Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 296

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

The Two-State Solution is Dead

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is at it again, this time blaming Israel for the collapse in the peace process with the Palestinians earlier this year–and, he implied the rise of the Islamic State across the region. Israeli leaders

The Two-State Solution is Dead

Jerry Brown, Conservative?

California’s Gov. Jerry Brown, cruising to likely re-election in November, is presenting himself not just as the most experienced leaders in the Golden State, but as a conservative one. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Brown promised to

Jerry Brown, Conservative?

California Republican Sends 'Confederate Flag' Mailer to Democrats

Republican Tony Strickland has sent an inflammatory mailing attacking his opponent in the race to represent California’s 25th congressional district, north of Los Angeles. The mailing features a large Confederate battle flag, and notes that State Sen. Steve Knight (right,

California Republican Sends 'Confederate Flag' Mailer to Democrats

Gavin Newsom Gives California Voters the Finger

Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, a rising Democratic Party superstar, has continued to refuse to debate his Republican opponent, Ron Nehring. On Tuesday, Newsom and Nehring both appeared on San Francisco’s NPR affiliate, KQED–but at separate times, at Newsom’s insistence. Nehring

Gavin Newsom Gives California Voters the Finger

Sanders Makes Move for 2016: Rally for 'Progressive' California

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the socialist and “progressive” icon, has suggested recently that he is considering a run for the presidency in 2016, challenging Hillary Clinton from the left and giving the Democratic Party’s base the kind of contest for

Sanders Makes Move for 2016: Rally for 'Progressive' California

Neil Young: Forget ISIS, Fight Climate Change Instead

Rock legend Neil Young told radio host Howard Stern on Tuesday that the “free world” ought to fight climate change rather than the Islamic State, or ISIS. Visiting the Howard Stern Show for a long-awaited interview, Young slammed both Democrats and

Neil Young: Forget ISIS, Fight Climate Change Instead

Posner's Weak Voter ID Opinion Relies on New York Times Articles

The left is celebrating the recent decision against Wisconsin’s voter ID laws by Seventh Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner, the “conservative” jurist and author, as if it represents a turning point in the debate. It certainly might–though not on the

Posner's Weak Voter ID Opinion Relies on New York Times Articles

Obama's Chicago Crony In Charge of Handing Internet to Tyrants

The Obama administration’s calamitous policy of abandoning U.S. control of Internet domain names is being handled by none other than his controversial Chicago crony, Penny Pritzker. Pritzker, the Hyatt billionaire and subprime mortgage lender who withdrew her name from consideration

Obama's Chicago Crony In Charge of Handing Internet to Tyrants

Kashkari, Drowning in Polls, 'Saves' Boy from Drowning in TV Ad

Republican gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari, who is lagging behind incumbent Democrat Jerry Brown by double digits, has taken a rather significant risk in his latest television ad, which portrays a child drowning in a swimming pool. Kashkari enters to rescue

Kashkari, Drowning in Polls, 'Saves' Boy from Drowning in TV Ad

Traditional Marriage Backers Must Put up a Better Fight

If you are even slightly sympathetic to the cause of traditional marriage, you cannot help but be disturbed by its string of recent defeats. Not just in referendums and legislatures, where the contest is basically a fair one, but in

Traditional Marriage Backers Must Put up a Better Fight

NPR Whitewashes Iran in Weekend Tourism Segment

On the October 12 broadcast of National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition, host Ari Shapiro discussed Iran’s appeal as a tourist destination with Iranian-born, U.K.-based writer Kamin Mohammadi. While Mohammadi is no regime puppet–she was vocal in her opposition to the 2009

NPR Whitewashes Iran in Weekend Tourism Segment

Fluke-Allen: 'War on Women' May Stop Here

The State Senate race between two West L.A. Democrats may be the ultimate proving ground for Democrats’ so-called “War on Women” strategy, which the party’s strategists have used in several successive elections to beat back Republican challenges to the left’s

Fluke-Allen: 'War on Women' May Stop Here

Clinton, Obama Share Blame for ISIS, Iraq

President Barack Obama’s policy on Iraq is a complete failure. As terrorists from the so-called Islamic State lay siege to Kobani, defeat once-solid Kurdish forces and threaten western Baghdad, the folly of Obama’s campaign, limited to air strikes for purely

Clinton, Obama Share Blame for ISIS, Iraq

Obama to Stump at 'Silicon Beach' Tech Campus

SANTA MONICA, California — President Barack Obama will visit a start-up incubator called Cross Campus on Thursday as part of his latest fundraising trip to Southern California. Obama will use the trip to Cross Campus, one of several such facilities

Obama to Stump at 'Silicon Beach' Tech Campus

The Media Praised Biden's Foreign Policy Credentials in 2008

The media are slamming Vice President Joe Biden for accusing Turkey and the United Arab Emirates of aiding Al Qaeda. The Washington Post‘s Aaron Blake, for instance, writes: “…[A]s Biden’s many gaffes go, few are as damaging as this one.

