Joel B. Pollak

Joel B. Pollak - Page 282

Articles by Joel B. Pollak

Confederate Flag: At Least Bury the Dead First

The dead are not yet buried in Charleston, yet the South Carolina legislature is to meet in special session Tuesday to debate the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the Capitol grounds, reportedly at the behest of Gov. Nikki Haley. Whether the flag belongs there or not–and I would argue that it does not–the flag had nothing to do with the nine murders in a church last week. To tear it down in such haste is to dishonor the dead–and to accept a collective guilt that knows no end.

The Associated Press

California Raisins Beat Feds at U.S. Supreme Court

You may have heard it through the grapevine: the California raisin farmers who challenged the federal government’s power to seize a substantial portion of each year’s crop as part of a New Deal price-floor scheme had a very strong case under

Richard Simmons and California Raisin (Ezio Petersen / UPI)

ADL’s Foxman Smears Michael Oren as anti-Muslim

Abraham H. Foxman, the outgoing national director of the Anti-Defamation League, has blasted Israel’s former envoy to the U.S., Michael Oren, for his comments about how President Barack Obama has deliberately harmed the U.S.-Israel relationship. Foxman is a liberal Democrat, and would rather blame Israel rather than examine the politics of his own party, so his defense of the White House is no surprise. However, he descends to the level of personally smearing Oren.

Abe Foxman (Michael Loccisano / Getty)

Drought? Climate Change? Obama Jets to Palm Springs for Golf

On Thursday, President Barack Obama pledged: “I am committed to taking bold actions at home and abroad to cut carbon pollution.” On Friday, the President told a gathering of the nation’s mayors in San Francisco that they had to prepare for climate change. On Saturday, he flew on Air Force One to Palm Springs, where on Sunday he is playing golf at Sunnylands.

Obama Golf (Nicholas Kamm / AFP / Getty)

Yes, Racism Exists, Jon Stewart. Now, Stop Hurting America

On Friday evening, July 2, 1999, a crazed young man drove through my Chicago neighborhood looking for Jews to kill. He had already shot half a dozen in a neighboring area (all of whom survived). He saw a black man walking with his family and decided that was good enough. He shot him–and Ricky Byrdsong, former Northwestern University basketball coach, died. The killer led an interstate manhunt, during which he killed a Korean man and attacked a church before shooting himself.

The Associated Press

Blue State Blues: Millennials Learn–Sharing is Caring, Taxing is Taking

“Millennials” are suddenly realizing that government is something other than “the name we give to the things we choose to do together,” as former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank said. On the contrary, government is often the name we give to what one group of people does to another group by force of law.

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

Obama Politicizes Charleston Shooting: Calls for Gun Control, Slams America

President Barack Obama reacted to Wednesday’s horrific massacre at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina by calling for gun control and criticizing the United States for the frequency of mass shooting events. “We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun,” Obama said, adding: “At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.”

Formal Investiture Ceremony Held For Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Netanyahu Refuses to Slam Oren for Telling the Truth About Obama

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declined to criticize a new memoir by his former ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, who accuses President Barack Obama of deliberately souring the U.S.-Israel relationship. The book, Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli

The Associated Press

Democrats: $130 Million for Health Care for Illegal Alien Kids

One year ago, thousands of illegal alien children flooded the southern border, creating an acute political crisis for President Barack Obama, and a humanitarian crisis for border states. Now, Democrats in California have struck a new budget deal that will cover the health care of hundreds of thousands of illegal alien children in California, costing $130 million per year.


Former Israeli Ambassador: Obama Has a Problem–with America

The most explosive passage in Michael Oren’s new book on the frayed U.S.-Israel relationship is not about President Barack Obama’s repeated fights with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Rather, it is about Obama himself.

Michael Oren (IsraelinUSA / Flickr / CC / Cropped)

Rogue L.A. Construction Sign: ‘Hillary Back Begging’

A roadside construction sign in the posh Los Angeles neighborhood of Brentwood flashed anti-Obama and anti-Hillary messages on Monday, as a local crew trimmed lush coral trees on the median of San Vicente Boulevard nearby.

