Joel B. Pollak

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Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Jobs Expert: California State Jobs are Permanent Employment

With all the ballots from last week’s election nearly counted, California’s politicians can return to Sacramento, secure that the state’s massive spending can continue. And with that spending comes thousands of job openings in state government. The capital city’s local

Jobs Expert: California State Jobs are Permanent Employment

Pony Ride Owner Sues Animal Rights Activists for Defamation

SANTA MONICA, California — A small business owner who operates pony rides and a petting zoo is fighting back against the animal rights activists who convinced the city council to cancel her annual contract next May. Tawni Angel, the owner

Pony Ride Owner Sues Animal Rights Activists for Defamation

Iran Deal: The New 'Peace in Our Time'

In Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, the indispensable Bret Stephens explained why an Iran deal–which he still regards as unlikely–would be worth less than the paper on which it is printed. Should President Barack Obama emerge, Neville Chamberlain-like, and wave the

Iran Deal: The New 'Peace in Our Time'

Aaron David Miller: Hillary Would Be Better for Israel

Aaron David Miller, one of the most prominent analysts of U.S.-Israel relations, conducts an extended thought experiment in Foreign Policy today about the possible impact of a Hillary Clinton presidency on the alliance. His conclusion is that Clinton “would indeed

Aaron David Miller: Hillary Would Be Better for Israel

Foreign Policy: The Case for Writing to Khamenei

At Foreign Policy, Trita Parsi makes the best case possible for President Barack Obama’s recent letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Parsi’s argument proceeds on the assumption–we cannot know for sure, since no one outside the White House has seen

Foreign Policy: The Case for Writing to Khamenei

2016: Maher on the Jerry Brown Bandwagon

Momentum–of a sort–is building behind the idea that California governor Jerry Brown ought to run for President in 2016. On Friday, the same day that former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown argued that Hillary Clinton might lose after all unless

2016: Maher on the Jerry Brown Bandwagon

Loretta Lynch: A Qualified–But Political–Choice

Loretta Lynch, President Barack Obama’s choice to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General, would likely sail through confirmation hearings under normal circumstances–i.e. even when Democrats had not gutted the filibuster rule in a cynical act of partisanship, and when the

Loretta Lynch: A Qualified–But Political–Choice

Willie Brown: Hillary Clinton 'Is Going to Lose'

Veteran California politician Willie Brown has warned this weekend that presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “is going to lose” in 2016 “[u]nless there are some serious readjustments to the Democratic operation.” Brown made his remarks in his regular

Willie Brown: Hillary Clinton 'Is Going to Lose'

A Quiet 25th Anniversary for the Berlin Wall in L.A.

LOS ANGELES, California — On Sunday, Nov. 9, the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall passed without notice in West Los Angeles. Whether that is because we have forgotten the significance of that event, or because communism

A Quiet 25th Anniversary for the Berlin Wall in L.A.

With 'Secret Letter' to Khamenei, Obama 'Goes Rogue' on Iran

On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal revealed that President Barack Obama had sent a “secret letter” to Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in late October. The letter supposedly focused on proposals to cooperate in fighting the Islamic State terror army. Yet the

With 'Secret Letter' to Khamenei, Obama 'Goes Rogue' on Iran

Blue State Blues: Democrats Need a 'War on Women'–These Women

The most astonishing thing about the Republicans’ 2014 midterm election victory is not how many seats or governorships the party won. Nor is it how wrong the polls were, or how tone-deaf President Barack Obama remains. No–the truly amazing thing

Blue State Blues: Democrats Need a 'War on Women'–These Women

Caption contest: Obama Meets Congressional Leaders

From left: Speaker of the House John Boehner, President Barack Obama, outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. In back: Democratic Party mastermind and Andrew Breitbart nemesis John Podesta Not pictured: incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Caption contest: Obama Meets Congressional Leaders

Remember When OUR President Ignored THEIR Letters?

In 2006, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wrote a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush, which was promptly ignored. The context was mounting international pressure on the Iranian regime, especially the UN Security Council, which was nearly unanimous in demanding

Remember When OUR President Ignored THEIR Letters?

McConnell Should Defund the White House if Obama Tries Amnesty

There were two messages from Republicans on the morning after their sweeping victory in the 2014 midterm elections. One was that voters had elected Republicans to stop President Barack Obama’s agenda. The other was that voters had elected Republicans to

McConnell Should Defund the White House if Obama Tries Amnesty

Did 'Chickensh*t' Comment Cost Democrats Seats?

The Republican wave election of 2014 was the result of voter dissatisfaction on a variety of fronts. As in 2006, when voters elected Democrats on the strength of frustration with the Iraq War, foreign policy was a major part of

Did 'Chickensh*t' Comment Cost Democrats Seats?

Kashkari Breaks 40%, Outperforms Whitman

Republican gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari may have lost decisively to Governor Jerry Brown, but he won more than 40% of the statewide vote, an important threshold that may establish a foundation for his future political ambitions. Moreover, at 41.3% of

Kashkari Breaks 40%, Outperforms Whitman

The Polls Were Skewed, All Right–in Favor of Democrats

As the 2014 midterm election wound to a close, left-wing pundits repeated the error of their conservative rivals in 2012, claiming that the polls forecasting doom were skewed. It turns out that they were right–but in entirely the wrong direction.

