Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 289

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Did Border Crisis Trigger Measles Outbreak?

The sudden outbreak of measles across the United States raises questions about how the disease arrived in the country after it was eradicated here in 2000. A quick review of the U.S. State Department visa requirements for immigrant visas reveals that applicants must be vaccinated for measles prior to their approval. Measles vaccination is not required for tourist visas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nor are they required for any other disease.

Unaccompanied Minors in DHS Holding Facilities, June, 2014

A Rare Foreign Policy Win: Congress Defends the Internet

It is often said that the President controls foreign policy, and that there is little Congress can do, within its more limited foreign policy mandate, to direct it. The Republican-controlled Congress–and the U.S. House of Representatives in particular–has defied that conventional wisdom by stopping President Barack Obama’s worst foreign policy blunder by far–namely, the effort to end U.S. control over Internet domain names, which would have boosted the enemies of freedom.

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Reward: $2,500 Offered for Info on UC Davis Swastikas

The Anti-Defamation League has offered a $2,500 reward to help police catch perpetrators of the recent vandalism of a Jewish fraternity at the University of California Davis, which was found Saturday morning spray-painted with swastikas.

Swastikas at UC Davis AEPi (StandWithUs via Facebook)

Muslim Students Shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ at Jews at UC Davis

Video has emerged from a meeting of student representatives at the University of California Davis last week in which Muslim students shout “Allahu Akbar” at a group of Jewish students holding Israeli flags and leaving the meeting.

Screen Shot (Ben Sake / YouTube)

In Defense of Carroll’s ‘Worst’ Call

After the improbable finish to Super Boxl XLIX, it seems natural to blame Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll and his team for calling a pass from the 1-yard line with less than 30 seconds to play, rather than handing the ball to Marshawn Lynch. But while it’s understandable that a Seattle fan might feel Carroll’s was “the worst call in Super Bowl history,” it wasn’t bad. And it was actually New England Patriots’ coach Bill Belichick’s call the play before that won the game.

Pete Carroll (Matt York / Associated Press)

In CNN Interview, Obama Commits to Appeasement

On Sunday, President Barack Obama explained his stance on radical Islam to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria–and in the process, showed exactly why it is that the U.S. is losing to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Iran. Obama believes, against all available evidence, that only a small minority of Muslims share the political beliefs of Islamist terror groups. And he is wedded to a particular tactic–the so-called “surgical” strike–that precludes any commitment of troops, giving the enemy wide freedom of action.


New York Times Forced to Correct Netanyahu Speech Timeline

The New York Times has continued its reflexive bias against Israeli Prime Minister with a story Friday alleging, falsely, that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went behind President Barack Obama’s back in arranging a speech to Congress in March. In fact, Netanyahu only accepted Speaker of the House John Boehner’s invitation once the White House knew of the invitation. The story has since been corrected online, but the incorrect version will misinform print readers today.

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Bibi Surges in Israeli Polls

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is enjoying a surge in the latest opinion polls of Israeli voters. The Jerusalem Post reports that its latest poll shows Bibi’s party, the Likud, is leading the race for the first time in weeks. Other polls agree, and show the Likud leading its rival, the Zionist Union, which is a combination of the Labor and Hatnua parties.

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Blue State Blues: Why the Left Hates Bibi, the Modern Man

The left hates Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Some hate him as they would hate any Israeli leader; they just hate Israel (and they may hate Jews, too). Some hate him because they love Obama, and Netanyahu stands up to Obama–which is why many Democrats who would otherwise love Bibi have chosen to hate him. But at the core, the left hates Netanyahu because just as Israel is a nation-state in a post-national world, Bibi is a modern man in a post-modern era.

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

Boxer Retires, Jumps 12% in Polls

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) was deeply unpopular among Californians last fall, with only 41% of adults and 45% of likely voters approving of her performance, according to the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC). However, her decision to retire has been followed by a dramatic increase in her popularity: 53% of adults and 51% of likely voters now approve in a new PPIC poll.


Obama Aide Cashes out in California

Bill Burton, a prominent political aide to Barack Obama, has been hired by SDKnickerbocker to head its new Los Angeles office, a plum position that signals the enduring influence–and burgeoning affluence–of Obama campaign alumni.

Burton (J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press)

New York Times: Full-Court Press Against Bibi

The New York Times has launched a full-court press against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer over Netanyahu’s acceptance of an invitation by Speaker of the House John Boehner to address Congress on the subjects of Iran and radical Islam in March without coordinating with the White House.

old BNN

The Speech Netanyahu Should Give Congress

The speech that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will deliver to a special joint session of the US Congress in March will be the most important address by an Israeli leader in the history of the Jewish state.