Hillary Back Begging (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

ADL’s Foxman Panics over Liberal Support for Israel

Outgoing Anti-Defamation League chief Abe Foxman has reportedly panicked over what he calls declining U.S. support for Israel, and blamed Israel for taking Americans, and American Jews, for granted. Foxman’s claims contradict polls showing that American support for Israel is near an all-time high. The real reason for his freakout: liberals support Israel less, which means that American Jews support Israel less, because of President Barack Obama’s confrontational policy toward Israel.

Abe Foxman (Michael Loccisano / Getty)

Blue State Blues: Obama Doesn’t Care About Free Trade

Obama goes through the motions when it comes to his fundamental responsibilities as the leader of the free world, so that he can focus his energy instead on the three “R’s”–redistribution, race, and recreation.

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

Barack Obama the Negotiator: From Rezko to the Present

The debate over providing “fast track” authority for President Barack Obama to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other trade deals has touched on constitutional, economic, and political arguments. Yet the most important question is whether Obama should be allowed to negotiate anything at all after a dismal track record. When Obama is negotiating with anyone other than congressional Republicans, who fold easily, he makes one bad deal after another.


‘Ally’: Michael Oren’s Memoir to Expose Obama Administration’s Abuse of Israel

Former Israeli ambassador Michael Oren is set to release a new memoir June 23: Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide. The book tells the story of Oren’s four years (2009-13) as Israel’s representative in Washington–and reveals just how hostile the Obama administration is towards Israel. Though he argues Obama is not anti-Israel, Oren notes that his administration did all it could to bully Israel into compliance with its hopelessly naïve new agenda in the Middle East.

Michael Oren (Tara Todras / Associated Press)

The ‘Larger Truth’ About Eric Casebolt and the McKinney Pool Party

Eric Casebolt, the police officer who was filmed tackling a teenage girl at a McKinney, Texas pool party and drawing his weapon on bystanders, has resigned. That may protect him from disciplinary action, and perhaps keep his personnel file clean enough to apply

Youtube screenshot

Israeli Defense Minister: Palestinian State Not Happening in My Lifetime

Israeli defense minister Moshe ‘Bogey’ Ya’alon told a conference Tuesday that there will be no Palestinian state in his lifetime, given the refusal of Palestinian leaders to make a deal. The best-case scenario, he said, would be to manage the conflict in its present form–not to force drastic concessions towards “impossible goals that could cause instability.”

Yaalon (Getty)

Obama’s 6-Year Assault on the Courts

As a candidate for President of the United States, Barack Obama promised to restore balance to the Constitution, after what many argued was a period of executive overreach, infringing on civil liberties and the balance of powers. When he launched his campaign, he even referred to his past career as a “civil rights lawyer,” and a constitutional law teacher. Once in office, however, Obama expanded executive powers even further, and led a 6-year assault on judicial independence.


UN Agency Spokesman Goes Wild on Twitter to Defend Denial

Chris Gunness, spokesperson for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which deals uniquely with Palestinian refugees, denied last week that UNRWA had handed weapons to Hamas during last summer’s Gaza war–and blocked critics on Twitter who had questioned his denial. Gunness also responded to critics by tweeting a graphic photograph of a maimed Palestinian child, and by accusing UN human rights critic Anne Bayefsky of “racism” for her criticism.

Chris Gunness (Screenshot / UN)

Jerry Brown: ‘I Didn’t Take a Shower This Morning’

California Gov. Jerry Brown is attempting to implement the state’s first-ever mandatory water cutbacks, among voluntary measures, and he is leading by example: “I didn’t take a shower this morning,” he told reporters in San Jose last week.

