Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 283

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

LAPD Anti-Terror Cops Arrest Suspect in Massive Downtown Fire

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has arrested a suspect, Dawud Abdulwali, 56, on arson charges connected with the massive downtown fire last December that consumed the Da Vinci apartment complex. The Los Angeles Times reports that Abdulwali was arrested Tuesday morning during a traffic stop, and after a lengthy investigation.

Da Vinci Fire (Nancy Yuille / Associated Press)

Rand Paul Joins Left in Blaming GOP ‘Hawks’ for ISIS

President Barack Obama once dismissed ISIS (or “ISIL”) as a “junior varsity” outfit. As the terrorist organization has grown in size, wealth, and power, Obama’s allies on the left have moved from dismissing ISIS outright to blaming Republicans for its rise, arguing that it would never have emerged if President George W. Bush had not invaded Iraq. (Democrats’ support for the war is conveniently omitted.) Now, Sen. Rand Paul has joined the left in blaming GOP ‘hawks’ for the rise of ISIS.

The Associated Press

California Democrats Disagree: How Much Surplus to Waste?

California is enjoying another year of budget surplus–and the state’s Democrats cannot wait to spend the spoils. Though Gov. Jerry Brown’s new plans call for spending an additional $7.5 billion more than originally budgeted–an increase that is larger than the entire budgets of some states–Democrats in the state legislature are predicting a $2.5 billion surplus in the year to come, and bickering over which of the state’s generous social welfare programs will benefit from the new cash.

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File

Obama Disgraces the Dead with False Claims of Success

There is no commitment to America’s fighting men and women that President Barack Obama has not broken. When he ran for office in 2008, he promised to leave a residual force in Iraq to secure that country against external meddling and internal collapse. When he took office, President George W. Bush handed over a relatively stable and secure Iraq, thanks to the “surge” Obama opposed, and thanks to the sacrifices made by thousands of Americans, killed and wounded in battle.

The Associated Press

CA Poll: Warren Polls Higher than Every Republican, but Trails Clinton

A Field poll released Friday shows that potential presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) polls higher among Democrats than any Republican polls among likely GOP voters in California–albeit within a wide margin of error. Warren only polls at 13% among Democrats, far

warren presidential

With Iran Ship, Obama Reaps What He Sowed in Gaza Flotilla

The international diplomatic and military crisis sparked by Iran’s decision to send an “aid” vessel directly to Yemen–along with an escort of warships–rather than to the international coordinating point in Djibouti was the latest escalation in Iran’s attempt to assert its new dominance as a regional power. Notably, Iran’s tactics mirror those used by Palestinian activists, backed by Turkey, in the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident, when an Islamist “aid” ship challenged the Israeli navy off Gaza.

Gaza Flotilla (Israel Defense Forces / Screenshot / YouTube)

CA Unions Lose Big in East Bay Special Election

California’s powerful unions lost a key special election this week in an all-Democrat race for State Senate in the East Bay that pitted a reformist candidate, Orinda Mayor Steve Glazer, against a reliable Big Labor vote, Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla. The race took place on what was nominally Republican turf, after State Sen. Mark DeSaulnier resigned. Heavy spending by independent groups on both sides–and the state’s new “jungle” primary–helped Glazer win 55%-45%.

Steve Glazer (Steve Glazer / Flickr / CC)

5 Reasons the Iraq War Was Not a Mistake

The media have finally extracted from Hillary Clinton the question they have pressing her Republican rivals to answer for several weeks now: knowing what we now know about Iraq–that it did not have the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) it was thought to have–should we still have invaded Iraq? The answer journalists wish to hear is “no,” because it is a way of excusing President Barack Obama for the predictable (and predicted) mess that transpired when he withdrew from Iraq.

The Associated Press

University of California At Center of Antisemitism Fight

The University of California has produced some of the most blatant cases of campus antisemitism in recent months, with Jewish students singled out for their faith–often by anti-Israel activists. That prompted 57 rabbis and 107 members of the UC faculty to write to the administration Monday, the Los Angeles Times reports, to ask that it adopt the State Department definition of antisemitism, which includes demonizing Israel, delegitimizing Israel, or holding double standards for Israel.


With 2016 Looming, Jerry Brown to Sign ‘Landmark’ Climate Change Deal

California Gov. Jerry Brown is to sign a “landmark climate change agreement” in Sacramento Tuesday, his office announced Monday. The surprise move comes just days after potential Democratic presidential contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren delivered a stirring address to the California Democrats Convention.

