Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 291

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Obama Wants to Make Iran ‘Regional Power’

In an interview with National Public Radio published Monday, President Barack Obama offered Iran the prospect of becoming a “regional power” in exchange for a nuclear deal.

Iran's supreme leader takes to Twitter and talks Ferguson

Obama on Iran Embassy: ‘Never Say Never’

President Barack Obama hinted that he might be prepared to establish a new U.S. embassy in Tehran ” if we can get a deal on making sure that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon,” and the deal led to warmer relations with the Iranian regime.


‘All Lives Matter’ vs. ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Dueling LAPD Protests

Dozens of demonstrators gathered outside the Los Angeles Police Department on Sunday to stage an “All Lives Matter” rally in support of police, who have come under increasing criticism from the “Black Lives Matter” movement in Los Angeles and around the country. A small “Black Lives Matter” counter-demonstration gathered opposite.

All Lives Matter Rally (@LAcycleHELPER / Twitter)

Alliance with Iran Against ISIS: Short-Term Boost, Long-Term Bust

The evidence of an informal alliance between the U.S. and Iran in the fight against ISIS (or Daesh) in Iraq may give comfort to those who support President Barack Obama’s “leading from behind” foreign policy. However, it is a strategic disaster for the United States.

IRAQ, - : An image grab taken from a propaganda video released on March 17, 2014 by the Is

‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest Burns Flag in Hollywood

Demonstrators who joined the “after-party” of the “Millions March” in Los Angeles on Saturday burned a flag in the heart of Hollywood on Saturday evening as a protest against the death of black suspects at the hands of police.

Flag Burning in Hollywood (Screenshot / Cassandra / Vine)

Blue State Blues: ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal Was Done Right

Whether you agree or disagree with the policy itself, the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT)–which kept open gays and lesbians from serving in the U.S. military–was done the right way, unlike so much else President Barack Obama is doing. Then-Senator

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

Oakland Police Blast ‘Politicians and Media Pundits’

The Oakland Police Officers Association has joined police unions in San Francisco and San Jose in condemning recent violence in anti-police protests across the Bay Area and the nation, singling out “politicians and media pundits” for their “vilification of front-line public servants.”

Oakland Ferguson Protest (AP)

‘Best Xmas party of the year’: #BlackLivesMatter Trashes Oakland

Demonstrators participating in a Christmas Day “Black Lives Matter” protest in Oakland against police smashed store windows, injured a journalist, and vandalized the city’s main Christmas tree in Jack London Square in the latest violence associated with the movement.

Christmas Tree Vandalized (@TheReallyRick / Twitter)

‘We’re Here! We’re Queer! Black Lives Matter!’

Roughly 200 protestors blocked streets in the Castro district of San Francisco on Christmas Eve, in solidarity with nationwide demonstrations against the deaths of black male suspects in confrontations with police. (Photo: Jamie Santos/Facebook)

LGBT #blacklivesmatter (Jamie Santos / Facebook)

5% Growth! The Lessons of the Obama Recovery

The news that U.S. GDP expanded at 5% is welcome indeed—and confirms the bullish outlook that many of us at Breitbart News have shared for the past several years. At the same time, the economy remains tough in many respects.


Meet the California Landlords Who Love the Castro Regime

The Cuban dictatorship has long had its fans on the left—those who see in the Castro regime a plucky, multiracial workers’ utopia, whose advanced medical system is proof alone that it would thrive absent the bullying of the United States.

Fidel Castro, Santa Monica (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

Netanyahu Slams Rivals for Coordinating with Kerry

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused his major political rivals of coordinating with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in an effort to derail his re-election. Specifically, Netanyahu has pointed to reports that former justice minister Tzipi Livni asked

Kerry, Netanyahu expected to discuss proposed U.N. Securtiy Council resolution on Mideast

Should Bill de Blasio Resign?

It is difficult to imagine that New York City mayor Bill de Blasio can continue governing after he has lost the confidence of the police department in such dramatic fashion. On Saturday, police officers staged a silent protest by turning

NYPD officers turn their backs on De Blasio (Screenshot / YouTube)

A Nation at War with Itself, Crying out for Leadership

Six years ago, Americans elected Barack Obama the first black President of the United States. It was a sign–not that racism had disappeared from our country, but that race was no longer an impediment to the highest possible achievement. Obama had


Maher to Berkeley Grads: Avoid Groupthink! Fight Climate Change!

Comedian Bill Maher delivered his long-anticipated and controversial speech at the University of California Berkeley winter commencement on Saturday–and it turned out to be a rather conventional liberal address. Though much debate surrounded Maher’s views on Islam, he largely avoided the subject, instead telling

Bill Maher / Reuters via Fox News

Peggy Noonan’s ‘Bitter Clingers’ on Cuba

Peggy Noonan’s praise for the Obama administration’s new Cuba policy has one particularly ugly paragraph that demands its own response. (I posted an initial criticism of her overall column on Friday, and this one paragraph has bothered me for the better

Noonan-Breitbart TV

Obama’s Cowardly Hypocrisy on Sony

In his last press conference of 2014, President Barack Obama blamed Sony for pulling The Interview after hacking attacks and terror threats from North Korea. Yet not only did President Obama do and say nothing to defend Sony at the time, he

