Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 295

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Arab-American Leaders All-In to Defend Terrorist Odeh

On Tuesday, convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmieh Odeh will go on trial in Detroit for allegedly lying to U.S. immigration officials about her past. More than forty years ago, Odeh was sentenced to life in prison in Israel for a bombing

Arab-American Leaders All-In to Defend Terrorist Odeh

Army Takes Over in Burkina Faso, West African Nation at Risk of Ebola

Just hours after the U.S. announced it was “deeply concerned” about mounting unrest in the West African nation of Burkina Faso, the army’s General Honore Traore announced the dissolution of the government. Though there have been no reported cases of

Army Takes Over in Burkina Faso, West African Nation at Risk of Ebola

Shock: Gerrymandered Chicago District 'Leans Republican'

The 10th congressional district of Illinois, which was redrawn by state Democrats to make it virtually impossible for a Republican to win, is now leaning Republican, according to veteran political analyst Larry J. Sabato of the University of Virginia.  Sabato

Shock: Gerrymandered Chicago District 'Leans Republican'

Revealed: The Tech Sector's Permanent Campaign for Amnesty

SANTA MONICA, California —, the immigration reform initiative founded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, plans to launch a massive political push in December to support President Barack Obama’s planned executive action on immigration. On Tuesday evening, it brought roughly 100

Revealed: The Tech Sector's Permanent Campaign for Amnesty

'Silicon Beach' Fest Draws Entrepreneurs, Advisers to USC

LOS ANGELES, California — Silicon Beach, the rapidly-expanding tech and media corridor in West Los Angeles and Santa Monica, is the most “underestimated” technology production sector in the nation, according to mega-entrepreneur Peter Thiel. On Wednesday, the University of Southern

'Silicon Beach' Fest Draws Entrepreneurs, Advisers to USC

Voter ID Debate Is Really About 2000 Recount

The case for photo ID in voting is straightforward. It improves the integrity of elections, reassures citizens that their vote will not be diluted by fraud, and tends to be very cheap. Photo ID is standard practice in most parts

Voter ID Debate Is Really About 2000 Recount

Video: Machine Switches Votes from Republican to Democrat in IL

Video has emerged from Illinois of a “calibration error” that causes voting machines to switch votes from Republican to Democrat. The video, posted on YouTube, purportedly shows voting machines in the public library in Moline, IL registering votes as Democrat

Video: Machine Switches Votes from Republican to Democrat in IL

Daily Beast Resurrects Zombie Charge Against Tom Cotton

Maybe it’s the approach of Halloween, or an impending sense of defeat for pro-Obamacare Democrats like Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas. Whatever the reason, the Daily Beast’s Asawin Suebsaeng is trying–rather desperately–to scare voters by resurrecting a long-dead argument: that

Daily Beast Resurrects Zombie Charge Against Tom Cotton

Under Pressure, L.A. Times Shifts Coverage of Minimum Wage

There has been a noticeable shift in coverage of the Los Angeles minimum wage debate by the local media in recent days, moving from a default embrace of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s election-year proposal to growing anxiety of the lack of debate

Under Pressure, L.A. Times Shifts Coverage of Minimum Wage

Rand Paul Speech Wins Breathless Praise from Liberal Media

Sen. Rand Paul gave a very interesting foreign policy speech last week, laying out the case for “conservative realism.” The task of balancing small-government ideals with national security needs is one with which our country has grappled since its founding.

Rand Paul Speech Wins Breathless Praise from Liberal Media

CAIR Hosts San Diego Candidates at Islamic Center Debate

Incumbent Democrat Rep. Scott Peters and Republican challenger Carl DeMaio debated Sunday evening at the Islamic Center of San Diego, the latest contest in their close race for the 52nd congressional district seat. The debate was sponsored by the Council

CAIR Hosts San Diego Candidates at Islamic Center Debate

Study: Voting by Non-Citizens Tips Balance for Democrats

“Could control of the Senate in 2014 be decided by illegal votes cast by non-citizens?” That is the question posed by political scientists Jesse Richman and David Earnest, who answer in a forthcoming article in the journal Electoral Studies: “Most

Study: Voting by Non-Citizens Tips Balance for Democrats

‘Got Your Back’: Worst Political Cliché of 2014

The phrase “got your back” is one of President Barack Obama’s favorites. He deploys it to indicate to various groups that he supports them, even if he does so quietly. (The most notorious case: Obama’s assurances to pro-Israel voters that

Measure L: Sacramento's Tarnished Mayor Wants Even More Power

Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson has leveraged his past NBA basketball career into political success. This Nov. 4, he is asking the voters of California’s capital city to approve Measure L, which would concentrate power in his office. He is being