Netanyahu addresses Congress, May 2011 (Associated Press)

ISIS to Obama: We’ll Behead You and Make America Muslim

The terrorist group known as Daesh, “Islamic State,” ISIS or ISIL has threatened to behead President Barack Obama and turn the United States into a Muslim province, installing sharia law and incorporating America into its fledgling caliphate.


Goldberg Blames Bibi for Obama’s Disastrous Israel Policy

For Goldberg, Obama can do no wrong when it comes to Israel–and only Israel. In his efforts to cover for Obama, he has fumbled away much of his credibility on the issue. There is not much for Netanyahu to fear from the habitual criticism of a pundit who has so clearly departed from reality. But as an example of how American Jewish liberals are tying themselves in knots trying to reconcile their partisan loyalties with the facts of Obama’s failures on Israel, there is no finer specimen.

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Auschwitz Anniversary: Why Bibi’s Speech Matters

Netanyahu has one basic responsibility: to protect the security of the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people. That is why Ambassador Ron Dermer is correct to call Netanyahu’s speech to Congress a “sacred duty.”

holocaust auschwitz

‘Tawni’s Ponies’ Win First Round in Defamation Case

Small business owner Tawni Angel has won the first round of her court battle against a radical animal rights activist who is attempting to ban Angel’s popular pony rides from a weekly Santa Monica farmers’ market. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Lisa Hart-Cole ruled last Thursday that Angel’s lawsuit against activist Marcy Winograd can proceed, finding that Angel demonstrated a “sufficient probability of prevailing” on the question of whether Winograd had defamed her.

Tawni's Ponies (Courtesy Tawni Angel)

Hollywood Volunteer Kills 4 Palestinian Terrorists in Gaza

A 20-year-old volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) who grew up near Hollywood has been awarded the Chief of Staff Citation for bravery in last summer’s war in Gaza after he killed four Palestinian terrorists in combat. Sgt. Sahar


5 Ways Iran Is Cheating on the Interim Nuclear Deal

There are at least five ways in which Iran has explicitly violated the interim agreement–one hat has been extended twice but has failed to produce anything but more time for Iran to advance to a nuclear weapon.


Former Obama Adviser: Get Tougher on Iran

Former Obama adviser Dennis Ross, who left the White House in 2011 amidst rumors of clashes with Valerie Jarrett, has co-written a strident op-ed in Politico urging President Barack Obama to take a tougher stance with Iran.

Dennis Ross (Associated Press)

Biden to Doctors: Obamacare Settled It, Health Care is a ‘Right’

Vice President Joe Biden wrapped up his California visit on Friday by telling doctors that the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, had “ended the debate” about whether health care is a privilege or a right, according to the Orange County Register.


White House Caught in Lie over Netanyahu Speech

On Friday, White House spokesperson said that President Barack Obama would not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he visits Washington, D.C. in March due to a policy of not meeting with foreign leaders prior to their election campaigns, “to avoid the appearance of influencing a democratic election in a foreign country.” However, that excuse proves empty against the historical record, as Bill Clinton met then-Prime Minister Shimon Peres in 1996.


Biden Touts Controversial Community College Plan in California

Vice President Joe Biden told students at West Los Angeles College on Friday that President Barack Obama’s plan to offer “free” community college would prepare young Americans to compete for opportunities in the global economy. “The rest of the world is catching

Biden at West Los Angeles College (Kevin Wolf / Associated Press)

Stop Bibi: J Street Gives Netanyahu the Sarah Palin Treatment

J Street, a George Soros-funded, far-left organization that styles itself as “pro-Israel” but spends its energy opposing Israeli policies, is trying to stop Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from addressing Congress in a special session in March.

Associated Press

Blue State Blues: Exclusive–Netanyahu’s Upcoming Speech to Congress (Full Text)

“I am not here to make the case for war. I am not even here to make the case for new sanctions. You know it well enough. On both sides of the aisle, you have leaders who can speak more powerfully than I about why more pressure is needed, after a year of fruitless talks. No—I am here to ask merely that America be what America is: the leader of the free world.”

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

Study: Republicans 37.5% More Likely to Work on Vacation

A new study by the RAND Corporation has found that Americans are increasingly likely to work while on vacation–and that Republicans are 37.5% more likely to work on vacation than Democrats, even when controlling for all other factors.