The Associated Press

Democrats Have a Demographic Problem in 2016

A report by Daniel J. McGraw in this weekend’s Politico brings rigorous data analysis–i.e. “quick back-of-the-napkin math”–to bear on the GOP’s demographic “problem”: namely, that Republican voters tend to be old, so more of them are dying. (If you are a Democrat, this is not a problem, as death has historically posed no real impediment to voting.) Yet the real demographic problem in 2016 is not the age of Republican voters: rather, it is the age of the Democratic candidates.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP

Man-Made: NYT Blames Jerry Brown’s Dad for CA Drought

CORONADO — When Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina called California’s drought “man-made” earlier this year, blaming mismanagement by the state’s liberal politicians, Democrats mocked her. The Washington Post’s fact-checker even gave her two “Pinocchios” for the claim. However, on Sunday the New York Times appeared to agree that the drought is man-made, at least in its impacts–and blamed former Gov. Pat Brown, father of current Gov. Jerry Brown.

Pat Brown and Jerry Brown (Associated Press)

As Warren Speaks in CA, Leading Democrat Mocks Native Americans

A leading Democrat is in trouble after mocking Native Americans at the California Democrats’ Convention on Saturday, whose keynote speaker was left-wing U.S. Senate Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who claims dubious Native American roots.

The Associated Press

Once out, Now in: Sanchez Declares for U.S. Senate

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) has formally announced that she will run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by a retiring Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in 2016. She will challenge California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who was the first to declare her candidacy earlier this year, and had already begun raising millions of dollars in the hopes of clearing the field of rivals.

The Associated Press

Obama’s Iran Deal Lie Collapses: Russia Says No ‘Snap-Back’ Sanctions

President Barack Obama has defended the impending nuclear deal with Iran by promising Americans that there will be automatic “snap-back” provisions to restore sanctions automatically if Iran cheats on its obligations: “If Iran violates the deal, sanctions can be snapped back into place,” he said in April. On Wednesday, Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told Bloomberg News that there would be no such provisions: “There can be no automaticity, none whatsoever,” he said.

Obama at Press Dinner - NPR Photo

Video: Iran, North Korea, Cuba Slam U.S. at UN Human Rights Council

Following the Obama administration’s craven presentation of America’s–largely imaginary–human rights shortcomings to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Monday, the member states took their turns to add to the criticism. In many cases, the countries piling on were dictatorships that murder and persecute their own citizens with absolute impunity.

Human Rights Council

The NSC: ‘Radical Wing’ of Obama White House

The National Security Council (NSC) is meant to serve as “the President’s principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. Increasingly, it is a repository for radicals whose ideas are too extreme for public scrutiny, and who would never pass congressional muster. The latest case is the NSC’s hosting last month of a Palestinian-American teenager, Tariq Khdeir, who was beaten by Israeli police in 2014.


A Free Trader’s Case for Skepticism on Obama’s Trade Deal

I believe in free trade. I think the evidence is compelling that the free flow of goods and services makes Americans better off and is a fundamental national interest. It also reduces global poverty and increases the potential for liberty worldwide. The costs to jobs in some industries can be partly addressed by job growth in others. So I am on board, in theory, for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other deals, including with the EU. But I don’t think Obama has earned the trust for “fast-track.”

The Associated Press

Obama Complains to UN About America’s ‘Human Rights’ Violations

The Obama administration has, once again, complained to the United Nations about alleged American human rights violations–and boasted about liberal policies like Obamacare as the solution. The State Department report, released Monday as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council, reads less like an accounting of human rights issues and more like the platform of the Democratic Party–and invites the world to judge America harshly.

Zarif at Human Rights Counctil (Denis Balbouse / Reuters)

Jewish Kids on Campus Should Stop Being Afraid

The New York Times has published an extensive article documenting the fear felt by many Jewish students on American college campuses because of the large, well-funded, and aggressive anti-Israel movement.


Drought: Starbucks to Stop Bottling Water in California

In an official statement, Starbucks has announced that it will stop bottling water in drought-stricken California and will move production–and jobs–to Pennsylvania to produce the Ethos brand of water that it sells in thousands of coffee shops.

Ethos (Paul Swansen / Flickr / CC)

Obama’s Pathetic Hypocrisy on Trade

By now, it is beyond cliché to point out the many ways in which President Barack Obama abandons his former positions when they become politically inconvenient. His reversal on free trade, however, stands out because it is the one reversal that faces significant opposition from within his own party, and specifically from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Recently Obama said that “Elizabeth is a politician just like everybody else.” That would, presumably, include Obama himself.