Measure L: Sacramento's Tarnished Mayor Wants Even More Power

Anti-Israel Activists Place Pig's Head in Kosher Meat Section

Anti-Israel activists in South Africa placed a pig’s head in the kosher meat section of a Woolworth’s grocery story in Cape Town, rendering all of the meat inedible for Jews who keep kosher. The action by the Congress of South

Anti-Israel Activists Place Pig's Head in Kosher Meat Section

Frank Mankiewicz (1924-2014): NPR's Defining Liberal

Frank Mankiewicz, the politico-turned-journalist who made National Public Radio (NPR) what it is today, died on Thursday evening. He was remembered by the New York Times as the press secretary for Robert F. Kennedy and the campaign manager for George McGovern.

Frank Mankiewicz (1924-2014): NPR's Defining Liberal

Airport Supporters: Two-thirds of Santa Monicans Back Measure D

Supporters of Measure D, which would require any changes to Santa Monica Airport (SMO) to be approved by the voters, are confident that they can “trounce” their opponents at the polls and defeat rival Measure LC, which would allow the

Airport Supporters: Two-thirds of Santa Monicans Back Measure D

U.S. Must Cut Aid to Palestinian Authority–Immediately

The Palestinian terror group Hamas, which serves in the unity government of the Palestinian Authority, has praised Wednesday’s attack on a light rail bus station in Jerusalem that killed a 3-month-old baby who happens to be a U.S. citizen. According

California Sets Up Ebola Hotline to Calm Panicked Residents

The California Department of Public Health has established an Ebola hotline to calm panicked residents, as two Sacramento-area residents are being monitored for possible symbols of the deadly hemmorhagic fever. In a statement Tuesday, state public health director Dr. Ron Chapman

California Sets Up Ebola Hotline to Calm Panicked Residents

How the Measure LC Campaign Lies to Santa Monica Voters

Supporters of Measure LC, a local ballot initiative that would allow the Santa Monica City Council to close the municipal airport when its operating agreement expires next year, have resorted to blatant lies in an effort to fool the public.

How the Measure LC Campaign Lies to Santa Monica Voters

Flash Report: Beware Mailers from Fake Republican Groups

John Hrabe of the Flash Report reports that a shady group calling itself the “California Republican Taxpayers Association” has been sending slate mailers that actually support tax hikes to registered Republican voters in the state. The group, which Hrabe says

Flash Report: Beware Mailers from Fake Republican Groups

L.A. City Council Advances GMO Ban, Despite 2012 Vote on Prop 37

Radical environmental activists convinced the Los Angeles city council Tuesday to draft an ordinance banning the production or sale of genetically modified organisms (GMO) within the city limits, less than two years after the voters of California rejected Proposition 37,

L.A. City Council Advances GMO Ban, Despite 2012 Vote on Prop 37

Could Spelling Be Latest Victim of Anti-Vaccination Epidemic?

Though some have speculated that former Beverly Hills 90210 actress Tori Spelling, who has been quarantined in a Los Angeles hospital with severe coughing, might have enterovirus-D68 or even Ebola, the symptoms she has shown–especially coughing fits–are more consistent with whooping

Could Spelling Be Latest Victim of Anti-Vaccination Epidemic?

Yes on D, No on LC: The Simple Case for the Santa Monica Airport

SANTA MONICA — There are fourteen candidates for just three seats on the Santa Monica city council. There are a multitude of federal, state, and local offices. There are even some controversial statewide ballot questions. But the one issue that

Yes on D, No on LC: The Simple Case for the Santa Monica Airport

D.C. Voyeurism Case Stirs Debate About Religious Conversion

The religious Jewish world has been rocked by a scandal at an Orthodox synagogue in Washington, D.C. in which the rabbi of Kesher Israel in Georgetown–where former Sen. Joe Lieberman and current Treasury Secretary Jack Lew both pray–has been arrested

NYT: Obama Wants Iran Deal that Avoids Congress

The New York Times reported Sunday that President Barack Obama “will do everything in his power to avoid letting Congress vote on” a potential nuclear deal with Iran.   Congress must approve a cancelation of sanctions, one of Iran’s key demands. Therefore

NYT: Obama Wants Iran Deal that Avoids Congress

Harvard Imposes Travel Restrictions on Ebola Countries

Harvard University has imposed an effective travel ban on Ebola-striken countries, requiring students, faculty, and staff to obtain official permission from the university administration before traveling to affected parts of West Africa, and possibly staying off campus for 21 days

Harvard Imposes Travel Restrictions on Ebola Countries