Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 293

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Video: White Ferguson Protester Lectures Black Cop on Racism

On Tuesday evening, in the midst of the Ferguson protest outside the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), a group of protestors confronted a black police officer and challenged him. One young woman, who identified herself as a UCLA student and

Video: White Ferguson Protester Lectures Black Cop on Racism

Ferguson Protesters March Through L.A. (Updates)

On Tuesday afternoon, several hundred demonstrators voicing their outrage at the refusal of a grand jury to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown marched through south central Los Angeles.  The march was peaceful, but

Ferguson Protesters March Through L.A. (Updates)

Cheaper Oil Is Squeezing Iran

The recent drop in oil prices is making American consumers happy as they enter the holiday season. As fuel prices go down, consumer confidence and spending go up, and the economy strengthens. The opposite is true in Iran, where both

Cheaper Oil Is Squeezing Iran

Quiet Riot: California Protests Ferguson, (Mostly) Peacefully

As Ferguson, Missouri exploded in rioting following the announcement that a grand jury had elected not to indict former police officer Darren Wilson in the August shooting death of Michael Brown, protests erupted throughout California. Though some of the demonstrations

Quiet Riot: California Protests Ferguson, (Mostly) Peacefully

Mike Honda Aims at Rand Paul–and Misses

Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) issued a statement on Monday blasting Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for comparing President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty to the internment of Japanese-Americans by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during World War II. The Bay Area “Political Blotter”

Mike Honda Aims at Rand Paul–and Misses

Hagel Firing Will Make Things Worse

I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but firing Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense is probably the wrong thing for President Barack Obama to do. Hagel should never have been appointed in the first place, much less confirmed. (That

Obama: Hostage-Taker on Immigration

The term “hostage-taker” has been thrown around quite a bit lately, most often at Republicans in Congress, whom President Barack Obama accused of holding the country to ransom in last year’s shutdown fight over Obamacare. The latest and most brazen

Obama: Hostage-Taker on Immigration

VIDEO: Ferguson Protestor Has Phone Stolen–While Live-Streaming Riot

Bassem Masri, a pro-Palestinian activist who is live-streaming the violent protests in Ferguson, Missouri, had his smartphone stolen as he was live-streaming the action (at 2:34 in the video below). The thief’s escape was broadcast to some 90,000 viewers around

VIDEO: Ferguson Protestor Has Phone Stolen–While Live-Streaming Riot

Hagel Firing: Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

The New York Times reports that President Barack Obama is about to dismiss Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. The reason given? That the White House recognized that “the threat from the Islamic State would require a different kind of skills than

Hagel Firing: Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

Iran Talks Likely Extended; The Least-bad Option

The nuclear talks between Iran and the international community have failed to reach a deal by the Nov. 24 deadline, and will reconvene next month, according to Reuters and other sources. (Update: The new deadline is the end of June

Iran Talks Likely Extended; The Least-bad Option

Ackerman: Obama’s Executive Amnesty Is Like the Emancipation Proclamation

Last week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi compared President Barack Obama’s declaration of executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens to President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In a Los Angeles Times op-ed, Yale constitutional scholar Bruce Ackerman does the same. Just

Ackerman: Obama’s Executive Amnesty Is Like the Emancipation Proclamation

Obama’s Executive Amnesty: We Are All Californians Now

While President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty is unpopular nationwide, and only enjoys 47% nationally among Latino voters, Californians surveyed in August were broadly supportive of the measure. That marks a remarkable turnaround since Proposition 187, which sought to exclude illegal

Obama’s Executive Amnesty: We Are All Californians Now

Chesler’s ‘The New Antisemitism’: A Timely Warning, Renewed

You can’t say she didn’t warn us.  In 2003, the liberal feminist Phyllis Chesler published The New Antisemitism. It was partly a reaction to the events of 9/11, partly a protest against the left’s anti-Israel posture posture amidst the terror

Chesler’s ‘The New Antisemitism’: A Timely Warning, Renewed

The Left Doth Protest Too Much: The Benghazi Scandal Remains

The left and the media greeted Friday’s release of the House Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi with glee. “#Failghazi,” the Huffington Post proclaimed. And yet, as Shakespeare wrote, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” For though the report contradicted

The Left Doth Protest Too Much: The Benghazi Scandal Remains

5 Truths About Immigration Reform

In declaring his executive amnesty on Thursday evening, President Barack Obama made the case for seizing what he once described as imperial powers. He said he had been compelled to do so because of the “broken” state of the country’s

Obama Calls Lindsey Graham’s ‘Impeachment’ Bluff on Gitmo

On June 4, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) warned that President Barack Obama could face “impeachment” if he continued to release terror detainees from the military prison facility at Guantánamo Bay without Congress’s explicit approval. On Thursday, however–the same day that

Obama Calls Lindsey Graham’s ‘Impeachment’ Bluff on Gitmo

No Mention of ‘Constitution’ in Obama’s Amnesty Speech

In declaring his executive amnesty on Thursday evening, President Barack Obama did not use the word “Constitution” once. He cited the supposed precedent of previous executive orders by earlier presidents, and he spoke about law enforcement, but he never once

