Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 292

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Blue State Blues: ‘Race Is Not the Main Thing Going on Here’

I had planned to write this column about my experiences this week covering the protests in Berkeley. How a mob of self-styled radicals hijacked the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. to incite violence against police. How people claiming to

Blue State Blues: ‘Race Is Not the Main Thing Going on Here’

Berkeley Protests Seek Clashes with Police–But What Else?

After a fourth consecutive night of protests–this time marred by destruction of city property, including a speed limit sign–organizers in Berkeley were enthusiastic. The crowds remain large; the media remain interested; and the Berkeley City Council has been forced to

Berkeley Protests Seek Clashes with Police–But What Else?

Feinstein Called out for Hypocrisy on CIA ‘Torture’

As Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and fellow Democrats trumpet the release Tuesday of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’s interrogation techniques, the senior California Senator is being called to account for her own encouragement of

Feinstein Called out for Hypocrisy on CIA ‘Torture’

Fire Officials: Downtown L.A. Mega-blaze Likely Arson

Officials say that they believe Monday morning’s massive fire in downtown Los Angeles was set on purpose. The blaze, which engulfed an unfinished apartment building, and burned so hot that it melted nearby highway signs, will be investigated as soon

Fire Officials: Downtown L.A. Mega-blaze Likely Arson

Blue on Blue: Berkeley Protests Stop Amtrak Train

For the third straight evening, demonstrators took to the streets of Berkeley, California to protest the shooting by police of unarmed black suspects Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO and Eric Garner in Staten Island, NY. And for the first time

Blue on Blue: Berkeley Protests Stop Amtrak Train

Berkeley Protest Organizers Tell Crowd Violence is Acceptable

BERKELEY, California — Organizers of a demonstration against police killings told a crowd of hundreds before their march Monday evening that they should feel free to use violence if they so chose.  The leaders of a group called “By Any

Berkeley Protest Organizers Tell Crowd Violence is Acceptable

Berkeley Businesses Post Armed Guards, Board up Windows

BERKELEY, California — Shops in downtown Berkeley boarded up windows and at least one posted an armed guard at the entrance, as the quintessential university town dug in for another night of protests and clashes. For the past several nights,

Berkeley Businesses Post Armed Guards, Board up Windows

Change in Climate: China Rejects Obama on Emissions Monitoring

Last month, President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. had reached an historic deal with China on climate change, according to which the U.S. would decrease carbon emissions more rapidly and China would stop growing its emissions 15 years from

Change in Climate: China Rejects Obama on Emissions Monitoring

Democrats Release Intel Report; Obama Releases Terror Detainees

In its last significant act, the Democrat leadership of the U.S. Senate plans to release a long-delayed report of the Intelligence Committee detailing the techniques used by the government to interrogate terror detainees in the years following the 9/11 attacks.

Democrats Release Intel Report; Obama Releases Terror Detainees

Israel’s Secular Elite Commits Treason with ‘Palestine’ Letter

Members of Israel’s secular elite–including renowned authors and former diplomats–have signed a letter that encourages European parliaments to recognize a Palestinian state. The letter, which was reportedly sent to the Belgian parliament on Sunday, comes after deadly Palestinian terror attacks,

Israel’s Secular Elite Commits Treason with ‘Palestine’ Letter

New Republic’s Crisis Started with Leftward Shift

The implosion of The New Republic, pending its move to New York and re-establishment as a “digital media” company, has consumed much of the political commentariat in recent days. The change is deeply mourned by former editors and writers for

New Republic’s Crisis Started with Leftward Shift

Blue State Blues: Bring Back Trial by Drowning!

Once upon a time, the civil rights movement was deeply concerned about the rights of criminal defendants. Not anymore. Today, those who say they care most about civil rights are calling for grand jury reforms that would make it easier

Blue State Blues: Bring Back Trial by Drowning!

Study: California Drought Worst in 1200 Years

This week’s statewide rains have made little impact in relieving California’s extreme drought. In fact, according to a new scientific study, this drought is the worst that California has experienced in 1200 years. Researchers studying tree rings concluded that “the

Study: California Drought Worst in 1200 Years

5 Questions That Remain in the Eric Garner Case

Let us stipulate that the death of 43-year-old Eric Garner was horrific and never should never have happened. Given the shocking video evidence of a confrontation with New York City police in which officer Daniel Pantaleo is seen grabbing Garner from

5 Questions That Remain in the Eric Garner Case

Local D.A. Rips Jon Stewart over Police Brutality Error

A local district attorney has taken Comedy Central host Jon Stewart to task for his comments in the wake of the Ferguson controversy, in which Stewart implied that police killed black suspects out of racial motives. San Bernadino County D.A.