President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks at Lehman College in the Bronx borough of New

Naked Final Exam at UC San Diego Sparks Mom’s Outrage

Arriving naked at a final exam is one of the most common nightmares for students, according to Psychology Today. At the University of California San Diego, however, the naked final exam is a requirement for a class in the visual arts

Resonance (Holly Eskew / Flickr : CC)

Israel Defense Minister: Terrorists ‘Use Our Law Against Us’

JERUSALEM, Israel — Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon told legal scholars at a conference on the laws of war that terrorists who failed to destroy Israel were resorting to new methods, which included “using our law against us.”

Moshe 'Bogie' Ya'alon (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

Netanyahu in Trouble as Right-wing Foreign Minister Quits

JERUSALEM, Israel — “Only in Israel can you win an election and lose it the next day,” intoned the announced on Israel’s Army Radio on Tuesday morning, over audio of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory speech from the elections in March. On Monday, Netanyahu’s fragile coalition-building effort suffered a dangerous setback with the sudden departure of Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, which leaves Netanyahu with a slim and unstable 61-59 majority in the Knesset.

Netanyahu (Reuters)

Israel’s OurCrowd Revolutionizes Investing, Startup Funding

JERUSALEM, Israel — The future of tech investing is housed–barely–in a stone spice warehouse on the Hebron Road in Jerusalem. There are, I am told, bullet holes in the walls, from the days when the building faced the boundary with Jordan. On the day I visit, it sounds like a war zone–a battle of drills and hammers, fire alarms and telephones, as the company expands into neighboring space. Only two years old, OurCrowd is revolutionizing startup funding–and growing rapidly.

OurCrowd (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

Feminist Blogger Speculates Goldberg’s Death a Suicide

Penelope Trunk, an entrepreneur and “geek feminist” who blogs about careers and business, has speculated openly that the sudden death of Dave Goldberg, CEO of SurveyMonkey and husband of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, was a suicide.

The Associated Press

Breaking: Terror Attack Near Terror Conference in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, Israel — Security officers shot and wounded a 35-year-old Arab man who attempted to carry out a terror attack at a light rail station steps away from where international legal experts had gathered for a conference on terrorism.

Jerusalem light rail terror (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

Col. Kemp: Media Encourage Terrorists to Use Human Shields in War

JERUSALEM, Israel — Col. Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, told a legal conference that the Western media have encouraged terrorists to use human shields in war by focusing attention on civilian casualties in such a way that Western military forces were effectively deterred from responding to terrorist attacks. He suggested that legal doctrines might need to be adjusted in order to remove the operational advantage human shields provide terrorists.

Hamas stops Palestinian children from entering Israel on peace trip

Terror Conference Kicks off in Jerusalem: ‘New Law of War’

JERUSALEM, Israel — As police scrambled to contain a possible terror attack on a Mohammed cartoon contest in Texas, legal scholars and activists gathered in Jerusalem for a conference on terrorism and its implications for the laws of war.

Shurat HaDin (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

Baltimore in Israel: Ethiopians Protest, 27 Police Hurt, Major Road Blocked

JERUSALEM, Israel — Thousands of Ethiopian immigrants to Israel continued their nationwide protest against police brutality on Sunday evening, shutting down a major highway for three hours and demonstrating in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square. As in protests last Thursday in Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv protest turned violent, and 27 law enforcement officers were injured, according to Ynet. The protests were sparked by video of two policemen beating an Ethiopian soldier in uniform.

Ethiopian Protest in Israel (Reuters)

Dave Goldberg, SurveyMonkey CEO and Sandberg Spouse, Dies Suddenly

Dave Goldberg, the CEO of SurveyMonkey and husband of Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, died suddenly on Friday evening, according to a Facebook post by his brother Robert. Goldberg passed away while on vacation with his family. The cause of death was not disclosed.


Jimmy Carter: Hamas Leader Is Not a Terrorist, Wants Peace

TEL AVIV, Jerusalem — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter visited Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas this weekend at his headquarters in Ramallah, and declared that Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal is not a “terrorist.” Carter said that he would not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because it was a “waste of time,” and that Meshaal not only wanted a “peace process,” but would commit to recognizing Israel as part of a deal brokered by Saudi Arabia.

Carter and Abbas (Reuters)

Kerry to Israelis: Stop the ‘Hysteria’ over Iran Deal

TEL AVIV, Israel — Secretary of State John Kerry appeared on Israeli television over the weekend, telling seven-million-plus Israelis that critics of the emerging Iran deal were guilty of “hysteria.” Israel, which sits a short missile flight away from potentially nuclear-armed Iranian warheads, and which has seen Iranian soldiers along its borders with Syria and Lebanon, has loudly protested the negotiations that the Obama administration has pursued with the Iranian regime.

The Associated Press