbart News Stopped the President's Amnesty Power Grab

In an interview with Chuck Todd of NBC News’ Meet the Press, President Barack Obama blamed the crisis of unaccompanied minor children at the border for prompting his decision to break his promise to use executive action to grant amnesty

How Breitbart News Stopped the President's Amnesty Power Grab

High-Speed Rail, as Seen from Sacramento's Capitol Corridor

SACRAMENTO, California — High-speed rail has become one of the most contentious issues in the contest between Governor Jerry Brown and Republican challenger Neel Kashkari. In the one (and only) gubernatorial debate, Kashkari attacked the Democrat incumbent’s high-speed rail policy

High-Speed Rail, as Seen from Sacramento's Capitol Corridor

Blue State Blues: Jerry Brown Is Not Invincible

Republican gubernatorial nominee Neel Kashkari is winning praise across the board for his performance in Thursday’s night’s debate against incumbent Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown. “Neel, despite looking something like Mr. Spock, proved he belonged on the same stage, was not

Blue State Blues: Jerry Brown Is Not Invincible

ISIS Launches World War That Could Unite Rival Powers

The terrorists of the Islamic State (ISIS, or ISIL) have taken their fight beyond their initial enemies–the U.S. and their Arab/Muslim rivals–and have declared their intent to challenge powers far beyond, including Russia. The notion of a global conflict might

ISIS Launches World War That Could Unite Rival Powers

Watching the California Media Watch the Gubernatorial Debate

SACRAMENTO, California — The state’s political media filled the lobby of the Senator Hotel on a warm, dry late summer evening. Seated on folding plastic chairs and hunched over card tables draped in white, the journalists did their best to

Watching the California Media Watch the Gubernatorial Debate

Debate: Fiery Kashkari Wins on Points; Brown Resorts to Low Blows

SACRAMENTO, California — Republican candidate for governor Neel Kashkari turned in a solid performance in his first–and only–debate with incumbent Democrat Jerry Brown on Thursday evening, shaking off a tough welcome from lead moderator John Myers of KQED and hammering

Debate: Fiery Kashkari Wins on Points; Brown Resorts to Low Blows

Why Must the Safety of Americans Depend on Others?

President Barack Obama has struggled to sound convincing in recent days as he addressed the challenge of ISIS–or “ISIL,” his preferred acronym for the so-called Islamic State. Obama’s problem goes beyond gaffes about his lack of strategy. The fundamental issue

Why Must the Safety of Americans Depend on Others?

A Jewish Grandmother in the Minds of Two Teenage Boys

Novelist Carole Malkin is, among other accolades, the mother-in-law of writer/activist/entrepreneur Michelle Malkin. Recently, she has published two new novels: The Life and Art of Gary Geckleman and Paper Bridge. Both are coming-of-age stories, centered around teenaged Jewish boys struggling to

A Jewish Grandmother in the Minds of Two Teenage Boys