Local D.A. Rips Jon Stewart over Police Brutality Error

Protests, Vandalism in Bay Area After Garner Decision

Several small demonstrations broke out Wednesday evening in San Francisco and Oakland after a grand jury in New York City decided not to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner during an arrest last summer. Hundreds gathered

Protests, Vandalism in Bay Area After Garner Decision

California Cities Slap ‘Climate Change’ Warning Labels on Gas Pumps

SANTA MONICA, California — The Santa Monica City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to consider requiring warning labels on all gas pumps to advise motorists of the risks of climate change. Council member Kevin McKeown proposed to “direct staff to explore

California Cities Slap ‘Climate Change’ Warning Labels on Gas Pumps

Obama on Garner: ‘My Tradition is Not to Remark on Cases’

In his remarks Wednesday on the non-indictment of the New York police officer who allegedly choked Eric Garner to death during a routine arrest, President Barack Obama claimed that he does not involve himself in such controversies. “My tradition is not

Obama on Garner: ‘My Tradition is Not to Remark on Cases’

Netanyahu Gambles on New Elections

Israeli voters will go to the polls next year to elect a new government after the coalition headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu collapsed this week. The government fell after internal bickering among the various ministers and party leaders became

Netanyahu Gambles on New Elections

Majority of Californians Expect Children to be Poorer

A new poll has found that a majority of Californians expect their children to be poorer than they are. That result comes despite a generally positive outlook on the state and positive ratings for re-elected Gov. Jerry Brown, according to

Majority of Californians Expect Children to be Poorer

Ferguson Protests Target Black Police Officers

In the second incident of its kind, demonstrators ostensibly angry about the Ferguson, Missouri grand jury’s decision not to indict former police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown have targeted black police officers for abuse. It

NPR Continues Its Anti-Israel Bias

For the past several years, National Public Radio earned a reputation for anti-Israel bias–so much so that even some liberal supporters began mocking it as “National Palestinian Radio.” That sad tradition continued Monday on NPR’s Morning Edition, in a report

NPR Continues Its Anti-Israel Bias

Ya’alon is Israel’s Indispensable Man

The State of Israel is politically adrift. As it reels from a new wave of violence incited by Palestinian leaders, and debates a new bill that would define the country formally as a “Jewish state,” the coalition government of Prime

Ya’alon is Israel’s Indispensable Man

Columnist Backs Mayor Johnson’s Absurd Ferguson Comments

Marcos Breton, columnist for the Sacramento Bee, has defended Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson’s absurd comments on the Ferguson grand jury’s decision not to indict former officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown.  Breton says that Johnson is

Columnist Backs Mayor Johnson’s Absurd Ferguson Comments

O for Oxy: All Students Volunteer for Dems, All Lose

Students who volunteered for political campaigns for course credit at Occidental College are learning a hard lesson in defeat after every single one of them joined a Democratic candidate in 2014–and all of them lost. The sole survivor, Sen. Mary

O for Oxy: All Students Volunteer for Dems, All Lose

Brown Friday: Ferguson Protestors Shut Down Oakland BART

Dozens of demonstrators opposed to a Ferguson, Missouri’s non-indictment of police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown disrupted public transit in Oakland on Friday, shutting down the West Oakland BART station and slowing traffic to and

Brown Friday: Ferguson Protestors Shut Down Oakland BART

Blue State Blues: Thank You, Chuck Schumer–Sort of

New York’s Sen. Chuck Schumer has been one of the Tea Party’s most enthusiastic enemies. No sooner had the new conservative class arrived in D.C. in 2011 than Schumer began spoiling for a fight. He was virtually begging for a

Blue State Blues: Thank You, Chuck Schumer–Sort of

Koudelka at the Getty: Homage to Resistance and Freedom

Josef Koudelka, the Czech-born photographer whose smuggled images defined the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet bloc in August 1968, is the focus of a visiting exhibition, Nationality Doubtful, at the Getty Center in Los Angeles through March 22, 2015.

Koudelka at the Getty: Homage to Resistance and Freedom