The Polls Were Skewed, All Right–in Favor of Democrats

Santa Monica Airport Loses Big

SANTA MONICA, California — Measure D, which would have defended the Santa Monica Airport by forcing any land use change by the local city council to go to the voters first in a referendum, lost big on Tuesday, going down

Santa Monica Airport Loses Big

Republicans Ose, Tacherra Lead Rout in Drought-Stricken Central Valley

It was a long night for California Republicans, who failed to win any statewide offices. However, the GOP did well in the drought-stricken Central Valley, with Doug Ose defeating freshman incumbent Rep. Ami Bera in the 7th congressional district; Johnny Tacherra

Republicans Ose, Tacherra Lead Rout in Drought-Stricken Central Valley

Gay Republican Has Narrow Lead in California

With 100% of precincts reporting, former San Diego city councilman Carl DeMaio appears to have unseated incumbent Democrat Scott Peters in California’s 52nd congressional district, becoming the first openly gay Republican to win a seat in Congress. However, DeMaio’s lead

Gay Republican Has Narrow Lead in California

Suddenly, a Jerry Brown Presidential Run Looks Promising

Tuesday was the worst day in the recent history of the Democratic Party–worse, by far, than the 2010 elections or even the 1994 “revolution.” It was bad because Democratic leaders insisted until the end that they would hold the Senate;

Suddenly, a Jerry Brown Presidential Run Looks Promising

No Fluke: Sandra Loses State Senate Race–by 22 Points

LOS ANGELES, California — Sandra Fluke, the feminist icon who rose to national prominence after being called a “slut” by conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, and after urging that Obamacare require religious institutions to cover abortion and birth control, has

No Fluke: Sandra Loses State Senate Race–by 22 Points

Local Ballot Measures to Watch

While apathy has set in across the Golden State this Election Day, at least in statewide contests, several local ballot initiatives have excited voters in several California communities in particular. Here are ones to watch: Measure L, Sacramento: Mayor Kevin

Local Ballot Measures to Watch

Soda Taxes, Airports, GMO Bans: How Local Ballot Measures Fared

Here is an update how California’s most interesting local government ballot measures fared on Election Day. Measure L, Sacramento: Mayor Kevin Johnson has long been seeking to shift the city to a “strong mayor” model of governance. The controversial measure

Soda Taxes, Airports, GMO Bans: How Local Ballot Measures Fared

Supreme Court's Jews Skeptical in Jerusalem Case

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of Zivotofsky v. Kerry, involving a U.S. citizen born in Jerusalem who wants his passport to list “Israel” as the country of his birth. Currently, U.S. citizens born in

Supreme Court's Jews Skeptical in Jerusalem Case

Biden's Last Laugh: 1-in-10 Chance of Mega-Power Today

Vice President Joe Biden has a 1-in-10 chance of becoming the most powerful person in the world today. No–not because President Barack Obama will resign after the election results, or that–God forbid–something will happen to him. Rather, Biden stands a

Biden's Last Laugh: 1-in-10 Chance of Mega-Power Today

American Ties to Israel Remain Strong, Despite Obama's Efforts

On Sunday, I had the opportunity to join guest host Danny Seaman on Israel’s Voice of Israel, to discuss the most recent thorn in U.S.-Israel relations–namely, the “chickensh*t” comment by an unnamed Obama official. One point I tried to make,

The Left Urges Israel to Violate Press Freedom

Once in a while a real “human rights” issue comes along that demands concerned protest from friends of Israel. In this case, however, the usual critics are silent, because the target whose rights are being threatened is a right-wing conservative,

The Left Urges Israel to Violate Press Freedom

The Palestinian Authority is Deliberately Destroying the Peace Process

New evidence has emerged that the Palestinian Authority leaders–the so-called “moderates” who are meant to be partners for peace, and who receive hundreds of million of dollars in direct aid from American taxpayers each year–are deliberately destroying the peace process.

The Palestinian Authority is Deliberately Destroying the Peace Process

Critics Accuse Virgin Galactic of Negligence: 'Russian Roulette'

Entrepreneur Richard Branson is fighting off angry allegations of mismanagement after Friday’s crash of a Virgin Galactic rocket in California’s Mojave Desert, with critics saying that safety problems have long been an issue. The Daily Mail reports that there were

Critics Accuse Virgin Galactic of Negligence: 'Russian Roulette'

Jerry Brown's Real Agenda: Slow Growth for California

Gov. Jerry Brown has not been campaigning much in 2014. Up roughly 20 points in the polls, he has not needed to describe his policy proposals for a 4th term, much less reach out to voters for their support. Yet

Jerry Brown's Real Agenda: Slow Growth for California

Man in Fox News Costume Beaten in California

A California man dressed as a Fox News reporter was violently assaulted in the left-wing haven of Santa Cruz, California during the annual Halloween parade this weekend.  A 29-year-old man, Scott Kory, allegedly shouted “I hate Fox News!” before grabbing

Man in Fox News Costume Beaten in California

Blue State Blues: The Tech Sector is Hacking the Constitutional Code

You know there is something seriously wrong with the American tech sector when it is lining up its best, brightest, and richest to support whatever executive action President Barack Obama takes in December to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.  Tech

Blue State Blues: The Tech Sector is Hacking the Constitutional Code

Free at Last! Tahmooressi Released from Mexican Jail

U.S. Marine veteran Andrew Tahmooressi has been released from a Mexican jail, where he had languished for months on weapons charges after crossing the border with three guns in his car earlier this year. Tahmooressi has long maintained his innocence,

Free at Last! Tahmooressi Released from Mexican Jail

Space Crash in Mojave; 'Safety is Virgin Galactic's North Star'

Virgin Galactic, the commercial space tourism venture set to launch next year under the supervision of British investor and adventurer Richard Branson, suffered a fatal crash in California’s Mojave Desert today as it was testing a new rocket engine called

Space Crash in Mojave; 'Safety is Virgin Galactic's North Star'