Benghazi Filmmaker / Breitbart

Berkeley Protests Shut Down Peter Thiel Speech

On Wednesday evening, in the very hall where the University of California at Berkeley had just celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement, demonstrators shut down a speech by billionaire tech guru–and noted libertarian–Peter Thiel. The activists who

Blue State Blues: It Kills Me, but Bill Maher Is Our Only Hope

I hate to say it, but America needs Bill Maher’s help–now. Maher is set to address graduates of the University of California at Berkeley during the winter commencement exercises this Saturday, and is determined to do so, despite threats of protests

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

Peggy Noonan’s Wishful Thinking on Cuba

When Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan made “the case for Barack Obama” in 2008, she put his foreign policy at the top of her list: “He has within him the possibility to change the direction

Noonan-Breitbart TV

Sorry, But Court Ruling Against Executive Amnesty is Premature

There has been much excitement in conservative circles about this week’s ruling by a federal district court judge that the “executive amnesty” declared by President Barack Obama is unconstitutional. The judge, Arthur J. Schwab, is likely correct on the merits.


Cuba Deal Portends Obama Surrender on Nuclear Iran

One of the most important problems with the Cuba deal announced by President Barack Obama on Wednesday is that the favorable terms handed to the Castro regime will encourage Iran to be even more assertive in ongoing nuclear negotiations. The

Raul Castro and Barack Obama greet at Mandela funeral in 2013 (AP)

Top 10 Lies in Obama’s Cuba Speech

President Barack Obama unveiled a new U.S. policy toward Cuba on Wednesday as part of a deal that brought American Alan Gross home in exchange for three convicted Cuban spies. As he has done so often in the past, Obama

AP Photo/Doug Mills

In Obama’s America, Freedom Died a Little More on Wednesday

The Sony surrender was striking for how quickly it happened, and how completely. After the studio’s private emails were leaked, and after a shadowy terrorist threat invoked 9/11, the company pulled The Interview from release on Christmas Day. In the entire

Raul Castro and Barack Obama greet at Mandela funeral in 2013 (AP)

'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Is the New 'Ice Bucket Challenge'

The spectacle of media pundits, including a few conservatives, joining the protests against police by sharing selfies in the “hands up, don’t shoot” posture suggests that the #BlackLivesMatter movement is a classic social media meme–one whose participants may not quite

'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Is the New 'Ice Bucket Challenge'

EU Removes Hamas from Terror List Due to ‘Paperwork’

The European Union has removed Hamas from its list of terror groups after a court ruled that the correct paperwork had not been filed. According to a decision Wednesday, the Palestinian group, which has murdered hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians in

EU Removes Hamas from Terror List Due to ‘Paperwork’

Ticket Sales Slow for Bill Maher at Berkeley

Comedian Bill Maher’s winter commencement address to the University of California at Berkeley this Saturday gained national attention after students asked the administration to rescind his invitation due to his strident recent criticisms of the Islamic faith. However, for all

Ticket Sales Slow for Bill Maher at Berkeley

Dick Cheney May Have Just Saved Lives

Former Vice President Dick Cheney has defended the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its enhanced interrogation program–what critics (and even some supporters) have called “torture.” Cheney’s defense–that what the terrorists did was worse–was a non sequitur, albeit expressing what the majority of Americans feel.

Dick Cheney May Have Just Saved Lives

Jerry Brown Quiet on Protests as Oakland PD Blocked

California Gov. Jerry Brown, not known for his reticence on many issues, has declined to say much about the ongoing protests against the non-indictments of police officers in several high-profile cases in which police have shot unarmed black suspects. In

Jerry Brown Quiet on Protests as Oakland PD Blocked

When the Media Cover Violent Ferguson Protests — By Accident

Local media have been fairly diligent in recording the violence that has accompanied protests over the non-indictment of police in the deaths of unarmed black suspects. However, national media have tended to focus on the overall message of the protests,

Oprah Defends Sony Exec over Racist Comments — But Slammed Sterling

Oprah Winfrey defended Sony chair Amy Pascal on Monday after Pascal’s racist comments about President Barack Obama were leaked to the media. “There are things that you say in your private conversations with your friends and with your colleagues that

Oprah Defends Sony Exec over Racist Comments — But Slammed Sterling

What Islamophobia? #Illridewithyou Tops Global Trend

If the irrational fear of Muslims–“Islamophobia”–is a significant problem in the wake of widespread Islamist terror attacks against non-Muslims, the evidence is somewhat lacking. As a potential terror attack and hostage crisis unfolded in Sydney, Australia, the number one trending

What Islamophobia? #Illridewithyou Tops Global Trend

The Pundits May Be Wrong About Cromnibus

The emerging consensus among pundits is that the odd progressive-conservative alliance that led opposition to the $1.1 trillion “cromnibus” spending bill is a sign that the “establishment” wings of both parties will soon find common cause against their respective ideological

The Pundits May Be Wrong About Cromnibus

UCLA Law Prof Forced to Apologize for Ferguson Exam Question

A law professor at the University of California Los Angeles has been forced to apologize for, and withdraw, an exam question that asked constitutional law students to draft a memo outlining the arguments for prosecuting Michael Brown’s stepfather for incitement after

UCLA Law Prof Forced to Apologize for Ferguson Exam Question