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

Drought: Lacking Water, Bakersfield Water Plant May Shut Down

A water plant in northeast Bakersfield in California’s Central Valley may shut down by the fall due to lack of available water for filtration, according to local ABC News affiliate KERO-23. The Kern River, which flows from the Sierra Nevada

Kern River Bakersfield Drought (David McNew / Getty)

Republicans Should Call Clinton’s Bluff on Universal Voting

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton accused Republicans of trying to suppress the vote through voter identification laws, strongly implying that they were doing so out of racist motives. Voter photo ID is standard throughout the world, as Clinton well knows, including


Israel, Saudis Reveal Secret Talks on Iran

President Barack Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East is  a failure, but he is responsible for at least one accidental success: bringing Israel and Saudi Arabia, once implacable foes, together in opposition to his agenda. On Thursday, Israel’s Dore Gold, the incoming director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, appeared in Washington, DC at the Council on Foreign Relations alongisde Anwar Majed Eshki, a former adviser to the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., and revealed secret Israeli-Saudi talks on Iran.

Handshake (Justin Sullivan / Getty)

Blue State Blues: The 17 Worst Ideas in the CA Democratic Platform

Former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee announced his campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for president this past week. One of his top priorities is to convert the United States to the metric system. Doing so, presumably, will make us more “international.” It sounds silly, yet here in California, the most recent Democratic Party Platform officially backs ideas that are just as bad. It can do so, because the opposition is so weak. Here, in non-metric style, are the top 17 worst ideas.

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

Obama Administration Flacks Defend Iran over Alleged Nuclear Violations

State Department spokesperson Marie Harf and White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes have launched an unprecedented effort to discredit, discount and deny the Times story that reports that “Tehran’s stockpile of nuclear fuel increased about 20 percent over the last 18 months of negotiations.”


De Klerk: Apartheid Was Not a ‘Crime Against Humanity’

Former South African President F. W. de Klerk, who shared the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with Nelson Mandela for his role in steering South Africa from apartheid to democracy, has protested the way the current South African government is treating minority Afrikaners. In a speech at the Voortrekker Monument–an important Afrikaner symbol–De Klerk said that Afrikaners had been made to feel overly guilty for the past, and argued that apartheid had not been a “crime against humanity.”

Mandela and De Klerk (Associated Press)

WSJ Promotes Op-ed Claiming Transgender Identity is a Mental Disorder

On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal’s online edition promoted a June 2014 op-ed by Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, which argues that transgender identity is a mental illness akin to bulimia and should not be treated with surgery, which can cause more harm than good. Though the article did not appear in the paper’s print edition, its promotion on the website coincides with the debate over former Olympian Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner.


Sorry, Obama–James Madison Was ‘Closest Thing to a Jew’ to Be President

President Barack Obama recently told a synagogue audience that he was “the first Jewish President.” The remark was more than a joke: apparently Obama actually believes it. His former adviser David Axelrod told an Israeli television station this week that Obama had boasted privately: “You


Minimum Wage Inflation: Dems Want State Hike to $13 per Hour

The California State Senate voted on party lines Monday to raise the minimum wage to $13 per hour by 2017–a 44% increase from where it stands today, at $9 per hour. Just two years ago, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that increased the minimum from $8 per hour in 2013 to $10 per hour by 2016. The new bill, introduced by State Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) as a measure to reduce poverty and inequality, would amount to a staggering and unprecedented 62.5% increase in four years.

Minimum Wage protest, California (Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty)

Reported Deal on ‘Snap-Back’ Iran Sanctions Has 3 Fatal Flaws

With one month left for talks, news has emerged that the P5+1–six powers negotiating with Iran (Russia, China, France, Britain, Germany and the U.S.)–have reached a deal on “snap-back” Iran sanctions–i.e. sanctions that would be removed as part of a nuclear deal but which would automatically be restored if Iran broke the agreement, due June 30. Reuters suggested that all that remained was for Iran to agree, and a major obstacle would be gone. Yet the snap-back “deal” has three fatal flaws.

The Associated Press

Blue State Blues: FIFA Stands for ‘F— Israel, F— America’

For decades, our global betters have been urging Americans to take more of an interest in soccer. And we have–though not the interest the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) had in mind. This week, the U.S. Department of Justice revealed that 14 FIFA officials had been indicted for corruption. In somewhat related news, FIFA is to vote this weekend on suspending Israel from international soccer because of security-related travel restrictions on some Palestinian players.

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)