No Mention of ‘Constitution’ in Obama’s Amnesty Speech

Congress Should Cancel the State of the Union Address in 2015

Congressional Republicans are searching for ways–short of impeachment or shutting down the government–to respond to President Barack Obama’s seizure of arbitrary power over immigration law and enforcement. One way would be to cancel the State of the Union address next

Congress Should Cancel the State of the Union Address in 2015

Ferguson: From Amnesty to Anarchy

The media were agog Thursday with feigned outrage at the suggestion, made by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), that President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty could lead to “anarchy” and “violence.” CNN host Brooke Baldwin was particularly aggrieved–oddly, since she kept

Ferguson: From Amnesty to Anarchy

Hours After Jerusalem Terror, UCLA Students Vote to Divest from Israel

The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) student government voted late Tuesday to recommend that the university divest from companies that are alleged to profit from Israeli human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The motion passed

Hours After Jerusalem Terror, UCLA Students Vote to Divest from Israel

The Psychosis of Palestinian Nationalism

The Jerusalem Post‘s inestimable Arab correspondent, Khaled Abu Toameh, argues that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the terror attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem–equivocally, and reluctantly–only because U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry had called him “twice over the past few days

The Psychosis of Palestinian Nationalism

Barack the First Crowns Himself with Executive Amnesty

Emperor Barack Obama will crown himself on Thursday, Nov. 20 by revealing to the nation his plan to grant “amnesty” to millions of illegal aliens by an executive order delaying their prosecution indefinitely. The title “emperor” is one he himself

Barack the First Crowns Himself with Executive Amnesty

The Third Intifada is About the Post-Two-State Future

The two-state solution is, effectively, dead. It was mortally wounded long before today’s terror attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, which marks a third intifada. The final straw came with the Gaza war this past summer, when Hamas rockets and tunnels

The Third Intifada is About the Post-Two-State Future

Stephens: Darn Right We Should Be the World's Policeman!

Pulitzer Prize-winning Wall Street Journal columnist is a wonderfully articulate and bipartisan critic of U.S. foreign policy. I must say that I dislike his latest book, America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder, because it is the

Stephens: Darn Right We Should Be the World's Policeman!

Pelosi's Grip on Power: $100 Million in Fundraising

Democrats have been frustrated with Nancy Pelosi’s leadership for several years. Having led House Democrats back to power in 2007, becoming the first female Speaker of the House in the process, Pelosi has since led her party to crushing historic

Pelosi's Grip on Power: $100 Million in Fundraising

NPR's Race-Conscious Project: Are We Still Funding This?

National Public Radio has released the latest of its “race card” stories based on “six-word essays.” This one comes from Marc Quarles, a hospital technical who, NPR relates, “is African-American, with a German wife and two biracial children–a son, 15,

NPR's Race-Conscious Project: Are We Still Funding This?

With One Week to Iran Deadline, All Outcomes are Bad

With one week to go until the Nov. 24 deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran, there are three possible scenarios: one, a deal that allows Iran to pursue nuclear enrichment up to the point of nuclear “breakout,” with sanctions

With One Week to Iran Deadline, All Outcomes are Bad

Kissinger: Israel Should Not Seek 'Permanent' Peace Now

Former Secretary of State and Nobel laureate Henry Kissinger told an awards dinner in New York this week that Israel should not seek a permanent or comprehensive peace with the Palestinians until regional turmoil settles down, Algemeiner reports.   Kissinger’s advice

Kissinger: Israel Should Not Seek 'Permanent' Peace Now

12 Years Later, the Truth About Zimbabwe Comes Out

A long-hidden official observer report on the 2002 presidential elections in Zimbabwe, which the South African government fought for years to conceal, was finally released on Friday following a decision by South Africa’s Constitutional Court. The report, compiled by two

12 Years Later, the Truth About Zimbabwe Comes Out

Blue State Blues: How Long Until Fisticuffs Fly on Capitol Hill?

On Thursday evening, the South African Parliament erupted into a vicious brawl in which several members of the opposition were injured. It started when a member of the left-wing opposition called the country’s president a “thief.” When she refused to

Blue State Blues: How Long Until Fisticuffs Fly on Capitol Hill?

UCLA Receives $10 Million Gift to Produce Left-Wing Films

The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) film school has received a $10 million gift from Former EBay Inc. President Jeff Skoll to launch the Skoll Center for Social Impact Entertainment, “dedicated to promoting social change through entertainment and performing arts.”

UCLA Receives $10 Million Gift to Produce Left-Wing Films

New Yorker's Remnick Takes Nuanced, Yet One-sided, Approach to Israel

David Remnick has penned an article on the rise of intolerance in Israel–toward Arabs, and towards fellow Jews–that is well-written, nuanced, and multifaceted. Yet it retains a thorough left-wing–and hostile–bias, beginning with the basic presumption that it is intolerance in

New Yorker's Remnick Takes Nuanced, Yet One-sided, Approach to Israel

Iran Expert: Congress Can Defend Iran Sanctions from Obama

In a conference call with reporters Wednesday morning, Mark Dubowitz, an Iran expert and executive director of the nonpartisan Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said that Congress has tools at its disposal to resist efforts by the Obama administration to circumvent

Iran Expert: Congress Can Defend Iran Sanctions from Obama