The Media Praised Biden's Foreign Policy Credentials in 2008

No Sympathy for 'Racist' Bill Maher, Hoist by Own Petard

Conservatives are applauding Bill Maher today, after he was falsely accused of racism by Hollywood’s Ben Affleck during a debate on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher. Maher’s sin, along with guest Sam Harris, was to point out–correctly–that radical Islam

No Sympathy for 'Racist' Bill Maher, Hoist by Own Petard

Surgeon General Still Silent on Ebola

On Wednesday, Breitbart News reported that the U.S. Surgeon General’s office had not said anything about the ongoing Ebola crisis, as public confusion, fear and frustration continue to mount. In fact, the lead story on the Surgeon General’s website on

Surgeon General Still Silent on Ebola

NASA Sounds Alarm on California Groundwater Use

NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites, which monitor changes in the earth’s gravitational field, have been used to measure changes in groundwater in California and the western U.S. from the edge of space–and the results, showing massive depletion over

NASA Sounds Alarm on California Groundwater Use

Rent Control Buyout Group Advertises at High School Football Game

SANTA MONICA — A controversial company that pays tenants of rent-controlled apartments to move out so that landlords can raise rents is in local headlines after it paid students to hold an advertising banner during a recent high school football

Rent Control Buyout Group Advertises at High School Football Game

Blue State Blues: My Zionist School Is Now a Muslim Academy

On Monday, I had the opportunity to visit the Muslim Community Center Academy, a new Islamic elementary school in the Chicago suburb of Skokie, my old home town. The MCC recently opened in the same building that once housed the

Blue State Blues: My Zionist School Is Now a Muslim Academy

Obama Would Let Middle East Burn to Keep Jews Out of Apartments

President Barack Obama would let the Middle East continue to suffer with chaos and conflict rather than see Israeli Jews move into apartments legally built or purchased in Jerusalem, in parts of the city that are never going to be

Obama Would Let Middle East Burn to Keep Jews Out of Apartments

Surgeon General's October Message: September is Veggies Month!

The official website of the Surgeon General of the United States has nothing to say about Ebola prevention and detection, other than an old press release about relief efforts in Liberia. Instead, the lead story is: “September is Fruits &

Surgeon General's October Message: September is Veggies Month!

Obama Condemns Israel–After Meeting with Netanyahu

White House spokesman Josh Earnest read out a condemnation of Israel’s latest plans for construction in East Jerusalem, just hours after President Barack Obama had received a visit from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.  The new construction, which

Obama Condemns Israel–After Meeting with Netanyahu

5 Things the CDC Can Do to Contain Ebola

News that the first case of Ebola in the U.S. had been identified and isolated in Dallas has caused widespread concern, given the severity of the disease and previous assurances by President Barack Obama himself that it was “unlikely” that

5 Things the CDC Can Do to Contain Ebola

Will Obama Apologize to Bibi at Today's Meeting?

For several weeks this summer, President Barack Obama and his State Department insisted that Israel a) reach a cease-fire with Hamas, after the Palestinian terror group started a war; b) restrict its aerial bombing of Hamas targets, so as to

Will Obama Apologize to Bibi at Today's Meeting?

Front-Page Racism at the New York Times

Would the New York Times be outraged by a black mayor being elected to lead a predominantly white city? In a front-page article Monday, “Mostly Black Cities, Mostly White City Halls,” the Gray Lady presents the persistence of white political leadership

Front-Page Racism at the New York Times

Newsom Still Refuses to Debate Nehring for Lt. Governor

Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom continues to refuse any debates with Republican challenger Ron Nehring. Though the state’s rising Democratic star proclaims that he is “Dedicated to equal rights” on his Twitter page, evidently that enthusiasm for equality does not extend

Newsom Still Refuses to Debate Nehring for Lt. Governor

Bibi to UN: A Nuclear Iran Is Like ISIS with The Bomb

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave one of the finest–and most important–addresses of his career Monday at the United Nations General Assembly, laying out a simple case against “militant Islam” that seems self-evident to many, but is anathema in elite

Bibi to UN: A Nuclear Iran Is Like ISIS with The Bomb

How Obama's UN Speech Enabled Iran's Propaganda

Last week, President Barack Obama complained to the United Nations General Assembly about violence in Ferguson, Missouri, implicitly equating the protests to the genocidal violence of ISIS, his primary focus in the address. On Sunday, Iranian leader Ali Khamenei picked

How Obama's UN Speech Enabled Iran's Propaganda

CA-17: Khanna Hits Honda with Ethics Claims

Ro Khanna, the tech-funded Democrat challenger to incumbent Democrat Rep. Mike Honda in California’s 17th congressional district, has launched a blistering attack against Honda over alleged ethics violations. Khanna, citing an investigative report by the San Jose Insider, accused Honda

CA-17: Khanna Hits Honda with Ethics Claims

Brown: Free Lawyers for Illegal Alien Kids; Less Money for UC, CSU Schools

California Gov. Jerry Brown approved $3 million in taxpayer-funded legal aid to illegal alien children fighting deportation hearings–yet vetoed $100 million for state-funded universities, citing low property tax receipts. The funding for lawyers for the illegal alien minors comes amidst

Brown: Free Lawyers for Illegal Alien Kids; Less Money for UC, CSU Schools

Report: ISIS Threat Received at Navy SEALs Training Base

The U.S. Navy received a threat Thursday purporting to be from ISIS at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado–the primary training facility for U.S. Navy SEALs, according to a military official cited by local Fox affiliate KSWB 5. The threat was found

Report: ISIS Threat Received at Navy SEALs Training Base

A Wannabe Radical Slanders Israel in the New York Times

My family and I passed Mairav Zonszein’s awful New York Times op-ed around the Sabbath table yesterday afternoon, alternately outraged and bemused. (One family member suggested boycotting the newspaper in response: another shrugged, noting that an anti-Israel op-ed from the Times is

Blue State Blues: The Mayor of America, A Troubled Town

For a while now, I have been describing President Barack Obama as the “mayor of America.” He is attempting to govern our large, populous, and impossibly complex society as if he were a big city mayor-for-life with untrammeled executive powers–and

Blue State Blues: The Mayor of America, A Troubled Town