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Obama’s Lying to You About Free College, Kids

President Barack Obama took his State of the Union on the road yesterday, telling college students in Boise, ID that he will make two years of college “free” and “universal.” What he did not tell them, however, is that he wants to tax 529 savings plans to pay for those two free years of community college–which are already free anyway for poor students, under federal grants.

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

Report: Obama Leaked Mossad Report to Embarrass Netanyahu

Israel’s Army Radio, via the Jerusalem Post, reports that local sources claim U.S. President Barack Obama arranged the leak of a Mossad report on the Iran nuclear talks as an act of revenge against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for agreeing to speak to Congress in February about radical Islam and the Iranian threat. The Mossad report allegedly suggests new sanctions would cause talks to collapse, and its release is calculated to suggest disagreement with Netanyahu.

Obama and Ben Rhodes (Reuters)

With Bibi Invite, Boehner Counters Obama in Israeli Election

Speaker of the House John Boehner announced Wednesday morning that he would invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress on Feb. 11. “In this time of challenge, I am asking the Prime Minister to address Congress on the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life,” Boehner said in a press statement. The timing suits Netanyahu perfectly, as it comes five weeks before Israelis will go to the polls on March 17.


SOTU: Obama Vows to Veto Iran Sanctions–Again

In his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama repeated his threat from last year’s address to veto any new Iran sanctions passed by Congress. He also claimed that Iran’s nuclear program had been stalled, and pledged to reach a deal by the end of the year. The language was almost the same as he used in 2014, though he failed to stop Iran’s nuclear program or to reach a deal over the past year, and in fact extended talks twice past the original deadline agreed one year ago today.


SOTU: No Mention of Yemen as U.S.-Backed Government Falls

In his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday evening, President Barack Obama touted his foreign policy successes–but failed to mention Yemen, where Shia militias overthrew the government earlier in the day, and where Americans anxiously anticipated evacuation from the embassy and the country.


Iraq War Can No Longer Be an Excuse for Inaction

The Iraq War may have been a serious mistake. Regardless, we cannot dwell on that mistake so obsessively that we fail to act–as we did in the 1930s–to stop a new threat.


On 1-Year Anniversary of Nuke Talks, Iran Signs Military Deal with Russia

On the one-year anniversary of the start of talks with Iran, and as President Barack Obama prepares to give his State of the Union address, Russia has signed a military deal with Iran. The agreement covers “includes expanded counter-terrorism cooperation, exchanges of military personnel for training purposes and an understanding for each country’s navy to more frequently use the other’s ports,” the AP reports.


State of the Union 2015 Preview: The Troll-in-Chief

“Trolling.” That’s the theme of commentary on President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address as he prepares to face a Congress that is totally controlled by Republicans. Since guiding his party to a staggering defeat in a midterm election

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

LBJ or MLK? Selma Debate Highlights Skeletons in Democrats’ Closet

In the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, the moment when the momentum shifted decisively against Hillary Clinton was when the New York Senator embroiled herself in a controversy over whether President Lyndon Baines Johnson or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deserved


7 Short Years: From Proposition 8 to National Gay Marriage?

If the Court does uphold same-sex marriage as a constitutional right, it will mark a stunning transformation of marriage in less than seven years. In 2008, voters in California, easily one of the most liberal states, passed Proposition 8, which made traditional marriage the only form of marriage recognized in the state, overturning an earlier ruling by the state’s courts. Rather than make their case again to the voters, gay marriage advocates took to the courts, dominated by liberal judges.

AP Photo/Annika AF Klercker

Obama’s Dangerous Lies About His Iran Record

Obama claimed: “What was remarkable was that when I came into office, the world was divided around this issue. Iran was united. Through some very strong diplomatic work, we united the world and isolated Iran.” Obama also claimed: “The agreement has held and negotiations have been serious. We have not lost ground. Iran has not accelerated its program during the time these negotiations have taken place.” All of those claims, however, are false–and dangerously so.


Jim Clancy out at CNN After Anti-Israel Twitter Rant

CNN international correspondent Jim Clancy has left the network after 34 years–and after a bizarre anti-Israel rant on Twitter in which the veteran journalist blamed pro-Israel advocates for connecting the Charlie Hebdo massacre with Islam.

Jim Clancy (Twitter)

Blue State Blues: Banning Antisemitism Does Not Help Jews

On Tuesday, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls addressed the National Assembly and gave the most stirring speech on antisemitism since Chaim Herzog literally tore up the “Zionism is racism” resolution at the UN General Assembly in 1975. Valls reiterated his recent argument that

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)